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"GUYS THE CHRISTMAS CATALOG IS HERE!" shouted my mum to me and my brother who were upstairs.

I ran downstairs with my brother and we both snatched it. Every year around Christmas a catalog full of all the latest Christmas presents that kids want comes to our house. I flipped threw. There was a few cute plushes I circled and a Nintendo.

"Guys this year you can only circle 5" said mum.

Last year we could circle 10 but now because of dads job we only circle 5. I was ok with it. I didn't feel I needed that much. After I was done I gave it to my mom.

"Thank you!" I said.

I was so exited for Christmas! It was my favorite time of the year! Me and Dominic always played a guessing game to see what we'd get. Dominic always found a way to bribe my parents into giving him more. But why would you do that? Santa gives you all the gifts! *coughs*

Anyways I was sold on getting that Nintendo. I would do whatever it takes. I've had to already proven Santa right with my talent? And I used the money for a good cause! I donated it to Alopecia UK. Surely those were magnificent deeds!

Mom made us some hot chocolate while my dad got the ornaments and decorations from the shed and brought them inside. It was a very cozy and Christmasy feeling. Me and my brother put our hot chocolate in a to go cup and we went to pick out a Christmas tree. When we got there I ran threw trying to come upon the perfect one! Penny is going to have to get her Christmas tree up later than usual.

Finally I stumbled across a magnificent, tidy, beautiful and symmetrical tree. My brother found another one he liked but I was sold that mine was better.

"Mum, dad, I think this tree is perfect!" I said.

"No, check out this one!" said Dominic.

"Why both of yours look marvelous, I can't seem to choose" said my mum.

She took out a 1£ coin. I chose heads and he chose tails. The challenge was on. She flipped it. It landed in her palm perfectly and she slammed it on to the other side of her other hand. It was.... tails.

"YES!!!"said Dominic.

"Come on!" I said in a silly type of frustration.

"Dominic go help your father load up the tree, me and Beth will get a jar of pickles" said my mum. *pickles on Christmas is so a normal tradition*coughs*not*coughs*

When we got home we put up the tree. Me and my brother put on the ornaments and my mum decorated around the house while my dad put up the lights outside. After we were all done my dad lifted me to the top of the tree and I placed down the star. It was beautiful! The whole house looked so happy and well Christmasy! After that we watched Christmas movies and cuddled up together as a family. Things here were getting jolly!

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