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It was finally Saturday of a long week. I went to the park with James again. I was going to have to tell Penny or Sailor about this trip though. You'll see why.

I was making my way there with Pepsi at my side. When I got there I saw no sign of James so decided to instead go on the Nintendo as I waited. Just as I flipped it open I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw James with a smile. We hugged and sat down. We chatted. I asked how Ralph was. To my surprise, Ralph was doing great. He had made some good friends and has been getting decent marks. After a while of talking James began to talk much more serious and almost nervous.

"So er, I'm sure you remember when you know I kinda sorta asked you out," said James with his hand rubbing his neck.

"Yes," I said in a questionable note.

"Well I was wondering if-" he spoke but I zoned the rest out.

I got so excited. He was going to ask me out! But he knows I can't date until 17! Wait, did I just get excited over home asking me out? I'll have to tell him no. Although I could keep this secret. No what am I saying. You just have to say no.

"James, look you know I can't date until 17," I said in a responsible sort of tone.

"No, no, no, I wasn't going to ask you out, I was going to ask if you could put in a good word for me," he said.

"With who?," I asked.

"Your friend," he said.

"Penny?," I asked in shock.

"No Sailor," he said embarrassed.

I was still shook. Sailor was very pretty and an incredible person to be with. I was filled with pure jealousy. I smiled and simply shook it off.

"Hmm..," I said.

"So will you?," he asked.

"Oh I was just thinking of a cute ship name for you two," I said trying to signal that it meant yes.

"Thanks Beth," he said and really looked like he meant it.

"So what's Sailor into," he asked.

"Art, dogs, and fashion," I said.

After that we dropped the subject for a bit. Either way I knew he was thinking about how great it would be Sailor took my spot right now. I sighed and thought hard about what would happen if Jailor came true.

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