Wow do things turn around

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It was the day. I knew the song I was going to preform. It was hakuna matata. I went into the back of the coffee shop we're the private talent show was. My mom and dad weren't aloud to watch me. Only the contestants and judges could see me. When I got to the back I noticed the same scary man who auditioned me was there he smiled and waved.

I waved back. When he walked up to me I saw a terrible, horrifying thing. Right behind him was a girl with curly blond hair. She just so happened to be Mandy.

"Hi Beth, this is my daughter Mandy" he said. "She's in the talent show"

Mandy gave me a smirk. Her dad wished me good luck and we split ways. I went over to the check in table and filled in my name. I suddenly felt so nervous. More nervous than the auditions. I was surrounded by so many people. A lot seemed to be musicians. An artist or two, a mime, and some magicians. There was a piano on a little stage. A women walked up to the stage.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the local talent competition, I want you all to know that even if you don't make it the fact that you made it this far means you are definitely talented and should go after your dream" she said. "Now lets get started, when I call your name go up to the stage and do what you do!"

They called people name by name in alphabetical order. "Amanda Atwater"

Mandy was third to be called. She walked up calmly looking as if she was a different person. She went up to the piano and began. She played the piano decently which surprised me. I didn't know she was a pianist. But then she began to sing.

"When I was a little girl, I was cute, cuter than all of you, I am rich and I am talented, a definite first class, don't walk in my way..."

My thoughts interrupted her. She honestly sounded as if Woodleywas trying to sing! I giggled inside my mind. Kill them with kindness is what I thought so when she went off of stage and everyone gave her that awkward applaud I clapped and cheered like a psycho. She looked at me with questions running threw her brain but I just smiled in delight to see her in such amazed thought.

"Bethany Bates"

Time froze. It was seriously my turn. Oh no. I felt sick. I walked up slowly and got my guitar ready. And I began.

"Hakuna matata, means no worries about your day, hakuna matata, it's the only way!"

I kept singing and changing up the lyrics for fun. It felt great. I was singing to myself with my eyes closed completely going freestyle to my favorite song. Kinda like a remix. When I finally found a way to end it I bowed and walked off the stage. This time it was all silent. No applaud. But then out of nowhere. There was a storm of clapping hands. It was so loud the judges had to shush everyone. A smile sprung across my face! I would have been searching for Mandy's face to see her reaction but I didn't. There was to much glory.

I sat down and waited for all the performers. They were really impressive! Even the mime! Finally the same women who announced the start of the competition was going up on the stage to announce the end.

"That was an excellent show and I'm going to name the winners!" she said. "Our third place winner with a prize of 1,000 dollars is Rachel Plowman, second place with a 5,000 dollar prize is Bethany Bates, and first place with a performance at the cafe and a 10,000 dollar prize is Chris Ramon, thank you guys for joining us, don't forget to check out!"

I couldn't believe it. I got second place against about 60 people! I was so happy! My parents rewarded me with a dinner at one of my favorite restaurants! When I got home I went to James's house. I told him about getting second place. He hugged me, he literally hugged me. I hugged him back we both let go and smiled. We went to his room and played Pokémon. When it got late I went home. I loved spending time with James! I also told him I'd be a big sister and he was so happy for me. Honestly nothing could stop my great mood!

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