Leaving | Chapter 1

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Coming through the front door I was clung to Daddy back as he carried a few of the groceries in. He had his arms wrap around my legs to keep my from falling and he had the bags he could carry in his hands. 

I was exhausted from the long day of running earns we had to do today. Daddy told me I didn't have to come with him but I didn't want to be alone today. I wasn't in a good mood and I don't do well alone when I'm like this.

Most of the stuff we had picked up was still in the car because it was too much for him with me on his back. I was too tired to walk and he wanted me to be comfortable before he got everything else settled. 

Walking into the kitchen I was set on to the counter top and he placed the bags in his hand on the floor below my feet. He crouched down to be eye to eye with me and he ran a hand through my hair, catching my attention. "I have to go back out to the car but I'll be right back. Are you going to be okay by yourself Kitten?" He ask me in a soft tone. 

I nodded looking up at him with big doe eyes as I kicked my legs lightly as he left the room. I was fidgeting around, not being able to sit still. What can I say I get bored really easily and I have never been able to sit still.

 I knew he kind of had to go get the rest f the stuff with carrying me with him so that was the only reason I wasn't fussy about it. I can be reasonable something with him.

Before he came back in the room his phone rang which he had set on the counter across from where I was sitting. Moving slightly so I could see out the window I saw he wasn't coming back in anytime soon as he was struggling with pulling everything out. 

With a sight I jump down from where I was sitting, stepping over the bags on the ground and walked over to his phone. Looking down at the name on the phone it didn't look familiar to me but I think Ricky has talked about him a few times before, nothing I really payed attention to before. Ryan was the name that came up.

"Hello." I said picking up the call. At least now I don't have to listen to the annoying sound it made as it vibrated against the counter top. 

I heard a quiet sniffle come from the other end of the call and then I could make out the sound of car moving quickly. "Hi, is Ricky there?" He asked obviously being able to tell from the difference in our tone of voice that it wasn't him. 

I went to open my mouth to answer him but Ricky walked into the room and instead of saying him I shoved his phone towards him. "Who is it?" He whisper before he brought the phone up to his face.  "Ryan." I mouthed at him and he nodded as he brought the phone to his ear.

"Hey Ryan are you okay?" I heard Ricky ask him in a gentle tone that sounded similar to a tone he would use for me when I'm upset. I won't lie I was starting to get quite upset when he spoke to him in that way. 

"Are you out of there? Are you in a safe place?" He ask him quickly sounding panicked. I heard something being said on the other side of the call but I couldn't make out what was being said. "Okay just stay there and I'll pick you up as soon as I can. Stay there and if he calls don't answer it." Ricky said to him before ending the call.

He let out a sigh and lent against the counter with his arms holding him up. His back was to me and I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "What's wrong Daddy?" I ask him and he turned around to look at me.  

"A friend of mine needs me to go help him get away from his horrible boyfriend. Are you goign to be fine by yourself well I go get him?" He ask me and he was speaking slower, choosing his words carefully. I could tell that whoever his friend was with he wasn't too fond of him. 

I pouted at him not wanting him to leave and I also wasn't really happy about him going to get him. "I don't want you to go Daddy." I mumble as I rested my face on his chest, wrapping my arms around him, clinging to him.

"Aw baby what's wrong? Why don't go want me to go?" He ask me as he ran a hand through his hair. I could tell that my actions worried him and I was sure he thought something was wrong with me but that really wasn't the case. I knew though by acting like this he wouldn't leave me right away.

"You spoke to him in that tone of voice you use for me." I whined. It may seemed to ridiculously to get work up this much but I was sensitive, small thing riled me up. Plus I didn't like the idea of my Daddy treating anyone as sweetly as he treats me. I should be the only one he care for the most meaning so only I get that sweet, caring voice, it's mine. 

"Aw baby I only did that because he was worked up. I still care about you more then anything in the world. Plus you might like him, he's a lot like you." He said trying to reassure me.

I looked up at him, batting my eyelashes. "What do you mean?" I ask swaying slightly in his arms.

"It would give you another playmate." He said running a hand through my hair.

"The fact that he's a little makes it worse." I whined before I started to pout. "And why aren't I hearing about him till now?"

"Come on kitten be nice and you don't really have the best track record with other littles if I recall correctly." He said and I can't argue with him there. What can I say I needed to be the center of attention and I don't like that bring taken from me. 

I pouted and let out a while, clinging to his side. "Still. Please don't leave me." I wimpier out, hoping to make him feel bad enough and give in to what I want. Most days it works on him but some days he can be as stubborn as me. Well he gets upset when I call him stubborn, he claims to prefer persistent. That's not how I viewed it though.

"Come on kitten I'll be home as soon as possible. Please don't pick this to be a brat over. You've been so good all day." He start to walk out of my grasp and I let out a louder wimpier.

He let out a sigh and glanced down at my with gentle eyes. "I love you baby and I'll give you lots of cuddles when I get home." He really know how to get me to agree with him. He bent down and kissed my forehead

"And a new stuffie?" I ask, swaying my hips once again.

He raised an eyebrow as he was becoming aware of the game I was playing here. "Fine. Is that all you want?" He ask me. He really knows me too well.

"And chocolate chip cookies and and I get to eat as many as I want." I finished with a smirk. What can u say I wasn't going to make this easy on him. Not when he was leaving to help someone else. 

"Of course sweetheart." He said kissing my head. "Now i really do have to leave. I love you."

"I love you too Daddy." I said with a pout. I may of got my way but that doesn't mean he was forgive for leaving me. He still had to feel a little bit bad, that's only fair.

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