Gloomy | Chapter 17

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Sometime early the next day Daddy and I were woken up and told that Ryan was able to leave whenever he was ready too. We decided to let him wake up on his own and when he did Daddy helped him get dressed so we could leave as soon as possible.

I got bored with everything that was going on so Daddy let me play a game on his phone, since mine was died as he help Ryan with his releases papers that a different nurse then last night last night left for him. I guess the nice nurse had finished her shift or something like that, I wasn't too happy about that but at least were leaving so I guess it doesn't matter now.

There was a soft knock on the closed door which was weird because no one at hospitals seem to ever respect there patience privacy. Neither Daddy or Ryan heard it because they were so caught up on the paperwork. With a sigh I got up and got the door and standing there was the sweet nurse from earlier. Should of known it was her, most nurses would just knock and then walking in but she waited for me to get the door for her.

She glanced a bit into the room around me and then looking back at me. "Is it fine for me to come in or are they in the middle of something?" She asked me as she saw that there attentions were driven towards the clipboard that was on Daddy lap well he sat on the bed next to Ryan.

I nodded my head quickly and let her walk in. "They are just doing the paperwork stuff." I told her as she caught Daddy and Ryan's attention.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing before I leave for the end of my shift and from the looks of it you're doing well." She said sweetly with a smile.

Ryan nods, hiding himself behind Daddy a bit. He was even more wary of people but I could see why. I remember being in his situation and I was the same way, it's hard to be trusting to new people after your trust was broken by someone who claimed to love you.

She smiles sympathetically at him, not wanting to push him past his comfort zone as she only knew enough of the story to be able to do her job. Most people would of pushed him to talk but she back of, understanding that it had nothing to do with her but it was what he went through.

Daddy ran his hands up and down his back soothingly. I wanted to stomp my foot a bit because I didn't like the lack of attention I was getting but I knew I had to control my emotions right considering what Ryan has gone through. My jealously didn't understand that though.

"He's doing fine now, he's just a bit jumpy." Daddy told her, trying to explain Ryans behavior to her so she wouldn't get offended.

"I understand that. Even though I'm probably not supposed to do what I did I got you something and I was hoping I didn't miss you. Either way I liked it so I wouldn't of minded keeping it." She said with a laugh as she went to walk out of the room and over to her cart that she was pushing around with her.

She walked back in with something behind her back and when I saw it when she walked by me I couldn't help but let out a small awe. I was going to have to make Daddy buy me one of those later becasue I knew I needed it now, Daddy wasn't going to be able to tell me no either.

She pulled it out from behind her back and handed it to Ryan and he quickly grab it out of her hands without a second though and he had such a genuine smile on his face. It was a cute purple little bear stuffie with green like blood splatters effects and cute little green claws.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed, looking up at her in shook. Most nurses didn't think of the patience further them just getting them out of here but I think she was compassionate for what he went through.

"You're welcome. After hearing what you went through I was guessing you needed something. I hope things get better for you from here on out." She told him with a smile and I watched Ryan relax a bit, no longer hiding so much behind Daddy back. "Well I needed to go but it was nice meeting all of you." She said, looking around at the three of us as she spoke.

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