Being Strong | Chapter 15

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The police were quick to get to the scene after I had called then and I was thankful for that. TJ was escorted out of our house immediately and arrested him for assault and trespassing. There was a chance at a domestic violence charge being pressed against him as well but Ryan had to be willing to press that charge, no one could force him, even though I wanted too.

Ricky was a bit beat up but nothing too bad. From the looks of it TJ seem to have gotten the worst of it but he deserved it if you ask me. You don't hit anyone for the reasons he did and you don't come into someone home and torture your ex that you had already abused. Personally I'm hopping he gets in an accident on the way to the police satiation and everyone survives but him.

Ryan was rushed to the emergency room since his injuries turned out to be worsen then I had even though. I guess it was the shook of the moment that kept him going. He had an injured ankle that they didn't know yet what is wrong with it till they did an xray on it and his collar bone was fractured based on what the EMT had thought when he took a look at it. There was also some concerns towards a few blows that he had taken to his head. I'm hoping he is going to be okay.

I think they had also wanted to take him to the emergency room due to the fact that he never came out of the state of shook he had went into well everything had went on. He had just seemed to slip further and further into it. I was feeling like I should of done something when I noticed it but I didn't know how to help. I don't think I'll ever stopping feeling guilty for not helping him but at least when he gets better I'll know the true damage of that.

Daddy came up behind me after he had finished talking to the police and they had finally left. I was sitting on the front porch with a blanket wrap around my shoulders. He sat down next to me and pulled me into my arms.

"Daddy?"I ask him, catching his attention. I was shaking a little bit since it was freezing outside.

"Yes kitten? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" He asked me and I could tell he was worried. I think if anything had happened to me tonight it would be his breaking point, especially with all he just had to deal with.

"I'm okay Daddy I was just hoping we could go check on Ryan now if you're done with everything." I said to him.

He moved back a bit so he could look at my face. I think he was shocked by my request. "Are you sure you want to go? I know you don't do too well in hospitals." I didn't really want to go to the hospital but I knew i had too. Ryan had become apart of our family and I want him to feel cared about when he walks up or comes to again, however you want to look at it. He shouldn't be alone in a time like this. I know I could just have Daddy go to do this but I didn't really feel okay with being alone right now. It just didn't feel safe and this whole situation had bought back some really bad memories.

"I want to go, he shouldn't be alone, we need to be there for him." I told him moving away a bit so he could stand up. He pulled me up off of the ground once he was on his feet and pulled me into his arms as I wrap my legs around his waist.

Daddy went back into the house to grab his keys and my shoes and then locked up before bringing us over to his car. He placed me into the passenger seat and helped me with my seat belt as he saw I was making no move to do it myself. The fact that I haven't slip into little space yet was a bit socking to me but I think I was going to fight to stay out of it till we get back from the hospital. I don't want him to have too much to worry about. I was going to have to be a big boy for him for a few hours. I'll still let him do things like this for me because I know it matters to him to care for me. It is relaxing for him.

He walked around the car and got in. I let him back out of the driveway before I let out a small whine and I set my hand down on the consult between us. He looked over at me after he heard me whine and then down at my hand. I saw his lips turned up into a smile and he took my hand in his with a thigh grasp.

He gave me a few squeezes to let me know he was there for me. He was always there for me. "Tell me if the hospital get's too much for you well we're there. We'll leave together if we can or I'll have someone come get you. I don't want my baby getting too worked up."

"I'll be fine Daddy, I promise. Do you think Ryan is going to be okay when we get there?" I asked him with a sense of hope shinning through in my light tone of voice.

"I don't know kitten. Hopefully he will be." Daddy told me and I could tell he wasn't as hopeful as me. I think this was harder on him then he was letting on. I would have to ask him about that later. Right no I didn't need to bring his mood down anymore.


Okay so this story will be coming to a close soon so I'm wondering how all of you think it's going to end. I already have an idea for it but I want to see if anyone is close. Also what do you all think about the Eternally Yours?

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