Awaken | Chapter 16

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We made it to the hospital and the whole time we walked though the sickly white and sanitary smelling hallways that a nurse was leading us down. I usually wasn't a fan of new people but she was very sweet and she looked like someone who would look a lot like us when she was out of work. Plus she didn't give Daddy a bad look when he did all the talking for us. She seemed to be understanding of our situation. Plus her bubbly personality made me laugh.

She had very long black hair and I could see a key shaped tattoo sticking out from her uniform that see seemed to have been trying to cover it with. I could see visible holes in her face where I was guessing her piercings were and her eyebrows looked drawn on. In was strange seeing a nurse like her and I wish there was more of them, it was comforting to see here.

"He's right in here." She told us with a slight Irish accent audible in her voice. "He is going to be unconscious for a few hours and just press the button on the wall  when he wakes up. He did have a little bit of internal bleeding which none the EMT notice or even anyone working on him saw till we did some scans on him but he is all fixed up now." 

She gesture us into the room and I followed Daddy in, pulling the little bat stuffie out from behind my back and in front of my chest. I was hiding it a bit because I didn't want to deal with the weird looks people were giving me. I brought it because I thought it would give Ryan some comfort and it was left in the backseat of the car and I saw it before getting out, it must of been some sort of sign.

"That is so cute!" The nurse said in a loud vocie that was basically a squeak when she saw it and I could hear the excitement in her voice. Most people didn't react this way when they saw me carrying around stuffed animals but she has probably seen stranger thing working in an ER then this.

"Thank you." I told her in a small voice, swinging my arms a bit. I was starring to fall into little space and someone reacting this way to my little bat didn't help me staying out of it but I knew I had to be big right now. Plus I really didn't want to make the nice nurse not like me or feel uncomfortable. She was making being in the hospital a lot easier for me.

I had spent a lot of times in hospitals before Daddy and were together. It brought back the memories and pain from my past. I was the queen of lying in that time and I always kept my ex out of trouble. I wish someone would of caught on and fought me more. At that time though it was my worse nightmare for someone to do that.

She gave us a small smile as Daddy took my hand and pulled the two of us over to the red, plastic chairs that were by Ryan bed side. 

"Well my name is Kaya if the two of you need anything or if anything gets bad with him come find me if no one response at the desk when you call. I'm not supposed to bring that up but they don't always do there job and I don't want to see anything bad happen to him. I'm sure he will be fine though. If I don't see either of you again I hope you have a good night." She told as as she turned to go out the door.

"Thank you for that I hope you do too." Daddy told her and I just gave her a small wave before laying my head down on Daddy's shoulder. He wrap his arms around my waist and I brought my little bat up to my chest for comfort. I guess all we can do is wait now.


A few more hours had passed and when I was just about to drift to off to sleep I saw Ryan's eyes start to twitch a bit as he adjusted to the bright lights till they open fully and he looked over at us with a weak smile. I smiled back at him and pulled away from Daddy to place the bat stuffie in his grasp. Ryan quickly grab it from me and held it close to him, letting out a noise of contentment. I knew there was a good reason to bring it.

Me moving away from him caught Daddy attention right away as he must of dozed of a while ago and he saw Ryan was up. "I'll call someone to go check on you, sweetheart." Daddy said as he stood up to go  hit the button that was on the far wall to let them know we needed someone in here. I'm hoping that nice nurse comes back.

"How are yew feeling?" I ask him as I rocked slightly in my seat, giving him a soft smile in hopes to comfort him.

He smiled back and even though it was weak I could tell it was genuine. "I'm doing okay I guess." He said in a rough voice that barely went above a whisper. "Where is he?" He asked us, looking around the room in a bit of panic as I guess he started to remember how he ended up here. He didn't even need to tell us a name, we knew. 

Daddy quickly came back over to us and grasp Ryan's hand in his. "shhh. He's gone and he won't hurt you ever again. You will have to talk to the cops but Devin and I will be right by your side." Daddy told him trying to give him some reassurance so he doesn't panic anymore then he was already starting to and I nodded, letting him know we would be here for him. 

As hard as this situation was for me, I knew what it was like and no one should have to go through it alone. We would be by his side the whole way if he wanted us to be. 

I'm hoping he presses charges. It would give him some more piece of mind but I know I can't tell him what to do. That's not how things work when someone goes through something like this. 

"You're awake I see. How are you feeling?" Kaya ask as she came into the room before the Doctor. Usually the doctor would ask that but I could tell he didn't really care much, he was just done. I'm happy she came in here with him, she just had a comforting vibe to her and Ryan needs that right now. I also need that but I wouldn't say that out loud because I knew it wouldn't be right to make things about me. I was going to have to push that part of my nature aside for a little bit. Daddy better reward me for this.

They check his vitals and ask him a few more question and then the doctor left. Kaya looked over us and then her eyes met with Ryan. 

"I know this is the last thing you are going to want to do right now but now that you're awake you're going to have to give a statement to the police." She told him, reluctantly. Here comes the hard part. 

He slowly nodded to tell her it was okay for her to do that and she went out to grab them. 

"I don't wanna do this." He said, looking over at Daddy with big doe eyes. I felt my heart break a little for him. This was going to be the worse part, he would have to relive it all over again. 

"It's going to be okay. We are going to be right here." Daddy told him, squeezing his hand a few times.

The two police officers walk into the room and Kaya stood at the door, giving us a tight lipped smile before closing the door behind her as she left the room. They looked at us for a moment and I could tell they were going to tell us to leave but they let it go, thankfully. 

"Alright sir we are going to need to ask you a few question." The one police officer said, sitting down on the chair next to me, pulling out a note pad. There was only three chairs in here so the other cop stood behind him, just listening. Ryan nodded waiting for them to talk again. Hopefully this doesn't take too long becasue I can tell we all just want this over with.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I couldn't think of who to put as the nurse until I started this and Kaya just got added without even thinking about it. I don't even know why.

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