Outing | Chapter 4

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I had been getting sick of sitting aroudn the house and I can tell Ryan was to from that fact that he didn't seem to be able to keep still. I had decided to go for a walk and Ryan  trailed along behind me without saying a word. He didn't like being alone more then I did.

We were walking up to a coffee shop that wasn't too far away from our house. I know Daddy probably won't be too happy that I didn't say anything about leaving the house but I'm not alone so that has to count for something. I probably should of still texted him but oh well to late now.

Walking into the coffee shop Ryan walked along behind me."Soooo what do you want?" I ask him, swaying slightly as we got in line. I could tell that out of the two of us I was going to be the one to order. Talking to people isn't something I like to do or am good at but Ryan seems like he would break down crying if he had to order for himself. He already seemed so uncomfortable standing in a crowed space. I don't really know if I like him yet but  do know that I feel bad for him. 

He leaned closer to me then he already was. "White hot chocolate." He said so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. I nodded at him and took his hand, basically dragging him up to the cashier.  He moved so he was behind me and I placed our order, getting up two white hot chocolates. 

We started to walk outside again and this time it felt so much colder then it did before. I didn't really want to have to walk back again.  

A few moments later I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Without even looking at the screen I knew who it was. "Hi Daddddyyy." I said in a sweet voice, trailing my words off longer. I glanced around, seeing that no one was there. As much as I wanted to pretend that what people thought didn't bother me it but it really upset me, especially when Daddy wasn't with me to make it all better. I don't think Ryan would deal with that well either. 

"Where did the to of you go?" He ask me and I let out a giggle. I could tell he wasn't happy with me and if I was already in trouble with him then there was no reason I couldn't play this up more. 

"At the coffee shop. We walked here. I was getting bored." I said to him dragging out my words at the end to get my point across. Also I knew he found it cute when I did that when I was speaking.

"How is Ryan doing?" He ask me and I was a bit upset when he as that. Even if I told him he could do this whole fostering thing I still didn't like hearing him care for me. 

I let out a sigh and glanced over to where Ryan had sat down on the curb in front of the shop. He looked fine to me, then again I don't know what's going on in my head. "I think he's doing fine." I told him.

"Okay.I'll be there in a moment. Stay where you are kitten." I could hear the frustration in his voice. He wasn't happy with me taking off and I probably was goign to get a punishment from him for this. Hopefully I can charm my way out of this one. 

After hanging up the phone I moved to sit down next to Ryan on the curb. I would rather go back into the coffee shop and sit but I don't think Ryan would be okay with that and leaving him out here would just make Daddy even more disappointed with me. 

"Daddy said he is on his way and for us to stay here." I told him. He nodded at me bringing his sleeve up to his mouth.

I kicked my feet in front of me due to being impatient and bored. Then I got an idea to maybe pass the time. I turned to look back Ryan and I caught his attention once again. "So what happened with you and your old Daddy?" I ask him and I saw him tense up a bit.

He glanced at me and then quickly looked down again. I could see this was a difficult topic for him and I know what he's going through if it really was that bad. Maybe I shouldn't of ask him that. oops.

"He was a bad man." He mumlbe with his sleeve still in his mouth. After he said that we fell silent again and this time I choose to keep it that way. I continued to kick my feet and play with the bottom of my back, lacy sweater.

I saw Daddy car pull up in the distance and I stood up. Ryan stayed seated, seeming spaced out. I took his hand and pulled him up which was snapping him out of his own thoughts. I skipped in the direction of Daddy's car basically dragging Ryan along behind me.

Opening the passenger door I released Ryans hand and all but jump in the car, moving myself over the consult in the middle. "Daddy!" I exclaimed warping my arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. "I missed yew soooo much today." I said playing it up for him. 

"Be cute all you want Kitten but you're still getting  a punishment when we get home, you know the rules." He told me sternly and with a pout I sat back in my seat.

Ryan got into the car and Ricky glanced up at him before looking at me with a concerned stare. "I thought you said he was okay." He said to me and looking back I saw he was the same way he was before. I thought this was okay.

"He seems okay to me." I said as I fidgeted in my seat. All he did was nodded at me after I said that before he starred to drive us home. 

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