Visitor | Chapter 18

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A few days had passed since we got back from the hospital and I don't think Ryan was doing as well as we thought he was the night he came back from the hospital. He had been kind of closed off from us and he only really talks when we talked to him first. Even then though his answers don't go very far. I mean he wasn't talkative at all before but now he just seemed mopey and lost in his own head. It was sad to watch because I remember going through that. I had made Daddy be there for him like he was for me, knowing in the long run it would help him.

Ryan was sitting on the floor in the living room coloring at the coffee table well Daddy and I worked on dinner in the kitchen.  Well it was more like Daddy was making dinner and I was sitting on the counter watching him. 

I don't know where snowflake was. I tired to hold her but she jump out of my arm, telling me she wanted to be left alone. I loved cats but sometimes I wished they weren't like that. Like let me love you all the time not just when you want me too. Then again I did that a lot to Daddy. When I don't want to be touch don't touch. I guess this is why I really like cats, they're like me.

I was swinging my legs back and forth with a smile on my face, letting them hit against the back of the cupboard. Daddy came by me with his back toward me as he was reaching for something on the island in front of me. See the opportunity I reached my legs out further and lightly kicked his butt. I let out a giggle and he jumped around to look at me just as I composed myself. 

"What was that kitten?" He ask with a smirk as he walked closer to me till he was standing in between my legs. 

I shook my head, still giggling. "I don't know what you're talking about Daddy." 

He lent in closer to me so our lips were inches apart and I could feel his warm, minty breath on my face. "Is that so Kitten?" He ask me as he ran his hand up the inside of my leg, placing it around his waist. 

"AH!" The two of us jumped back after hearing Ryan scream from the living room that was followed by a loud bang. That had defiantly ruined the moment but I don't think either of us seemed to care.

Daddy walked away from me, quickly making his way into the living room and I jump down from the counter following behind him. 

Walking into the living room I don't know what I was expecting to see but I do know that it wasn't anywhere close to this. I thought it would of been worse but instead my face lite up in a smile and I rushed towards the person Ryan was scared of. Maybe if he saw me so relax about him he would calm down at bit. 

I skipped over the little wooden box we store candle in and I jumped up into his arms. He quickly caught me, holding me close to him. "Chrissy! I've missed you." I cheered with a smile and I heard him chuckle.

"Thought you weren't going to call me that anymore." He said with a smile as he set me down on my feet in front of him.

"Nu uh you're always going to be Chrissy." I said in a prideful voice. I glanced around behind him before looking up at him expectantly. "Where's Angelo?" I asked him and the second his name left my mouth his smile fell. 

He stayed silent for a second and he seemed to be composing himself before he spoke. "We're not together anymore." I could hear the sorrow in his voice and I had a feeling that it wasn't a mutual decision for them to split.

I jumped at him again and giving him a thigh hug. They were so perfect together it was weird to think that something went wrong with them. "I sowwy." I told him and my words came out mumble as my face was pressed against his chest.

"It's alright. Things always happen for a reason." He sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself of this as he spoke.

I pushed myself back a bit and I saw he was looking at Ryan who Daddy was trying to calm down. He then looked down at me almost questioning if he should go over to him. I nodded, hopping he would understand and I grab his hand, pulling over to where Ryan was on the floor. 

I stayed behind the couch and Chris crouched down in front of him. Ryan slowly pulled his face out of daddy chest to look up at the tall man that has taken an interest in him.

"Who's this little guy?" He asked Daddy, seeing as he knew he wouldn't get an answer from Ryan.

"I'z Rwan." He said quietly and I think we were all shocked to hear him speak. New people scared him a lot but I guess he was finding something comforting in Chris that he hasn't gotten before. 

Chris smiled at him and stuck his hand out in his direction. "Well it's nice to meet you Ryan. I'm Chris." He told him in a gently tone. 

"Awe yew goin tew huw't mew?" He ask him in a quiet voice, slowly inching his way closer to him.

Chris cocked his head to the side in confusion for a moment but he quickly let it fall, not wanting to upset him. To Daddy and I that question made sense but to someone like Chris how is seeing this from the outside looking in he didn't quite understand how important this question was for him. 

"No. I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart." He told him, giving him a genuine smile that could make anyone melt.

Chris still had his hand out in his Ryan direction and instead of shaking it like what was offered he shocked everyone in the room by jumping forward and wrapping his arms around his neck. Chris stiffen up for a moment but soon relax after he wrapping his arms aronnd his back with a smile on his face.

Chris seemed so happy to be dealing with littles again. That's probably why he came by here. Angelo and him were together longer then Daddy and I even were and they had a DDLB relationship since the beginning. He has to be going through a lot and I know that Chris always had a thing for taking care of people. 

Ryan and him were quite cute together and even though I don't think either of them want to start another relationship right now I could see them together. 

Ryan pulled away from him with a giggle and it was sound I hadn't heard from him since everything has happen. I watched Chris's face light up even more when he heard it. I think he really did come here at the right time. 

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