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A Few Months Later

I sat on the front porch letting my legs hang over the ledge, swing them lightly as I felt the warm summer breeze hit them. Snow flake was curled up on my lap, basking in the warm rays of the sun. Unlike me who was trying to keep more into the shaded area of the porch which was slightly difficult with her sitting on me.

Daddy didn't like Snowflake being outside because he's worried she will get flees but I don't really care. She seems so content out here that if we have to get her flee medication in the future it will be worth it. I want to make sure she has a happy life. 

Ryan was sitting below me with his back resting against deck. I wouldn't be sitting down there because I don't really like sitting in the grass but he seemed pretty happy there. 

He had a little sketchbook on his lap well he try to draw the big tree that was in the middle of the front yard. Daddy had been teaching him how to draw a bit since coloring seem to make him so happy. His art skill were already pretty good before Daddy started helping him, he only needed a bit of help to get to where he was now. 

"Do you know what you should draw next?" I ask him with a bit of a pout, upset he hadn't thought of this yet. I know I had.

"What's that?" He ask as he turned away from his drawing to look at me with a curious look.

"Me! Draw a cute picture of me!" I exclaimed, making tiny poses by my moving my arms slightly but I was being carefully not to disturb Snowflake from her little nap. "Oh no even better! You should draw me and Snowflake together!" I clap my hands as the idea popped into my head.

Ryan smiled and started giggling. "I'll do that later." He told me as he turned back to his drawing. "Maybe after I finish trying to get this tree perfect." He started obsessively erasing the lines on the page that didn't seem right to him. I didn't get what was wrong with it, it looked perfect to me.

"No one ever has drawn me before." I said and as I thought about it I let out a huff as I crossed my arms above Snowflake as my lips pursed into a pout. "Daddy never wants to draw me." 

I heard Daddy chuckle as he walked out the front door with my lemonade in his hands. He set it down beside of me before he sat behind me pulling me into side lap. "I have tried to draw you before kitten but you wouldn't sit still long enough for me to do so." He told me, kissing the side of my temple. 

Snowflake looked up at me, seeming unhappy about being distributed. She jump off of my lap and went to frolic through the grass before finding a nice place to lay down.

I turned around in Daddy arms and lightly smacked his chest. "Daddy you bothered her. We were cuddling." I said in an irritated tone of voice as I was upset to lose my kitty.

I went to go smack his chest again but he grab my hand before I could. I looked up him with big eyes, playing innocent towards what I had just done. "Kitten what are you not supposed to do?" He ask me in a stern voice, raising an eyebrow.

"Hit people." I admitted with a pout. "I shouldn't of hit you but you upset me and kitty." I told him, turning away and looking off into he distance with my nose stuck up in the air.

"Your kitty seems perfectly happy over that." Daddy told me with a matter of fact tone to his voice as he pointed off to where Snowflake playing in a small path of flowers. 

"But what about me? I'm not happy!" I examined as I dramatically turned back to look at him, smacking his arms that was wrap around me to get my point across.

He grab my hand in his again. "What did I just say? Are you going to listen to me or am I going to have to punish you right now?" Daddy ask me with a stern look, giving me an option.

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