Winter Wonderland | Chapter 6

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I was curled up in my Daddy arms with his arms around my waist, my head on his chest and our leg entwined together. It was early in the morning and he was still asleep and as much as I wanted to wake him up I knew he needed his sleep. Plus this was one of the few times we got a few moments to ourselves eve if he was sleeping through it. 

The last few nights we had been sharing our bed with Ryan and as much as I hated it I knew he needed it. He had been more panicked recently and I knew what that was like after being in that type of relationship. At least my Daddy made sure I was okay with it before saying yes to him. He knew if he didn't I would of thrown the biggest hit possible and he wouldn't be able to do much about it because my actions would be in reason. 

I turned around in his arms because my body started to cramp a bit and I knew I needed to move. Turning around I got the perfect view out the window and I saw the ground was covered in snow. 

I let out a quiet shirk and turned back around so I was facing my Daddy once again. I was done letting him sleep after I saw that. I wanted to be able to go out and play in the snow as soon as I possibly could.

"DADDY! DADDY! WAKE UP!" I said loudly, shaking his side as I sat up, bouncing around.

He let out a groan and opened his eyes to look at me. I could see that he didn't really want to get up but he knew I was excited about something and that mattered more to him then sleeping.

"Yes sweetheart, what is it?" He ask me as he ran his hand up and down my back in hopes to get me to sit still for a few moments till he was fully awake.

"Look outside there's snow! Can we go out and pway in it, please Dada." I said giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could manage. I knew he could never say no to me when I gave him that look, it was his weak spot.

He let out a sigh, giving into me. "Fine we can go outside and play in the snow but first we need to get you dressed and fed." He said sternly and I let out a whine but expected what he wanted from me. I would be a good boy for him if I got to go outside like he promised. If he changes his mind that will be a whole different story.

He rolled out of bed and I grab onto his hand and followed after him, not wanting him to get too far away from me. I didn't like being far away from him when he was home, I always tried to stay by his side where I felt safe and happy. He called me his shadow on many occasions because of how I acted but I knew he didn't mind me doing it. This made him feel needed.

He stopped once we were in front of the stairs and he took my face into his hands, running his fingers lightly along my jaw line. "Can you go wake Ryan up for me well I start breakfast?" He ask me softly and I let out a huff but nodded. 

He gave me a kisses and I turned to make me way down the hall to where the guest room that Ryan was staying in was. It was right next to what was consider my room was, I haven't slept in there for so long but Daddy still made sure that I had my own little space if I needed my alone time.

I felt a light slap to my butt once I was turned around and I let out a yelp when he did that. "Daddddy."I said with a whine turning to glare at him playfully. All he did was chuckle at my response before making his way down the stairs. 

I rolled my eyes and skipped down the hall way to his room. I usually wasn't too much of a morning person but seeing the snow on the ground had brighten my mood. 

I stopped once I got to the door and questioned if I should knock or not. He was probably still sleeping so it might startle him if I do knock. With a shrug I decided to go in and wake him up in a more gentler way. 

I tip toed over to his bed and crawled up next to him on it. "Ryyyyyyaaaann it's time to get uuuupppp." I say, stretching out my words as I gently pushed on his shoulder. "It snowed get up." I said bouncing slightly. When ever snow got mentioned I got excited, I couldn't help it I loved it so much. 

He let out a groan and he open his eyes, slowly blinking them to adjust to the light that was spilling into the room through the window on the opposite wall from the bed he was sleeping in. "But I'm sleepy." He whined, rubbing his eyes. 

I let out a huff and pulled on his arm to motivation him to get up. "Did you not hear what I just said? There is snow outside! We can go play in it after we eat." I said and now that he was more awake he almost jumped out of bed and looked out the window. There was the response I was looking for from him. 

"Snow! There is snow!" He said excitedly as he started to jump up and down. This had to be the happiest I have ever seen him and it was nice. I may get jealous of him when my Daddy pays attention to him but no one deserves to be this upset all the time.


After we had eaten the breakfast that was made for  us we got bundled up into coats, gloves, hats and all the out warm winter things Daddy was demanding we wear. I hated having to wear this much clothes but he didn't want me getting sick so I didn't throw a fit over it. Plus I knew he wouldn't let me out if I wasn't wearing it so the sooner I put everything on the sooner I got to go play outside in the snow.

Once we were all ready to go outside I was running out the door and leaping into the white, cold powered the covered the ground in a thick layer. It was still snowing a little bit still and I stop there with my tongue out trying to catch snow flakes on it.

I was so distracted with watching the snow flakes fall and trying to catch them and look at how beautiful they looked before they melted that I didn't even hear Ryan come outside behind me till I felt a cold, ball of snow hit my back. I turned around quickly after he did that and he start to giggle before throwing another one that it me in the room before he took of running. 

My face lit up in a smile and I reached down, picking up some snow and packing it into a ball before rushing after him. After I had the snow ball made I took off in the direction he took of in and I saw Daddy let out a laugh from here he stop by the house just watching us have fun and getting along. 

I threw the snow ball at Ryan and it hit him in the back and he let out a laugh and then went to go grab another snow ball  but before he could finish making it I leaped over at him and pushed him down in the pile of snow we were in front of. We both started laughing once we landed in it and I jumped up and help him gt up along with me because he did fall under my weight. 

Maybe I could get used to have another little around if this is how it was going to be. I like having a playmate aroudn to do little things with, it was nice.

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