Punishment | Chapter 5

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When we walked through the front door of the house I went to make a run for it so I could hide. I really didn't want to be punished for this. I was bored, it's not my fault. That didn't seem to work though and I don't get why I thought it would. Daddy knows I'm never willing to take any punishment he dishes out to me so he was probably just wanting to grab my before I could run away.

He pulled me against his chest and I started to try to squirm out of his arms. "Kitten please just do this for me without a fight. I have had a long day." He told with a sigh and as much as I felt bad for him I really didn't want to be punished. If he really was having that bad of a day maybe he should just let this go.

He looked away from me for a moment, directing his attention to Ryan and once he did that I was able to slip out of hid grasp and make a run for it.

I heard him let out a heavy sigh and I stopped at the top of the stairs looking down at him to see what he was going to do now. "Ryan, sweetheart why don't you go sit in the living room and make yourself comfortable. We're going to be a little." Ryan nodded at Daddy request before cheerful skipping off in to the living room.

Once I saw Ricky start to walk over to the stairs I tip toed into our bedroom, opening up the clothes and curling up behind the clothes.

I could hear Daddy sigh once again when he noticed I really was making this difficult on him. "Come on out Kitten. I just might go easy on you if you do so." He said as I heard him shuffling through objects I could be hidding under around the room.

I heard him stop for a moment almost like he just thought of something. His footsteps slowly got louder as they came in my direction and I pushed myself as far back from the closest door as I could.

He pulled the door open and before I could jump away he was bending down and picking me up in his arms.

"Let me go." I cried,squirming which just made him hold me tighter to him.

"You're being a meanie. Ya know you did say you were fostering him too so shouldn't he get a punishment. I'm not the only one who did something wrong here." I snit as he sat down on the bed, pulling me over his lap.

"I'm aware of that but right now I'm dealing with you. You did make me promise you that you would be my number one priority."  He was using that against me now. I meant towards cuddles and attention not being punished.

"So do you think ten spankings sounds like a good number?" He ask me and I continued tired to squirm out of his arms.

"No,zero sounds good. I have been stuck in here all day, I was Bored" I whined with a pout. I knew he wasn't going to back down from it but I still like fighting with him over this.

He let out a frustrated sigh again and I kind of felt bad. He probably did have a long day and he was hoping to just come home to relax with me. I guess I ruined those plans for him.

"Kitten don't make this more difficult. I'm trying to be patient with you right now but you do need to be punished. You broke one of the rules and this is the consequence for that." He told me with a stern voice. 

I didn't get to put another word in before he was pulling down the black leggings that I had on and moving down my lacy boy shorts that were a pastel blue out of the way.

I kept squirming but I think that just made him want to smack my butt even more. I wasn't doing myself any good with anything I have done today so far. 

I let out a loud squeak when he landed tge first hit. With each hit on my butt it was getting more painful. I tired to keep track of what number he was on but I got side track from counting around five possible, I can't even remember that. I knew he was getting to the end with this when he landed the harshest hit down and started to rub soothing circles on each cheek.

I went to move so I was siting , straddling his lap and in tge process of doing that my crouch rub against his leg and I heard him chuckle. I finished moving till I was sitting how I wanted to be and I could see the smug smirk on his lips. We both know that as much as I fight it when he goes to punish me I love it just the same once it's all done with.

I sat back a bit and looked up at him with big doe eyes, grinding against his leg. "Pwease pway wif me Daddy." I said in a soft vocie as I leaned forward to kiss along his neck. He let out a noise of contentment, enjoying the moment for a while before he pulled away from and I let out a wimpier. I guess I'm not getting my way once again. 

"Baby as much as I want to not right now. This is still part of you punishment, you know how this goes when he don't go about this willingly." He said to me and my face fell. I knew what he meant by that. Usually when I'm like this I don't get play time and sometimes depending on how stubborn and bratty I was being I won't get any snuggles from him either.

I pouted and moved out of his lap and crawled up to the top of the bed. Laying down as I slipped my hand into my pants and start to stroke myself. Fine if he won't play with me I'll just play by myself. 

"Kitten what do you think you're doing?" He ask me in a warning tone. 

"Playing with myself becasue you won't help me." I said with a pout as I slowly stroked myself.  Either he was going to break and join me or he was going to pull me up off the bed and give me a different punishment that I wasn't going to like as much.

He stood up moving over to me with his arms crossed. I guess this is the moment of truth for which way this is going to play out. "And who said you could do that?" He ask me, stopping by the side of the bed I was the closest to. 

I smiled up at him proudly. "I said so." The second those words left my mouth he was done with my brattiness for today. He reached over to me, pulling me up off the bed and setting me in front of him on my feet. He picked my pants and pulled my hands away, holding them to his chest. 

"Stop being such a brat. I was thinking about giving you a little treat tonight but I guess the fact that you have to follow rules hasn't set in I don't think yiu deserve it." I pouted and stomped my foot when he told me that.

He took my hand in his, pulling me out of the room possible to deal with Ryan now. Well at least I'm not the only one in trouble I have that to make me feel a little better. "Come on kitten." He said and I followed after, making our way back downstairs to go see Ryan in the living room.

He was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him with a suffie cuddle against him. He had a cartoon on and his thumb in his mouth. He didn't hear us come into the room until Ricky sat next to him on the couch. I had moved to sit on the arm chair facing them to give him some room. I picked up the blanket thrown on the back of it and cuddled with it. If it wasn't obvious I love fuzzy blankets  and I hand millions all over the house. 

He pulled Ryan closer to him and explained everything to him and I could tell he wanted to reacted the same way I had but he didn't. I guess he hates punishment more then I did. I guess it makes sense with the situation he came out of.  The soft spot in my heart hoped Daddy went easier on him then me, he was still adjusting to being hurt within reason. I mean he didn't really know all the rules Daddy had in place either. It really wouldn't be fair to him, right?

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