New Years Eve | Chapter 11

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It was New Years Eve today and Daddy and I really didn't have any plans. We usually don't but I think we both knew things would be different this year. We sometimes make plans last minute but this year we're not doing that. With Ryan being around seems to change everything which I'm expecting. 

Christmas was defiantly different because of him but I guess not in a bad way. This year Daddy and I both decided to just spend it here instead if going to see family. Both of our families weren't to close to us and the trip to go see one of them wasn't worth it. I actually kind of liked just spending it with him better if I'm being honest. 

This year I didn't have to give up acting little for a day or longer. That was always the worst part of the holidays and I knew Daddy saw how it upsets me. This year I got to act like myself all day and that made the holiday better for the two of us. I would of never told him this because I didn't want him to fell guilty about seeing his family. I think I forget about how well he can read me.

Also if we would of went I don't know what we would of done with Ryan. I would of felt bad leaving him here alone but I don't think explaining who he was to us to either of our families would of went well. There is no normal sounding way to explain it to them where they would get it.  

The more I have learn about Ryan though made me feel even worse then I did before. Not only was there the abusive ex boyfriend that was the most recent but almost all of his relationships he had been in ended up that way. From the sounds of it he tends to attract bad people. It could be from how quiet he is and people think they can take advantage of that. He said that there was one girl he was with before he  knew much about this lifestyle and he when he heard about it he wanted to try it so she left him. I can respect her form that but I don't feel like that is the end of the story but I wasn't going to push him to talk about it. I hope that he finds a good caretaker once he leaves us. He deserves it.

He had also told me about his family and how none of them talk anymore. His Dad pass away a few years ago and the family fell apart after that. None of them kept in touch but from the way he talked about them I think that is possibly for the best. The family wasn't the most functional when they were together.

It was still during the day on New Years Even right now, if you could call it that yet. Ryan was laying on the floor just starring up at the ceiling, just cuddling a fizzy blanket as he let his mind wander and I was seated on the window seat that face the front yard just watching the snow fall. Daddy had to go into work for a few hours so it was just us here.

I really wanted to go outside and play in the snow but Daddy told me not to because of how cold it was today. I guess there was a weather advisory last night and I was worried about him driving. I knew he would be okay, he always was but I still worry about my Daddy. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him.

I heard a bark come from behind me that snap me out of my thought. I turned around and I saw a saw my favorite little dog and I rushed over to pet him. 

"What no hug for me." I heard Josh say as he walked into the room, pretending to sound offend. He had been the one how had introduce me to Daddy and I missed him a lot. He didn't really come by often becasue he was busy running his shop but he tries to come by sometime during the holidays. I use to live with him for a while up until I moved in with my Daddy so not seeing him was strange to me.

I got up with a pout and wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug. I let out a shriek as he picked me up off the ground spinning me in a circle. He set me down and I look behind him to see Ryan Ashley walk in but there was something missing.

I looked between the two of them quickly. "Where's Casper?" I ask them and I saw both of their faces fall and that was all they had to do to let me know. 

"i'm sowwy for the two of yew." I said quietly and Ryan tried to give me a smile to tell me that it was okay but it barely reach her eyes.

"It's okay honey, we're dealing with it." Ryan Ashley said softly to me before she moved to kick her heels off and remove her long, blue coat that was covered in little white snow flakes that had caught on the fabric.

"Who's this?" Josh ask calmly looking behind me. Turning around I saw that what caught his attention was Ryan and he seemed uncomfortable. He was laying on the floor cuddling one of the fuzzy blankets which was half pushed out of his arms and I could see that he was debating on if he could act little or not around them.I guess that came down more to comforter for him more then anything else.

"Joshy this is Ryan. Daddy and I are letting him stay with us because of what he went through." I told him deciding it was best to leave out any personal details. That was up to him to take about not me and I don't want him feeling more uncomfortable then he already was meeting new people. 

Toronto came over to him, smelling him and Ryan quickly scooping him up in his arms , giggling as he did so. He looked up at Josh after that. "What's his name?" He ask him, obviously becoming more comfortable around them. 

Ryan Ashley walked back into the room, sitting down on the couch right behind where Ryan was laying on the floor. "His name is Toronto. He seems to really like you a lot." She said to him as Toronto licked the side of Ryan's faces. He let out another giggle and I was happy to hear him in a good mood. He seemed to be in a bit of a mopey mood before but this has defiantly brighten it for him.

I moved from the doorway to sit down next to Ryan on the blanket on the floor and he set Toronto down in between us. At least he has learned to not take things I wanted away from me. I probably would of thrown a small fit later if he had not done that. 

Hopefully Daddy gets home soon to make this night completely. It's turning out to be one of the best holidays that we have spent together so far. Today would be no different

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