Forever In My Heart | Chapter 21

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Curling up in bed with Snowflake on my chest I watched Daddy get changed out of his work clothes from the day. He had worked a bit later then usual today but he made sure there was food made and set aside for Ryan and I. I still wasn't too happy about it, I needed my Daddy time and his work had taken that away from me.

Once he was done Daddy made his way over to the bed shirtless and in a pair of loose hanging sweatpants that just seem to hang off his waist like it would take one firm pull to them to get them to fall to the floor. If I wasn't feeling so little right now I would of done just that once he was closer to me.

I reached my arms up towards him, making grabby hands and as soon as he could he picked me up off of the bed and put me on his lap as he sat down. He put me in his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck with my legs around his waist. 

"I misses yew's Daddy. I'z don't liwe it when yew wowk late." I told him with a pout. 

"I hate working late too but I had to stay late Kitten. I'm here now though and I'm going to give you all of my attention for the rest of the night. How does that sound?" He kissing the top of my head was he finished talking. 

I clap my hand in excitement which quickly tried my little body out even more then it already was. I let out a yawn as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling more tired then I was before now that I was in my Daddy's arms. 

"Is my little baby getting tired? I think it's time for someone to go to sleep. It is past your normal bed time" Daddy said to me and my head shot up right away and I started shaking it. I didn't want to go sleep now, he just got home.

"No Daddy! No sleep." I whined, pulling him close to me and clinging to him the way I kola bear would. I was going to get my Daddy time now weather he said I could or not.

Daddy chuckled, running his hand up and my back."Kitten, I'll be here with you well you sleep. Plus I have tomorrow off so you'll be getting all of my attention then too." He told me and as much as I knew that to be true I still wasn't going to give up my time with him yet. 

"Nu uh. I get time with Daddy then I sleeps." I pulled myself away from him so I could stare into his eyes with a pout planted on my lips and my eyes welling up with tears. 

Daddy let out a sigh, seeing that he wasn't going to win this fight. "Fine you can stay up another hour with me but you're staying in bed and no later then that. I don't ant any arguing from you when I tell you it's time for bed." He told me sternly and I bounced on his lap a bit, happy that I had gotten my way.

"You're to cute for words Kitten." Daddy said as he kissed the top of my head which made me start giggling uncontrollably.

From how I was sitting o his lap the tattoo I had of Daddy's face stuck out to me because of where it was on my leg. It wasn't something I noticed very often but I always knew it was there. After looking at it for a few more moments I turned my gaze towards Daddy with a soft smile. 

"Daddy can we get another tattoo together again?" I asked him in a voice as sweet as candy and pleading eyes. 

Daddy laughed a bit, brushing his fingers over the tops of my cheek and I lent my hand into his touch. 

"If you want to kitten. Another day though, let's discus this when you're less tired." Daddy told me and I nodded my head, letting him I know I understood him. I was feeling too little for this discussion anyways right now, I just wanted to get the idea out.

I laid my head back down on his shoulders and Daddy lightly started rocking my back in forth in his arms. We stay silent like this for a little while, just enjoying each others company.  

"Do you think RyRy will ever move out?" I asked him, breaking the silence in the room with the question I have been wanting to ask since Chrissy was here the other night.

"I don't know baby. I'm sure he will when he's ready to. I thought you were fine with him here now. What happened Kitten?" Daddy asked me and I could hear he was concerned with how I was acting. 

"I am fine with him here. I don't know I just want him to be happy and have a Daddy of his own." I told him, being honestly. I was leaving out the fact that I wanted him and Chrissy to get together, not finding the detail to be too important at this point in time.

"I'm sure he will baby, just give him some time." Daddy told me, running his fingers through my hair.

"Do you think Uncle Chrissy is doing okay right now?" I asked him after a few more moments passed. I was worried about him, he wasn't the best at controlling his emotions and with everything that has went on it wouldn't be helping him.

"He has a lot to get through but I'm sure he'll be fine, he is always is." Daddy said and I could tell he was saying this out loud for both of us. I'm guessing he had been worrying about the state of his friend as well.

I heard Snowflake letting out small meows, gently scratching her claws against the door as she sat in front it. Daddy wanted to get her declawed for this reason but I wouldn't allow it, I didn't think it was right. If she got out she wouldn't be able to defend herself. 

With a giggle I got off of Daddy's lap and and made my way over to where she was to let her out of the room. I crouched down and gave her tiny head a kiss before I opened the door, standing back up. 

I skipped back to Daddy and once I was in arms reach be grab my, pulling me into his arms. I nuzzled my face against his face and he smiled up at me. "I love you Kitten." He told me and my face lit up at his words. 

"I love you too Daddy. I love you so much." I said before he planted a kiss on my lips. When he pulled away he had the biggest smile on his face and I giggled at how cute he looked. 

Moments like this were my favorite. When it was just the two of us at the end of the day, wrap up in each other arms. He always made sure I knew he loved me more then anything else in the world. I was one of the most important aspects of his life and I wouldn't change that for the world. 

"You may be a brat at time but you're my little brat when you are." He said and I smiled at him. I knew I could be a brat and most people couldn't deal with that but he always knew how to take care of me.

 "Daddy's brat." I said, nuzzling my face against his neck and he smiled, letting me know he is proud to think of me in this way. I was his just a much as he is mine.


Once more chapter left and there is going to be a bit of a time skip. I wanted to include this fluff to help finish the story off though. I hope you all enjoyed.

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