Phone Call | Chapter 7

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Walking back into the house I stomped off my boots on the rug at the front door and started to remove the many layers that I no longer needed. I hated coming in after being outside in the winter. It always just got so hot the second you step inside, the tempter of your body didn't even adjust before it felt like you would start sweating but you were still shaking from the cold.

Once I was out of everything I shuffled forward to wrap my arms around my Daddy waist, batting my eyes at him. "Yes Kitten? Do you want something?" He ask, knowing me far to well.

"Can yew make us hot chocolate Daddy?" I ask him sweetly, swaying lightly against him. I heard Ryan let out an excited gasp when I said that and I giggle. He had been in such a happy mood today it was different to see him like this but I was glad for him. Maybe he was stating to heal from all he had been through.

"Of course. Why don't the two of you go sit down in the living room and I'll bring it in to you when it's done." He said to us and I quickly nodded. I grab Ryan's hand and pulled him along knowing the sooner we did that was the sooner he could start on it.

Sitting down the couch I pulled Ryan down next to me and I grab the blanket off of the back of the couch, wrapping it around the two of us. We cuddle into each other just trying to get warm. 

Reaching over for the remote that was on the other side of the couch resting on the arm of the couch I turned on the TV and started to flip through the channel. I could find nothing that really interested me until we passed one of the channels that were just playing movies the whole month of December.

"EEEEP." I screeched in excitement as I bounced up and down when I saw that The Nightmare Before Christmas was on. I know it was on just a few month ago in October and I had watched a few weeks back but for some reason it being on TV just made it better especially in this season. It was more of a Christmas movie anyways in my opinion. 

Ryan let out a giggle and I turned to look at him and when I did that he looked down, seeming embarrassed that I heard him. "Sowwy I really like this movie and yew seemed happy about it too." He said quietly.

"It's otay. I'm happy someone is as excited as me for it." I told him as Daddy walked into the room handing us each a cup of hot chocolate. 

We moved over on the couch so he could sit between us and the two of us laid our heads on his shoulder as he wrap one of us arms around each of our waist. I curled into his side more as I took a sip. Today was a good day so far and I don't think much could change that. 


Later on in the day Ryan had left to go up to his room to leave Ricky and I to ourselves. I think he did that to give us some time together. I kind of felt for him with the holidays being so close and him not really having anyone that was his. I know I was sharing my Daddy with him but it's still not the same thing.

Eventually my guilt over powered my self centeredness and I got up from the couch and made my way to his room to get him to come back down so he wasn't all alone. 

Skipping up the door I went to go grab the handle but I stop when I heard him talking to someone. I knew it was on the phone because I could only hear one voice and I would of noticed if he had brought anyone in since the front door is right by where I was sitting before.

"But I'm happy hewe and yew keep being a meanie to me. I'z scawed of yew." He said in a wimper to the other person and I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping but I was concerned. If that was who I thought it was this won't be good. If his old Daddy was as bad as he sounded he could probably manipulate him by scaring him to come back.

"Pwease don't do that. I didn't mean too." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears and I could hear so much fear in his voice. I knew I couldn't deal with this on my own so I quietly rushed over to the stairs. 

"Daddy I need you." I called down knowing he would come running knowing that I needed him. He never made me wait when I used those words. 

He came rushing up the stairs the second he heard the urgency in my voice. "What wrong kitten? Are you okay?" He ask before he was even by me. All of his attention was on me and I planned on letting him give it someone else. Maybe I was becoming better at sharing after all. I'm defiantly pointing this out to him later, I think I deserved a reward but that's besides the point right now.

"I'm fine Daddy but I don't think Ryan is. He was on the phone with some one and he sounds scared." I told him shuffling my feet. This whole topic made me uncomfortable and brought back certain memories I had tried so hard to forget but I couldn't make this about me, not yet anyways. 

Daddy didn't even say a word after I said that he just rushed down the hall to Ryan's room. He knew who it had to be without anymore explanation. I rushed after him not wanting to be alone and also knowing Ryan would want some comfort and if Daddy got a hold of that phone there would be yelling.

Daddy knocked on the door before answering. He probably just did that to warn him due to how jumpy he could be. The situation he is dealing with right now would make that worse there was no question about that.

I stood behind Daddy and I could see Ryan had tears in his eyes and he was shaking. He seemed so frighten that it was hard to believe it was the small person who I was laughing and playing in the snow with not that long ago. 

Daddy moved over to him and cover the speaker on the phone with his hand. "Are you okay sweetheart?" He ask him softly and Ryan shook his hand. Daddy grab the phone from his hand. "Ryan go with Devin. Devin make sure he doesn't upset himself anymore. I'll deal with this." He told the two of us and I took Ryan's hand and pulled him out of the room, bringing him into Daddy and I's room. It was far enough away that he wouldn't hear anything and he could lay down in here. 

Ryan got up onto the bed and curled up in a ball, rocking himself back and forth. I moved to sit down next to him and the two of us cuddled up together. He was still shaking but he seemed to be doing better now that the phone wasn't in his hand and he was out of the room, away from the problem.  

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask him softly and he slowly nodded at me. I knew we weren't too close and this was something that was hard to talk about but I was still happy he was trusting me.

He was silent for a little bit, trying to calm himself down. He was at a point where he was so upset he couldn't form words. He eventually got to the point where he could speak and he looked up and me and I nodded, letting him know I was listening. He took a deep breath and I knew at that point he was ready to talk. 

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