Him | Chapter 2

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I was sitting on the floor in the living room in front of the couch with the TV which was more just background noise as I hated when the house was silent, it just tends to drive me up a wall. I had a fuzzy, red and black striped back wrap around me and I was cuddling my favorite stuffie to me chest. It was one of the first one Daddy had bought me and it was because he didn't want to get me an actually cat. One day I'll convince him to one day though. 

I was starring out the window just watching the rain fall. It had been gloomy outside all day today but it didn't start raining until a few minutes after Daddy left. I wish he was here and was holding me right now but of course he has to help what ever his name was which is more important to hin then me.

I know I sound like a brat right now but I was having a rough day. He knew that meaning he should of told him to call someone else. I was supposed to be his number one priority no matter what. 

I saw his car pull up in the driveway and I was fighting the urge I had to ran outside and jump into his arms. I wanted him to know I was still upset with him and this would show him that. Also I was having to do nothing to show it which was always the best way to go about it. 

"Hey Kitten, I'm home." Ricky called walked through the door. I still made no effort to move staying with my back turned to the doorway he would come through when he came in here, starring out the window. 

I heard someone walk into the room but it didn't sound like my Daddy. The footsteps were a lot softer then how his usually sounded. I'm guessing that's it was him. Knowing that made me not want to turn around anymore. 

"I think he's in here." I heard a quiet, yet deep voice say from behind me. He seemed so timid and that gave me some sense of relief. If he is timid he'll be easy to intimated.

I heard my Daddy walked into the room and rush over to me. He walked in front of me and crouched down and when I went to turn away he pulled me into his arms. 

"I know you're upset at me right now but we need to talk about a few things." He said and I could tell by the tone of voice he was using he wan't playing around here. I guess my bratty wrath could wait till he said what he needed.

I looked up at him, letting him know I was listening. "Ryan is going to be staying with us for a little while. Is that fine with you?" He ask me and even though he was asking I knew the decision had already been made. 

I didn't like this one bit. I was the baby in this house and no one was going to come in here and take that for me. There is no room for another little with me here and Daddy was aware of this and he is still going through with this. 

"Why can't he just go back to where he came from." I whined, kicking my feet against the floor and squirming out of his grasp. 

I turned my head away from him and Daddy let out a sigh and got up, walking back over to where Ryan was probably still standing. At least he isn't making himself at home because it isn't his place to do that.  

I don't know f he was trying to give me time to settled down or what but it wasn't working. Him walking away just upset me more. I crossed my arms and kept my back turned to the other people in the room. 

He knew I wouldn't like this and he still went through with it. I hated him for this. He should of been thinking about my welling being not his. I'm the most important person in his life and that's how things need to stay. I don't share well and I refuse to learn.

"Ryan can you give us a minute?" I heard him mumble and I amuse he agreed because next thing I knew the trader was coming back over to me and knelt down next to me. I let out huff and sticking my noses up in the air facing in the other direction, not wanting to even look at him right now. He doesn't deserve my acknowledgment.

"Hey come on baby can you at least look at me?" He ask me softly as he ran a hand up and down my arm. He was trying to comfort me but it was just upsetting me more I brushed him hand off and let out a snit. "Come on kitten can you not be a brat about this?" I rolled my eyes when he said that. I'm usually not that this bratty but for once my brattiness is reasonable.

"You're supposed to care about me and me only. That seemed to pass you mind when your brought him in here." I let out a sniffle after the words left my mouth.

"I do care for you kitten and I will always care for you more but right now I need to do this. It wont be for long. You'll still get all of my attention. " He told me trying to put some reassurance in me.

"I better." I mumble with a pout, looking back over at him. He let out a sigh seeing this as a step in the right direction.

"Come here." He said opening his arms and as much as I wanted to deny him the sanctification of giving him what I wanted I knew I couldn't turn down snuggles.

I quickly moved over to him and curled up in his lap, facing him, I resting my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sowwy for being a bwat Daddy but him being hewe isn't faiw to me." I mumble into his chest. I knew he wouldn't be able to stay upset at me when I was like this and maybe I could convince him to get him to leave.

He let out a sigh. "I know you are but you can't act like that." He said to me as he continued to run his fingers through my hair in a soothing manner.

I heard someone walk over to us and sit down on the floor next to where we were and I knew who it was with out even looking up and I'd rather he just stay far away right now.

"Come on kitten try to be nice." Daddy mumble by my ear so I could just hear him. He wasn't going to let up on this till I tried so I might as well.

With an eye roll I looked over to where Ryan was and he looked up at me with big doe eyes. He kind of reminded me of a puppy when he did that with his big, brown eyes. He grab something from behind his back and shoved a bat and purple bat stuffie in my direction. I had to hold but my squeal when I saw it, not wanting to make him feel any better about himself.

"I'z sowwy fow being hewe." He said, rocking himself a small bit, trying to comfort himself. Starring between him and the stuffie I quickly grab it out of his hands and clutched it my chest.

Ricky nudged my shoulder and I knew what he wanted me to do and as much as I didn't want to I really didn't want to push his buttons right now. Today has been a long day for the two of us and he was actually doing pretty well at keeping himself at bay with dealing with me right now. I didn't need to push it.

I buried my face back into Ricky chest."It's otay and thank yew." I mumble. I really wasn't but I might as well acted like it and at least I'm getting a cute suffie out of this. 

I guess I'm just going to have adjust a bit. Daddy isn't getting away with this though, not yet anyways. He wants to bring another little into our house that fine but I'm going to make sure all attention is on me no matter what.

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