Sleeping | Chapter 20

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I must of fallen asleep on Daddy's lap not to long after he pulled me to sit up there. As I was waking up I heard mutters from there conversation. Knowing they would possible stop talking if they saw I was awake I kept my eyes closed. I knew ease dropping was bad and Daddy wouldn't be happy with me if he knew I was doing this but I was curious.

"I didn't even see it coming it was just out of no where. I thought he was acting differently recently and I was trying to tell myself he was just going through a lot. Coming home and seeing the two of the them together just made me start seeing red." I heard Chris say in a mumble. I think he was only talking so quietly because I was asleep. Based on what they're talking about I'm guessing Ryan either left the room or fell asleep like me.

"You haven't gotten that bad in a while. I thought you had got your anger problems under control a long time ago." I heard Daddy say with a distressed sigh. 

I knew what he was talking about. Years ago Chris used to have a horrible temper and OCD like tendency. He liked things to go his way and in his order. When they didn't he would go off on the other person in the situation with him. He had been violent towards many people including a few of his ex's in the past. 

I mean I would never wish harm on anyone but when things got really bad with the girl he was with before Ange I kind of think she deserved what was coming to her. She took advantage of him and just liked the money he had, not him as a person. After what happened with her he got help, not wanting to do that again to someone he cared for. 

"I know I haven't been that bad for a long time. I had to just leave the room, leave the house completely actually. I knew the guy he was with, I've seen him around before. I was worried about how close they were about a year ago and Ange told me not to worry about it. He said they were just really close friends. I trusted him and I guess I shouldn't of." Hearing Chris talk about this was heartbreaking. I couldn't image Ange ever doing that to him, they seemed so in love the last time I saw them together.

Daddy stayed silent for a few moments behind me. I felt him start to hold me tighter and I think he was holding on to me because he didn't know what he would do without me. I knew that was why I liked him holding me right now. "I don't know what to tell you. Maybe it's for the best now that you know. It was possible going on for a while beofre that but at least now you're aware now." 

"It was going on for abut two years based on what he told me. I don't get why he didn't just leave me when the two of them started fucking around with each other. He could of just talked with me about it, if he wanted to sleep with out people I would of tried an open relationship. I just wanted him to be happy with me." Ange always seemed so sweet and just the way he looked at Chris made you think he couldn't live without him. I'm guessing that was just an act to him though.

My eye lashes slowly started fluttering and I could see light coming in through the cracks. It was making it difficult to pretend to sleep and the more I thought about it the hard it was to stop.

"I know you're awake Devin." Daddy said with a sigh, obviously not happy with me for doing what I did.

I opened my eyes fully and turned to look up at him with doe like eyes. "I'z sowwy. I just wanna know." I said in a sweet, high pinch voice. 

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Apologized to Chris for ease dropping on him." He told me sternly and I knew there was no arguing with him about this.

I turned to look back at Chrissy and as I look forward I saw Ryan was asleep by his feet with a blanket thrown over him. Without a doubt I knew Chris probably put that on him since Daddy couldn't move me to do it. 

I batted my long lashes a bit at Chrissy. "I'z is sowwy for easedwopping on yew Chrissy." I told him, keeping the same sweet sounding high pinch voice.

"Hmm I would of said something before I just didn't want to force you into an adult conversation when you seemed so little." He said with a smirk and I giggled. 

Hiding the giggle I let out a huff and pretend to pout. "But you should tell me things." With a smirk I moved off of Daddy's lap and straddle Chris's legs. 

"What are you up to Kitten?" I heard Daddy ask from the other side of us with a smirk.

I looked over at him with an innocent look. "Daddy you told me to apologize to Chrissy. Didn't you?"

He chuckled shaking his head a bit. "That I did but I think you need to ask me something before you continue on with what you have planed."

I cocked my head a bit, turning back toward Chrissy and placing my lip within inches of his. Chris just sat there smirking at me, amused by the little game I was playing. "Daddy pwease can I pway with Chrissy." 

Daddy chuckle, amused by me as well. "Go right ahead Kitten but you're going to have to be quiet."

"Go luck with that." Chris mumble as he brought his lips to mine and I wrap my arms around his neck, grinding myself against him.

(Shameless self promotion) go check out my 30 Day Smut Challenge.

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