Midnight | Chapter 12

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Ryan Ashley and Josh stayed for a while longer and in that time Daddy finally came home. The two of them didn't stay long after he got here which I didn't mind. I was looking forward to just spending tonight with him and I guess Ryan as well.

I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen with my legs crossed under each other as I watched him go through the fridge to find something to make us. Ryan was still in the living room but I think he was watching a movie now. I was hesitant to leave him because of his mopey mood earlier but he seems to do doing better now.

I watch Daddy let out a sigh as he shut the fridge. "What's wrong Daddy?" I ask him, turning my head slightly.

"We need to go shopping, there is literally no food." He said with an annoyed sigh and I let out a whine. I was hungry and I didn't want to wait any longer.

"But Daddddy I want food now." I complained and he didn't really react at first. Sp I was thinking that he knew my whining was coming and I think it was reasonable right now.

"Keep whining and I won't do what I'm about to. " he said sternly as he turned to look at me. 

He stayed silent, waiting to see if I understood him. "Do you want to go somewhere for dinner? There is going to be a wait but you can get whatever you want." He ask me and I nodded. There goes our plans of doing nothing tonight but that seems to always be how are New Years Eve plans come about."Okay go ask Ryan if he wants to come and the two of you go get ready." He finished and I jump off of the counter and gave him a kiss before going into the living room to collect Ryan.

"Ryan we're going out for dinner." I said to him as I walked into the living room. He looked at me concerned for a moment. I'm guessing he doesn't really like doing things like that. I don't really want to leave him but if it means me getting food I'll do it .I let out a sigh, deciding to be a small bit considerate to him. "Are you okay with that?" I ask him trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Ya I should be just there's a lot of people." He mumble as he slowly stood up. I hadn't even thought of that till he said it.I'm really starting to not like this idea. Daddy may of hinted at it but I didn't really pick up on that. I hated being in giant crowds of people and I could tell he felt the same.

Daddy came up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. "I'll stay by both of your sides all night and we can leave if it gets to much for the two of you. I wouldn't want either of my babies getting too upset during the holiday." We both nodded feeling a bit comfort in him saying that. I know he won't let anything bad happen to either of us.


It took all of us a little bit to get ready. It took me the longest but I knew that my Daddy wouldn't complaining after seeing how good I look. I was wearing a short, long sleeves, black and sliver dress that had lace detailing on it with a pair of boots that had a slight heel to them. My makeup was done to match with a black smokey eye with sliver detailing and my lips were done in a nude, dead looking grey lipstick. I had left my hair alone again, liking how it looked messy with my put together appearance.

Both Ryan and Daddy were more causally dressed. Daddy had on a black dress shirt with a vest over it. His hair was left alone and he smudge some black eyeshadow onto his eyes. Ryan was just wearing a dress shirt and it looked like he had some foundation on but nothing else.

We were on in the car trying to find somewhere to eat. I was up front in the passenger seat next to Daddy and Ryan sat behind me. Every place we drove by was obviously pack because the line was literally out the door. I guess this is going to be harder then any of us thought. Most of these places you probably need a reservation for anyways.

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