Playmate | Chapter 10

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  I pulled my lips off of Ryan as I turned to face my Daddy,batting my lashes at him. "Aren't you going to join us Daddy?" I ask him with a smirk. I knew he wouldn't be able to turn that offer down.   

He came over to us and sat down on the couch without a word. I slowly started to trail my lips down Ryan's neck, moving along on to his chest. I nipped lightly at his skin. Not hard enough to cause too much pain but just enough to get a rise out of him. He let out some small pants and a few quiet moans that made me smirk against his skin.

I lent forward a bit, sticking my butt out in effort to get a rise out of my Daddy as well as he watched me play with Ryan.I knew I was succeeding at this when I felt a hand roughly come down on my butt, causing me to let out a yelp and pull myself away from Ryan to look up at the person who had just done that.

"Are you lonely Daddy?" I asked him as I palmed Ryan through his shorts. 

"I think you deserve a bit of a punishment since you didn't think to ask me if you two could play and I know who was the one that started this." He said with a smirk and I let out a wimpier not wanting to be punished right now.

"But Daddy this is your Christmas gift. If I told you that would ruin the surprise." I told him trying to get out of this. It was the truth way would I tell him about a gift before giving it to him anyways. "Plus don't we look cute?" I ask him rocking against Ryan who sat below me silently just enjoying the interaction he was having with me.

"Hmm I didn't really get a good look at the two of you yet. Why don't you stand up for me?" He said to us and as much as it sounded like a question I knew he meant it more an order. 

I giggle standing up and pulling Ryan up with me. Once we were standing I turned and faced him, connecting our lips once again. Now that I knew Daddy was watching I put a little more into it. Ryan quickly got what I was doing and he seemed to getting a bit more comfortable as he slid his hand down to grab my butt causing me to let out a moan. 

We both heard Daddy clear his throat quite loudly and we pulled away a little bit, starting at him waiting for further instruction from him. "Why don't you lay down in front of me Kitten?" He ask me and I slowly walking over to him, swaying my hips in a teasing manor before laying down on my back below where he was sitting. He placed his legs on either side of me and I was a bit confused on what he was trying to do with this.

"Ryan, sweetheart get on your knees in front of me." He said to him and Ryan quickly came over to us straddling my chest because that was the only way he could kneel in front of him. I was starting to catch on to what he was doing but I was still a little bit confused.

I watch Daddy slowly pull his cock out and he grip the back of Ryans head pulling him down on to him without a word. I watched Ryan take him into his mouth and I was getting why Daddy had me lay down like this. From the angle I could see perfectly how his lips wrap around him and how his cheek sunk in as he took him further into his mouth. Daddy was trying to tease me amd there was nothing I could really do about it.

I watched this for a while longer and I could see spit start to trail out of his mouth as he gagged on the cock in his mouth. As hot as this was to watch I started to get a bit bored so I reached my hand up and started to palm at Ryan hard cock through his shorts which was right in front of my face which was making him moan around my Daddy. This caught both of there attentions like I wanted this too.

"Are you getting bored down there Kitten?" Daddy ask me in a groan.

"Daddy can I suck him?" I ask him sweetly. He couldn't really see my face too well so I didn't have to play up a pout. 

"Go right ahead Kitten." He told me with a chuckle and I let out a happy squeak as I pulled his shorts down a bit, exposing him. I decided to toy with him a little bit and I slowly stroked him, making sure to move my hand as slow as I possibly could.

I could hear his muffled groans and with a smirk I slid his tip into my mouth and twirled my tongue around the head before taking him further into my mouth. The longer this went on for the more sensitive he got and he started to thrust his hips a bit, making him go further down my throat, causing me to choke a bit. I was sure my makeup was smug a bit now which Daddy was going to get a kick out of it.

I heard Daddy eventually order him to stand up and as his cock left my mouth he let out a disappointed groan. He gesture for Ryan to lean in a little bit and he whisper something in his ear and I let out a whine, not liking the idea of getting left out.

"Daddy." I whined out and his gaze quickly snapped down to me when he realized I was upset.

"Come up here kitten and straddle Daddy's lap." He told me in a soft yet stern voice and I quickly follow his order. 

He slowly started to kiss down my neck and onto my chest, removing my clothes as he went. I was so caught up in the pleasure and attention I was receiving from my Daddy that I almost forgot that Ryan was there till I felt a second set off hands pulling down the lace, red panties I had on.

He slowly slid them off of me and he pull away for a second before I felt his tongue moving around my entrance in small circles before shoving it into me. I guess that answered the question of what Daddy said to hin before. He did this until I was moan mess, grinding on Daddy's lap.

Daddy picked me up and turned me around so I was facing away from him and held me up above his cock by the grip he had on my hips. 

I let out a loud wimpier. "Please Daddy." I whined out and he slowly sank me down on to his cock. I let out a groan as I felt him slowly stretching me until I was down to the base.

I placed my hands on his legs to give me leverage and I bounced myself up and down on him. "That's my good little girl." I heard Daddy moan out and I was pleased to hear he was enjoying this. 

I felt Daddy slip his arms around my waist as he wrap his hands around my cock, stroking me. I was already so close to releasing that I had to hold myself back when he started doing that and I had to hold myself back being aware that I needed his permission to cum first.

"Daddy may I please cum?" I ask him in a pant. I tried to keep bouncing myself but the closer I got the sloppier my movements got and if he didn't notice I was close before he defiantly could tell now.

He didn't answer right away, making me wait longer and I was getting impatient. I let out a whine to get his attention and that seemed to work. "Go ahead Kitten cum for Daddy." He rasp by my ear and I let go the second the words left his mouth.

Once I had calmed down a bit he pulled me off of him, setting me next to him before beckoning Ryan over to him. I had completely forgotten he was in the room from how quiet he was well watching us.

He crawled over and Daddy had him get on his hands and knees for him. This was always conflicting for me because I hated sharing him with anyone but I always founded it so hot to watch him destroyed someone else.

My Daddy got rough with me at times but never as rough as he was with other playmates that I had asked him to add to our playtime. He only did that if he knew they could take it though. On the outside Ryan looks like someone who couldn't take it but watching Daddy plow into him so quick and fast I saw him in a completely different light.

It didn't take him long to be begging to cum and Daddy pulled out of him, stroking him till he came onto his hand. I knew that meant Daddy was close and he didn't usually like to cum on or in anyone else but me. 

He stood up and looked at my expectantly. Even with how tired I was I quickly got off the couch and onto my knees for him. He put a hand behind my head as he stroke his cock over my face. I opened my mouth, sticking my tongue out as I looked up at him with big, doe eyes. He released onto my face with most of it landing in my mouth. I licked my lips clean and batted my lashes at him. 

He helped me get to my feet and sat me back down on the couch before doing the same for Ryan. Daddy sat down in between the two of us again after he grab a towel to clean us up a bit before he spent the rest of the night cuddling the two of us and making us feel better.

"Both of you did such a good job." He said kissing the tops of both of our heads. 

"Tank yew Dada." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. 

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