Fostering | Chapter 3

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I was laying down in bed facing the opposite way that I knew Ricky would be facing when he laid down. He was still getting ready for bed though but when he walked into the room I knew he would be able to figure out what I was doing by laying in the way I am.

When he cam walking into the room he saw me and let out a sigh. I felt kind of bad for upsetting him but at least I knew I got my point across to him. He got into bed and the room stayed silent for a few moments and I could feel his eyes on me well we laid like this. He was trying to figure out what to do with me right now. 

I felt him reach his arms around me but before I could squirm out of his grasp he was pulling me closer to him. I'm guess he decided what he wanted to do with me. I felt his chest hit my back and he soothingly ran his fingers through my hair. Even though part of me wanted to pull away  I could no longer fight him, all I really wanted was my Daddy all to myself and right now that was what I was getting from him now.

"I'm sorry for being a brat today." I said as I turned around in his arms. I looked up at him in the eyes as I spoke. I know there was a few things we would need to discus and I had a feeling I was going to have to have an adult conversation with him about it. I really wasn't used to having to not be little since I don't work and Ricky doesn't mind it. I can be little all the time if I want to. Things like this always have to come up though at some point and I have to suck it up and be an adult.

"I know you are but there is a few things we need to talk about. Like how you want things to work now between us with Ryan being here. I know ho you are and I want to make sure you're comfortable with everything before we go on with this." He said to me. Here we go, how did I know this was coming. 

"What do you mean how things will work? " I ask him, confused over what he meant. I knew we would have to talk about this but I didn't think he would want things to change. I know Ryan's staying here now but nothing would change. And then it hit me and I was upset again. "You're thinking about taking care of his as well, aren't you?" I scuffed at him with an eye roll.

He let out a sigh. "He has just been through a lot so yes if you're fine with it I would be taking care of him. Hear me out about it though before you react, okay? His old Daddy was abusing him and taking advantage of the situation there relationship was in. In my onion he really wasn't a Daddy he was just an asshole who abused that title. Anyways though he had finally had gone to far for Ryan's liking so that's why he's staying here. I don't think he'll function without having the stress relief and I know you would understand where he would be coming for with that."

My face fell into a frown and I was no longer upset at Ricky for wanting to help him. I know what it was like to be with someone like that and before I knew Ricky I didn't think I could ever find a good Daddy. I actually felt bad for him. I was understanding a little better why Ricky drop everything to get him like he did today.

"I think I would be okay with that. As long as I'm still your number one priority still." I told him sternly. I wasn't really okay with this but knowing his situation I felt like I needed to try.

"Of course you'll be my number one priority. Think of what I'm doing with him more like fostering." He said with a chuckle and it made a smile come to my face.

"I think I can deal with that." I said to him. 

"Are you sure about that?" He ask, trying to make sure I wasn't just pretending that I was saying it. 

"I'm sure about it." I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Do you want to go back to being little again?" He ask me as he ran his hand up and down my back. 

I  rested my face against his bare chest and nodded against his skin. "Yes  Daddy." I mumble as I started to get sleepy. Being in his arms like this always makes me feel tired. I think it was just because it made me feel secure.


The next day I was sitting in the kitchen eating my breakfast by myself sadly. Daddy was running late so he didn't eat with me but he made sure to get everything set out for me before he walked out the door. I wanted him to say with me but I knew he had to go to work so I sucked it up and excepted it when he walked through the door.

I heard someone start to bounce down the stairs almost like they were skipping. I did't even have to question who it was. I knew it was Ryan and I took a deep breathe to keep myself on my best behavior. I wanted to give him a chance and being mean to him won't do anything.

He stop in the doorway when he saw me at the table. He cautiously walking in and grabbed a bowl before coming to sit next to me. I think he was worried about what I was going to do without daddy here to stop me.

"Can I pwease have some?" He ask gesturing to the cereal in front of me. I wanted to tell him no since it was my cereal and I don't like to share but I choose to be nice and passed it towards him. 

"Tank you." He said smiling. I think with me doing that he wasn't as fearful of me.  

We eat in silence until he moved closer to me and wrap his arms around me in a hug. "I sowwy for being hewe an' upsetting yew." He said quietly and I did want to push him away but I did really like hugs so I wrap my arms around him. 

"It's otay. I'm fine with this now." I told him and he pulled away smiling. 

"Really?" He sounded shocked and I felt bad for making him that scared of me. I might be mean sometimes but not scary, well I don't try to be.

"Yes really but understand I'm the most important baby in this house. I'll share my Daddy with you but at the end of the day he's mine." I told him and even though I was trying to be nice I still wanted to make that clear between us.

He nodded at me and went back to eating his cereal. I think I might actually like having another little around if it means I won't be alone all the time. Maybe this won't be too bad.

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