Christmas Eve | Chapter 9

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Slowly but surely Ryan was healing and his ex didn't call him back or try to contact him in anyway recently. He was back to acting how he did the day we were playing out in the snow and he seemed to get brighter and brighter with every passing day. It was nice to see. He didn't seem like the person to smile a lot but when he did it could bright up a room.

I was excited for that because I didn't really want someone mopey around during the holidays If I was being honest. Even though I knew it wasn't his fault my selfishness got the best of me. I liked things to go my way and he wasn't going to ruin that for me.

With tonight being Christmas Eve I already had a little plan sorted out that I wanted to let him in on. A few days ago I had went out shopping and before I left I stunk into his room to go through his stuff to get his size so I knew what to buy him.

Skipping over to his room I barged in without knocking due to my excitement with the bag in hands. I placed the bag on the bed and he slowly turned over to face my, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. I guess he had come up here for a nap, oh well that's going to be cut short.

"What's that?" He ask me as he sat up and I pulled what I bought him out of the bag and placing it in front of him. That should of been a close enough answer for him.

I didn't know how open he was when it came to wearing more feminine styled clothing so I kept it simple not wanting to push him into something he wasn't into or comfortable with. I may be okay with it but not everyone else was and I can respect that. With that being said though I still hated trying to find sexy themed Christmas lingering for men. I was really limited on options for him but I made it work to the best of my abilities. 

I had got him an elf themed outfit that came with a pair of green shorts, a bow tie and a elf hat. As he went through the pile of clothing in front of me he looked up at me confused, I probably should of been more straight forward before just putting that in front of him. I should of also ask him if he was comfortable with this but oh well I can't change any of that now.

"What's this for?" He ask me slowly as he examined everything.

"Well." I said drawing out my words as I sat down on the bed next to him, pulling the bag along with me. "I thought since you are kind of apart of our relationship in some way I should include you. Also I didn't want you feeling left out or alone for the holidays." I told him. I was being honest with all my words. I may of not liked sharing but I had always wanted to add someone different to our playtime, I was jumping at the chance to do this now.

"Okay I get that but why the outfit?" He ask me and I rolled my eyes. I can't tell if he was really that oblivious to what this meant or he just wanted to be more formally invited to joining us. I'm going with the second option because I don't really seem to be okay with sharing my Daddy during playtime. Which can be true but if I'm in the mood for it I find it a major turn on.

"It's Christmas themed lingerie. I struggled finding you something but this was one of the few option and I though you'd look good in it." I said bouncing around as I open the bag to show him my outfit. 

"You see I even got myself one." I had bought myself a red corset with white fur trim, a cute little Santa hat and a pair of red lace panties to go along with it. "I thought you could join the two of us later. From what I've seen you haven't gotten any recently and I don't know how you do it." I told him honestly. If I went as long as him without sex I would be super grumpy.

"Are you sure you're okay with that? I just don't want you to feel like you have to include me." He said to me, looking down at the bottom of his shirt and he pulled uncomfortably at the fabric. 

"I'm sure about it. I know even though my Daddy doesn't say it he wants to you to join us. He doesn't say that because he doesn't want me to feel forced into anything I'm not okay with.  Sooo what do you say?" I ask him, slowly trailing my fingers up him arms. I'm really hoping he say yes.

"I would really like to get to play with you." He said shyly and I smiled knowing tonight would be fun.


Most of the day we spent on couch wanting random Christmas movies that were on. I could tell that Daddy knew that I was up to something but he left it alone knowing that it possible had something to do with a little gift for him that should be left a surprise. 

When Daddy had went to go start dinner Ryan and I snuck up stairs to go get ready. It took him only a few moment to throw on his outfit and fix his hair a bit, I was wishing mine was that easy. I was taking around half an hour which was good time for me. Some days it takes me up to two hours to get ready.  

I decided to leave my outfit for last not wanting to get any makeup on it. I had put a mixture of red and a sparkly white eyeshadow on and a bright red, sparkly lipstick on. Nothing too much knowing it would be ruined quite quickly but still enough that I looked and felt put together. I just left my hair in the wavy state it was in deciding that it looked good like this for once.

I took his hand as I was all but pulling him down the stairs after me. I think he was worried I was going to change my mind about this and that's why he's being so cautions with his movements.

Sneaking back into the living room I saw that Daddy was still in the kitchen. I was relieved he was so I could make this even more of a surprise for him.

Shoving Ryan down to sit on the floor with his back against the couch I straddled his lap. Between the two of us I could tel I was more dominate so for now I took that roll. I didn't really like taking this roll but if I didn't this would end up going no where.

I connected our lips and slowly grinned myself on his lap making sure to rub against his cock slowly. Things started to get heated and the two of us let out a loud moan that I'm sure Daddy would hear. Oh was I right about that

Moments later Daddy walked out of the kitchen and leaning against the door frame he starred at us with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his lips.

I pulled my lips off of Ryan as I turned to face my Daddy,batting my lashes at him. "Aren't  you going to join us Daddy?" I ask him with a smirk. I knew he wouldn't be able to turn that offer down. 


I will continued the rest of this in the next chapter which I plan on posting later on today. Hope you all enjoy this so far. Also if you didn't put it together the photo at the top is a picture of Ryan and Devin outfits.

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