Snowflake | Chapter 13

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I quietly tip toed back into the house with the box in my hands as I held it by the handle that it has. I wasn't expecting Daddy to be home yet but I guess he got home early. I wanted to get home before him and guilt him with my cuteness to let me keep what I bought. Also I didn't say anything to him about going out and he wouldn't be too please with me doing that. 

I heard Daddy footsteps as he walked over to the front door. He must of heard me come in, I'm not really that good at being quiet even if I try to be. 

I set the box down and I started to remove my many layers pf clothing and my shoes. He should be somewhat proud of me too right now because I actually dressed appropriately for the weather. 

He stood there and crossed his arms and he didn't even have to say a word to me, I could tell I was in trouble. I guess my cuteness is just going to have to go even more over bored with it now.

"Daddy! I miss yew so much!" I cheered and rushed over to him, jumping up and warping my legs and arms around him. He didn't response and I pulled myself back a bit to look at his face as I batted my eyelashes at him. He wasn't looking at me through, his eyes were focused on the box on the floor behind me.

He looked back at me with his eyebrows raised. "What do you have in that box kitten? Is it something you should of talked with me about before buying?" He ask me, knowingly. He already knew what I did but he wanted me to admit it to him before. 

I jump down and walked over to the box. I sat down on the floor, opening the box and pulling what I had bought out. The little white fluffy kitten I had bought let out a small meow before curling up in my arms.

"But Daddy look how cute she is! How could I not buy her!" I exclaimed at him. I made sure there was a pout on me face and I pulled the kitty up next to my face. "Look how cute we are together." I said sweetly, hoping he would break eventually. He wasn't dropping his hard demeanor right now though. 

"Aw kitty!" I heard Ryan yelled from the top of the stairs as he ran down them as he came over to me. He sat down on the floor in front of us, not even paying Daddy any mind. I don't think he even saw him standing there before he was distracted by the adorable ball of fluff in my arms.

"Can I hold the kitty?" Ryan ask me, nicely as he opened his arms toward us. I hesitantly nodded my head. I hated sharing but I understood that he wants a turn. How could anyone not want to hold her? She is too cute for words to even describe. Kind of like me.

"You see Daddy she is adorable, even Ryan think so." I said to him in a told you so tone of voice. "So can we keep her?" I ask him, with a pout. He couldn't say no to that face and I knew it.

He let out a sigh and walked over to us. He bent over and scratched the top of her head and she let out a tiny little meow and I could tell he fell in love with her just as much as I had. "We can keep her but don't do this again, okay? At least call me and ask before you do something like this again." He said, sternly to me. 

 He may of given into what I wanted but he still had to enforce the rules he had for me. I may hate that but a part of loves it just the same.

"Yay! Tank yew Daddy." I said as I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. He lent down a little bit more so it would be easier for me and I kissed his cheek with a giggle. "I wuve yew." I said to him as I pulled away. 

"I love you too baby." He said, chuckling at how cute I was acting.

"What are you going to name her?" Ryan ask me as he handed the kitty back to me. I held her close and she nuzzled her cute little face against my hand as I rub the bridge of her nose.

I hadn't even though about that till he asked me that but the second her little bright eyes looked up at me I knew what I was going to call her. "Snowflake." I stated as I pet her. She was just like a snowflake, unique in her own way. One of her eyes had a green tinge to it well the other was a bright blue.


That night Daddy took me to go get stuff for my little baby like food and toys. Of course I was making sure the cart was full of more things that we really didn't need. I wanted to spoil her just like Daddy spoils me. She is my baby and that's how baby's should be treated. 

Ryan had stayed home to watch her because of how small she was I didn't want to leave her alone. Plus I also wanted to just spend time with my Daddy.

"Kitten do we really need to get her that toy too when the cart is already full of multiple toys?" He ask as I set the little bat stuffie chew toy that had catnip in it in the cart next to everything else. 

I looked up at him as I let out a huff. "Yes we do. It's a bat, it's different then the other thing. She needs variety." I was being honest. Why would she want to play with the same toys all the time? That sounds boring and I don't want her to be bored.

"Fine one more thing. Now what else does she absolutely need that isn't toys?" He ask as he pushed the cart around the store.

"Oh she needs a bed." I told him as I rushed in front of him and into the aisle we just almost walked by. How could I of forgotten that?

He quickly turned the cart around and followed me down the aisle. I couldn't see anything that caught my attention until I saw the cutest one. It looked like it was forgotten stock from around Halloween with its little bat's and pumpkin on the black fabric. I could also see orange toned fur under the pillow in the center of the bed.

I let out a shriek as quietly as I could because we were in public. Usually I wouldn't care but I could tell Daddy was tired and I didn't want to put him through anything more then he has already dealt with today. He would hate that I was thinking this way because he tries to be as strong as he possibly could be for me.

I put it in the cart and Daddy let out a chuckle when he saw it. "Ya that looks perfect for you baby." He said playful and I smiled as I skipped down the aisle. He was right about that.

We checked out and as he was dealing with that I watched the groomers taking care of an adorable puppy. Shortly after we walked out and Daddy had me get in the car as he put all the things in the trunk. He didn't want me getting sick considering it had dropped far below zero since the sun had set a few hours ago.

I watched him back to the driver side and he had the phone glued to his ear and I could tell something was wrong by his expression. After he hung up he wasted no time getting in and us on to the rode.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, knowing if we ended up talking about his it would have to be an adult conversation.

He paused for a moment, glancing over at me. "It's nothing we just need to go back to the house right now." I knew he wasn't telling me the truth but I let it slid for once, knowing when not to push it. This was far more important then my pettiness was.

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