Intruder | Chapter 14

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When we pulled into the driveway I noticed a car that didn't seemed familiar to me that is parked on the rode next to our driveway. It could of been one of our neighbors but that won't make any sense because of how close they were to our house.

"Stay here kitten. I'll come back for you once this is dealt with." Daddy said as he went to open the door but he stop when I let out a whine. "Whats wrong Baby?" He ask keeping one foot outside of the car.

"I don't wanna stay back, scawy." I said with a whimper and he let out a sigh knowing I wasn't going to listen to what he wanted me to do right now. Also he knew I was right. Not in a moment like this when I know something is wrong. Someone was in our house right now I really didn't feel safe essentially being a sitting duck out here on my own.

He let out a sigh. "Okay come on with me but stay behind me no matter what." He said before stepping out of the car. I quickly followed him coming up behind him and grabbing his hand.

I don't know what happened but whatever this is its bad. I could just tell by how tense Daddy was being about the situation. It can't be too bad though because Daddy would of called the police before we even got here, right?

Once we got to the door I could hear faint, mumble yelling through the metal door. I couldn't make out what the man was saying but I did know that I couldn't recognize the voice of the person. Daddy obviously did though by the way his back stiffen when he heard it. He rushed to get the door open and he ran into the house, going into the living room where voice was coming from.

Walking into the living room I stood behind Daddy, peeking around his back to see what was going on. I could see Ryan crowding away from the man who I assuming was doing the yelling that I could hear before. The man in front of him wasn't too tall and he had a slime frame. He had black hair and that was all I could make out since his back was turned to me as he was facing Ryan. I don't think either of them heard us come in over the volume of his voice.

"TJ, Do I need to call the police or are you going to walk out of my house right now?" Daddy ask the man and we finally caught both of their attention. The second the man attention moved to us Ryan pulled out of the grasp he had on his arm and ran over to us. He stood behind Daddy and moved really close next to me. It started to all make sense when I put together what he told me his ex's name was.

"He was fine with me until you butted in. Just walk away and mind your own business." He spat at us. I could tell he had been drinking a bit before he had come here from how he spoke and slightly wobbled where he stood.  

In that moment he took notice of Ryan now standing next to me and he snap his fingers at him before pointing at the ground by his feet similar as how you would address a dog when they were misbehaving. "Get back over here now, I'm not done talking to you." He snarled at him and I heard Ryan let otu a small wimpier out of hear of what the outcome of this situation could be.

Ryan slowly started to move in his direction and it seemed to be more on a reflex then anything else. I grab his arm and it snap him out of his own head, keeping him by my side. I looked at him and shook my hand, grasping his hand. When he first got here I would of thrown him in his direction, wanting him gone but now I saw him as apart of Daddy and I's little family and I didn't want him to get hurt.

"Kitten, take Ryan upstairs and I'll deal with this." Daddy told me, not turning to look at me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling Ryan upstairs with me. He seemed frozen in his spot, he was in so much shock that he wan't even functioning right now. I know what that feeling is like and I felt bad for him for having to got through this. Things had been going so well for him, he didn't deserve that.

The second we started to make our way out of the room the yelling started up again but I didn't pay any attention to what was being said, I just let it motivate me to move faster. It seemed to upset Ryan even more then he already was. Yelling was something I didn't do well with but I knew I couldn't let it get to me, not right now.

I pulled Ryan into Daddy and I's room since it was the closet and it had a lock on it which the guest room Ryan was staying in didn't have. I shut the door behind me, locking ut and he curled up in a little ball against the wall by the door.

Seeing him in better lightening and up close I notice he had a few bruises and some broken skin on his face also going down his throat. I was sure there was more but none of it was viable right now. I would leave that for Daddy to deal with later becasue I didn't really know what I was to do about it right now and I was sure I would cause more damage.

As I heard the yelling getting louder I pulled my phone out and quickly dialed 911 not waiting things to get anymore out of hand then they already had. Right now I just wanted him out of our house before anymore damage was done to any of us. 

Ryan had seemed to have slip into a state of shock and wasn't responding to anything and I was even further lost on what to do. This was becoming far to much for me.

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