Calming Presence | Chapter 19

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This story is soon coming to a close and I want to know if any of you would be interested in a sequel revolving around Ryan and Chris? A few of you picked up on the hinting I had towards Cyan being a thing in this story in the last chapter and doing something like this was always my end game for this story but I'm just wondering is any of you would want to read that.

 If so which story would you want to see my do first:

The Sequel to this story


 The sequel Hauntingly Seductive 


Ryan and I had made ourselves comfortable sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table eating chicken nuggets with mac and cheese on the side. Daddy and Chrissy were on the couch behind us eating chinese food. Chris had brought it with him when he came, knowing that there wasn't going to be much here other then little food. He knew Daddy can be a bit of a push over with me so whatever I wanted when were out grocery shopping I get.

Both of them have no problem putting up with what we tend to like eating but I could tell Daddy was relived to see him bring those boxes in when he went back out to his car. I guess for some people eating chicken nuggets constantly isn't a dream come true. I can't understand that if I'm being honest

Usually Daddy tries to push eating healthy on me by putting some form of vegetable in with my food but I think he was just exhausted after the week we've been through and he just wasn't in the mood to make anything else. I think Chris being here just gave him a bigger excuse to be lazy. 

I was going to have to start working out more often. I had noticed I was gaining a bit of weight recently and I hate it. I liked being smaller because when I wanted to I could look more feminine a lot easier. Plus it made it easier for Daddy to carry me around. I could tell Daddy hadn't noticed that I had and he wouldn't care what so ever when he did, it just bother me.

Ryan had relaxed a lot more around Chris and he had his back rested against his legs. Chris occasionally ran his finger through his hair and at first I think it was more just out of intrinsic because he always did that to Ange when they sat like this. He apologized right away to him when he noticed and pulled his hand away. Ryan seemed upset with him when he did that and shook his head, placing his hand back on his head. I could tell Chris was shocked at first but he quickly adjusted and he was absentmindedly petting his head on.

It was weird seeing him like this with someone but at the same time it was refreshing. After his ex his needs someone like Chris and as much as I wanted to push them together I knew not to butt in and ruin it. If I started pushing them together it would just make them uncomfortable. They both had been through a lot on different end of the spectrum recently and them trying to get together right now wouldn't work out.

Watching them I knew there was something different about Chris in Ryans mind based on how he had adjusted so well to him and I think this had something to do with the relaxing presence Chris carried with him. Chris may be tall and scary looking on the outside but his personality was no where close to that unless he was being protective over someone. Other then that he just felt comforting to be around. 

"What happened with you and Ange?" Daddy asked Chris. I was pretty much zoned out till he asked him that. I was too focused on my food to pay attention to them plus nothing they were talking about before really interested me. I also saw Ryan's interested peak up at bit when he heard that name leave his mouth.

Chris stayed silent for a moment and because I couldn't see his face I don't know if it had to do with he was uncomfortable with the topic or he was thinking abut what to say. I'm feeling like the answered laid somewhere in the lather.

"Things just weren't working out between us anymore. I guess we were just wanting something different. We had been drifting a part for a while now though and I guess I just didn't really see that till recently." Chris solemnly told him. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what I would do if I lost this one because of any of those reasons." Daddy told him before he reached down towards me and pulled me up onto his lap.

I giggle and kissed his cheek before I reached over to Chrissy giving him a hug. "I is sorry your alone now but it's his loses." I told him, trying to give him a sense of comfort. 

He wrap his arms around my back and let out a sigh. "It's alright honey. Being in your presence always seems to lighten my mood." He said as I pulled away, resting my back against Daddy's chest. "I don't know even know anymore I think I really just miss taking care of someone and being around someone so bubbly." 

I watched Ryan perk up a bit when he said that. I'm guessing he wouldn't mind someday being that person for him.

"I mean that one isn't always bubbly but I know what you mean. Right now though just don't worry to much about it. I'm sure you'll find someone again soon. Till then your more then welcome to help me take care of these two. I know Devin loves having you around and Ryan is pretty comfortable with you which isn't something he usually is with new people." I nodded well Daddy said this, letting him know he could be here and I saw Ryan turn around a bit well smiling up at him. 

"I think I will." Chris said well smiling down at Ryan which made him look away with a small blush. I could tell Chris was holding back an awe from his reaction. 

I let out a yawn and curled up on his lap more. Daddy wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him and making me feel even more secure.

I could see Chris watching with a smile on his face. "One of these days I want to have something like you two have. It just seems so much more effortless then what I had with Ange. I mean the fact that you two had tattoos of each other done was something I could never see us doing. I guess somewhere deep down I knew this wouldn't last too long."

"Things happen for a reason." Daddy told him in a consoling tone. 

"Ya Chrissy you'll find someone. I know it." I said proudly to him as I glanced down at Ryan, giving him a hint. He smiled when I did that and I don't even think he noticed he did so. 

"Ya I'm sure I will." He mumble, going back to running his fingers through Ryan's hair. He defiantly knew what I meant by that, there was no doubt about it.

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