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We often forget how easy it is to fall into submission.

We forget how difficult it is to survive otherwise.

When they give you the option to follow and save your life, or stay join your parents.

The option to serve, or to rebel.

You would chose to conform, would you not?


In the bittersweet silence, there was peace. Peace found in the soft sway of the leaves on the bamboo, the blooms of the sakura trees, the blades of grass in the garden.

Bittersweet, truly, for the silence carried with it great omen. Silence, a lack of sound, song, joy. Silence, a promise of death.

The floorboards of the house creaked ever so slightly under the weight of your small feet. Your nightgown shifted slightly with each movement, a beautiful silk to compliment the lustrous shine of your hair. The lantern you held in your hands was light and cast a warm glow upon the corridors.

"Mama, Papa?" You whispered softly, unsure if you wanted to wake them. When you heard no response, you pushed the door open slowly, forcing it to imitate the same creak of the floors.

"Mama," you tried again. There they were, sleeping soundly on their beds, a small space just wide enough for you to set yourself in. Blowing out the light in the lantern, you set it on the hook by the door and delicately climbed into the comforting spot. Your fathers eyes opened ever so slightly as he smiled, having awoken the second you stepped out of your bed upstairs. He tussled your hair slightly, affectionately, before costing his eyes again. It didn't take long for the soothing atmosphere and lulling sounds of your parents shallow breathing to coax you into your own sleep.


The cold was what woke you. The fact that, despite being in the embrace of you're mother and father, you were cold. Snuggling up further into your father, you voiced your discomfort, "Papa, I'm cold."

There was only silence, and as you raised yourself on your arms, you noted how still your parents had become. They were shadowed, the light of the moon not reaching their faces and making it hard for you to notice much of anything. Looking outside, the moon was still in the sky, having passed the highest point maybe an hour ago.

"Mama, Papa..."

"I'm afraid they won't wake up anymore, (child)"

You turned your body until you're eyes feel upon a figure standing at the other end of the room, beside the door. The sakura trees outside the windows let out a sift crash, like waves against the cliff. The calm of the rpm went undisturbed for a while yet before you spoke.

"Who are you," you questioned innocently, wiggling off of the bed, though careful not to wake your parents. He responded with silence, and in the silence you turned back to look at your family.

"Do you want to go back to sleep," the stranger asked. You shook your head.

"I'm awake now."

"If you don't want to go back to sleep then would you please come with me."

"Where are we going."

"Outside, it is very beautiful at night. Would you like to go see?"

You nodded your head, rubbing your eyes and walking closer. Upon reaching for the lantern, the stranger caught your wrist, stopping you. When you gave him a confused look, you were only met with silence. He picked you up in his arms, one underneath you while the other supported your back. Together you walked down the corridors. You couldn't help but notice how none of the servants or guards were around, just more strangers that stood stiffly in the shadows. Outside, the stars glimmered in a hypnotic dance, the man caring you did not stop moving, though, unlike your father, he was warm, and so you snuggled up to him while keeping your eyes on the sky.

He brought you to a vehicle, where, inside, he set you i'm the arms of one of the servants you recognized from around the house. There were about three or four of them, all silent and stiff young maids that cowered from the man that brought you to them. He sat down across from the ladies, and, rapping on the roof, the vehicle began to move.

You didn't understand why your parents weren't coming, but maybe they'd just chosen to come later.

The stranger did seen pretty nice, after all, he did take you outside and also made sure you were comfortable. Though, leaning against the maid who held you, you could feel her tremble under his gaze.

"Where are we going?"

"Your parents are dead, (child), you're coming to stay with a very powerful family. They will take you in, but you have to work."

Your breathing faltered and your lip trembled.

"Mama and Papa are gone? B-but I don't want to go!"

The stranger chuckled, crossing his arms.

"You don't have a choice anymore, (kid)."

Intimated by the growl that ensued, you cowered into the arms of the maid that held you. Quiet sobs sounded as your body began to imitate the trembling if the arms that held you.

"Mama, Papa," you whispered, "I don't want to go."

The time periods within this book will change drastically. If you're having troubles understanding please let me know.

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