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How many hours have you spent, thinking that "Maybe, just Maybe, things will turn out okay?"

You fail to remember life outside of the family, yet you have the oddest feeling that this isn't how things should be.

This isn't what you expected, but for the sake of your life, you must accept the pain that comes with commitment.

The night was pleasant. The moon floated high above the estate as clouds drifted by. Stars, vibrant against the midnight blue sky, twinkled endlessly  in a hypnotic image. The leaves of the bamboo shifted together in a soft whisper. The servants had bedded down for the night. The guards were making their rounds. Everything was peaceful, tranquil, and beautiful.


"You want to be part of the family, don't you? Then you'll do whatever I say, without a single sound of protest. You just don't seem to understand that though, don't you?"

Inside your quarters, the ones you now shared with your soon-to-be husband, everything was still. The curtains dared not drift in the breeze, the floor did not creak, even the guards outside your door seemed deliberately ignorant to what was going on inside.

"And if you refuse me again tomorrow, I will have you thrown out of our beloved household. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Reiko," you responded softly from your place on the floor. This was not the first time your body had crumpled to the floor in these circumstances, nor would it be the last. You dared not look up at him, only keeping your eyes on the floor. You had learned such was the best course of action over the last six months.

You didn't nice until you heard the door close behind him. Grabbing your kimono, you covered the pallet of greens, blues, and purples on your skin and stood back up. You waited a couple minutes after his footsteps faded away before stepping outside the room. The guards ignored you as you stepped past them, moving out to the pond behind the estate. 

The breeze seemed to welcome you in its embrace, slipping over your skin in a fashion that soothed each and every ache. Sitting down beside the pond, you watched your surroundings. The grass swayed softly, creating the illusion of waves beneath the breeze. The moon's pale light reflected across the water and danced with every movement it made. The bamboo creaked beside you and behind you could be heard the soft footfalls of some of your best friends.

"It's quite late, what are you doing out here, (Y/N)?" Hanzo's deep rumble reached your ears with an almost soothing effect. Pulling the fabric tighter around you, you stared out into the pond.

"(Y/N)," Genji coaxed, the two of them sitting on either side of you.

"Seeking refuge," you responded, your voice hoarse with the years that threatened to spill. You turned to Hanzo, failing to cover up the red mark on your cheek. "Tell me, Hanzo, do I forfeit my life in hopes that things will get better? Or do I give in to death now while still have my dignity and honour?"

"(Y/N)," Genji spoke softly, his hand on your shoulder drawing you to face him, "What's do you speak of?" He grew silent when his eyes caught the imprint upon your face, trailing down to catch the edge of another mark on your shoulder. His hand gently slid down and pulled the kimono off your shoulder. Hanzo growled behind you as his calloused fingers tended the edge of a blue flower, making you wince.

"Hey," Genji called your attention to his face, causing you to smile at the sight of his bright green hair, "Everything will be alright. We'll figure something out. Can you hold out a little longer?" You nodded, pulling the fabric back over your shoulder.

Hanzo got to his feet and stormed off in rage, calling to his brother that he had some business to take care of. Genji cradled your face in his palm, bringing you into a hug while you began to weep against him. Muttering soothing words, he kept you with him until you stopped weeping.

When you finally made it back to your quarters you were surprised when you were grabbed from behind, the guards who previously ignored you now holding you prisoner.

"You're to come with us."

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now