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In these last happy moments, I remind you of what you may have forgotten. The world will always give you two choices: obey, or rebel.

Now, you must ask yourself, will you stay silent or defend yourself?

Will you obey, or will you rebel?

The estate was in an uproar. Servants were rushing about to attend to the Masters of the house while the guards were stiff and rigid, unsure who to believe. Even the sky seemed offended as a storm roiled overhead. No star could be seen, no moonlight could break it's way through, only the harsh light of the lanterns shown the path as the guards ushered you into the main hall.

The world seemed to grow cold as you noted the malicious grin Reiko pointed towards you. His lip was split, still raw from what looked like a fight mere moments ago. Thrown forward, you glared at the guards behind you before kneeling in front of your old Master.

The gathered residents were arguing amongst themselves, about you and about your betrayal. You frowned, what betrayal?

"You have been brought here to face the accusations of the attempted assassination of my nephew Reiko,  using witchcraft to enchant my son, and conspiring against the clan."

The shouting grew as the words of traitor, witch, and peasant were thrown towards you. Your betrothed stepped forward, hushing the crowd as he stared at you. Contempt flashed through his eyes as he glared down at you before telling the story of how you had apparently betrayed the clan.

"At first, I was delighted to be betrothed to this woman. We spent many nights getting to know eachother and making plans for the wedding. However, this afternoon I returned to our quarters to find her hunched over plans to allow our rivals entry into our estate on the conditions that she would become the new clan leader. She caught me almost as soon as I found out and threatened my life if I were to tell anyone. Of course, I wasn't going to let our clan get destroyed. When I left the room I began my path to deliver this news to my uncle. I had only gotten part way there when I was attacked by three of our servants, obviously they had been working for her for quite some time. I was easily able to overpower them, even if they had the element of surprise. I took them down and confiscated their weapons before handing them to the guard."

"Imagine my rage," he continued, "When I saw her dagger, easily identifiable by its foreign shape, within the pile of confiscated weaponry. I did not get a moment's reprieve, however, as I was almost immediately attacked again. This time it was my cousin Hanzo, babbling incoherently and lunging for me like a mad dog. I managed to avoid many of his blows, but he did manage to land one.  I immediately alerted the guard to find her and hold her prisoner, sure this was some sort of witchcraft she had performed on my dear cousin," he concluded.

Once again the room broke out in an uproar.

"May I speak?" Your whisper, something you would have thought lost among the arguments through the room, brought about the exact opposite. Instead, a hush fell over you like a blanket as the people waited for the response from the head of the Shimada clan.

"You may."

Taking a moment to breathe, you snuck a glance at Reiko before the words seemed to find a place on your tongue.

"For years I have pledged my loyalty and service to this household. From the moment I was orphaned, you have me a roof and food and asked only that I work for you. When I saved your son's life, you rewarded me not only with a place among the guard, but later with a promise to be married into the family. I have done nothing but serve this family loyally, and I beg for you to reconsider these accusations, for they are false and the work of a man out for blood."

The silence was eerie, making you believe you had been trapped in time.

"And what proof do you have to rebuke these claims?" Within his harsh tone you could pick out shards of grief and hope, hope that you might be able to save your life. You froze for a moment before lifting the kimono off your shoulders, letting it fall down your back while you held it up to your chest. The room seemed to gasp as they noted the patches of blues, greens, and purples. The colours of your bruises, those that were healing and those that were fresh. They covered nearly all of your skin, like some sick patchwork quilt.

"Reiko, the man who I am betrothed to has resorted to beating me for my refusal to commit my body to him before our marriage. When Hanzo and noticed this abuse he stormed off while Genji remained to comfort me. I had no idea of his intentions to defend my honour for me, only finding that when I return to my quarters I was treated like a prisoner and brought before you here."

"Lies! All of it! If what you say is true then how do you explain the attempt on my life and your dagger among the evidence of the crime," Reiko lashed.

"A work of fiction created after he was attacked by Hanzo. He feared his cousin would report his abuse to his father and created a plot to make it seem like he was the victim, and that Hanzo was an unreliable source. He must have retrieved my dagger shortly after the attack and before I returned to our quarters before telling the guards to take me prisoner."

Thunder crashed outside as the sky lit up, causing many to look around in unease.

"Why would you trust this... This shōfu over your own nephew! This is ridiculous, she is only using more of her witchcraft to cloud your thoughts. Look outside, what more proof do you need than the storm that rages above us," he roared. Unsheathing his katana he made a move towards you. "I'll kill her myself." You bowed your head, ready to accept your fate.

"Enough, Reiko!" The order was unmistakable and forced everyone in the room to flinch. You held your breath, unsure of what would happen next.

"For the sake of the clan, I cannot risk the chance that Reiko's claims are true-"

"Father! She's​ telling the truth! It's all simply his -" Genji cried out, cut off by his father's voice as it rose to drown him out.

"And to be sure there is no witchcraft controlling my sons, she will die by their hands, and by their hands only."

Your heart froze. Reiko had planned this from the very beginning. In order to prove your innocence you would have to die by Hanzo and Genji's hands, for if you didn't, he could claim they were under some spell. You would die tonight, no matter what happened.

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now