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-•The Black Fox•-

You had waited until he was fast asleep before you got up. Letting the covers fall off of your shoulders and picking up your clothes off of the floor. You slipped out through his window and out on the roof without a sound. Your knew the guard schedule like the back of your hand, no one was going to see you tonight.

Your hotel wasn't fat from the estate, intentionally. You slid open the balcony door and slipped into your room. You slipped out of your clothes and slipped on your uniform. Removing your Blackwatch crest, you grabbed the fox mask deep within your suitcase and tied it behind your head.

The trip back was almost easier. You didn't have to worry about someone catching sight of your face.

Slipping into the familiar room, you stared down at the man who caused your ruin. This was the moment, the point in time when you'd finally be free of all those awful memories. He looked so normal when he slept, not a trace of his menace. It infuriated you even more, knowing that he saved his cruelest side for when you two were alone.

Before you knew it you felt yourself straddling him, your hands wrapped delicately around his throat. He stirred under your weight. To your anger he did not immediately look at your face, or mask, but traced your suit. It was skintight, leaving nothing to the imagination. You growled at his audacity before beginning to crush his windpipe. Once again, your world was red, and this time nothing was going to stop you. He started to sputter as he clawed at your gloves, making no mark against you. You watched in fascination as his eyes began to roll to the back of his head and his clawing became more and more feeble. When he finally stilled, you sat back.

"Watashi wa chansu o toru arimasen."

Your grin widened as you felt the blade pass through his neck, feeling the red droplets splatter against your mask like rain. Slipping off of him, you turned to his lantern and opened it onto his covers. The smell of smoke wafted up to your nostrils and you stepped back, admiring your work.

Once you had left through the window, you darted up onto the rooftops outside the estate, listening. At first, there was nothing, then the initial alarm of a fire, and finally the fire itself. Pleased, you made your way back to the hotel and called for your jet before disappearing from Hanamura all together.


It hadn't dawned on you until you walked in that today was your anniversary. It had been a year since you had 'died' and a year since you had been saved by Overwatch.

You felt somewhat happier, lighter, like you could leap a canyon and land safety on the other side. It was strange to think you had only known these folks for a year. Reinhardt treated you like a daughter. Ana was the ever present mama bird, coaching you out of the nest. Lena approached you like the two of you had grown up together. You and Amélie spent quite a bit of time trading gossip, a habit you hadn't meant to pick up but enjoyed nonetheless. Jack was the stern father figure, while Gabriel was the cool uncle. Everyone here had learned how to make you smile, and you finally accepted that this was your real family.

When you walked into the dining hall, you followed the same ritual of stealing Jesse's muffin before grabbing your own food. Ana quirked an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips while you merely chuckled. Sitting down beside the ever cheerful Tracer, you joined the conversation.

"I'm telling you," enthused a heavily accented voice, her hands waving about animatedly and nearly spilling the contents of your tray, "It was the coolest thing I've seen in ages. Best movie ever!" You smiled.

"You think every movie's something special," Torbjorn grumbled across from her. Ana patted his back lightly in mock sympathy.

"What are your favourite movies, Torb?" Your question was interrupted by the booming clap against your back that had you gripping the table with white knuckles. You rolled your shoulders back and laughed, a genuine thing, turning to meet the brute himself.

"How's it going, Rein? Heard your birthday's coming up," you teased. He laughed along with you, and sat down beside Lena.

"In just over a week, actually. Angela keeps telling me she has a surprise planned but won't tell me a thing about it."

"That's why it's called a surprise!" The angel in question yelled across the table. When Reinhardt spoke, the entire room knew what the conversation was about. In fact, you weren't sure if he was even capable of whispering. He laughed at her response before turning back to you.

"So, how was your trip?"

"Quite fun," you giggled. You giggled. "You know we have quite a few admirers over there." You procured a child's drawing of Tracer, Mercy, Commander Morrison, Reinhardt, and Winston from your bag and slid it on the table in front of you.

"The little girl who drew this was named Konoe. I happened to overhear her talking to her mother when she left this at the base of one of your posters."

Tracer fawned loudly while the others muttered 'aww' and 'cute'. You smiled.

What confused you though, was when a new face soared at the table.

"Nihao!" You stared at the girl who sat next to Ana. She was baffling in a thick winter coat, boots, and gloves. Her hair was pulled back and held in place with a traditional gold and ruby pin.

"Sorry, I don't think we've met before. My name's Mei."

Ana noticed your confusion and explained,"Mei has stationed up the tundra, she returned while you were gone. She'll be returning a couple days after Reinhardt's birthday." You smiled and introduced yourself, getting along with the woman.

The breakfast chatter continued on and soon enough you finished your breakfast. Excusing yourself from the table, you  trotted towards Gabe's office. This morning couldn't have gone any better.

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