°Ketsugō Shite Inai°

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You returned to the training field in search of Genji. You caught sight of him speaking to Gabriel and sighed. Turning to Angela quickly, you returned the supplies you hadn't used and hugged her. It felt odd, after avoiding everyone for so long, but you knew both of you needed it.

She was surprised and hugged you back, pushing you away lightly to catch a look at your face. Instead of the mask, she saw your troubles features. She gave you a pat on the back and lightly pushed you towards Genji. She was one of the few who actually understood your predicament. The fact that Genji's family name was Shimada was proof enough.

Gabriel caught sight of you and folded his arms across his chest, causing you to wince. Continuing on your path, you stopped in front of Genji who, noticing his mentor's change of attention, had turned to face you. Kneeling in front of him, mask attached to your hip, you steeled yourself.

"Aisatsu, Shimada-sama."

The silence was deafening.

"Aisatsu, Tanukyo-san."

You felt a hand placed on your shoulder, and looked up at your old friend.

"Or should I say, Misaki?"


The two of you spent hours speaking to eachother. Even the others didn't disturb you while you two conversed in your native language at the dining hall. You couldn't tell if it was the shock of seeing you speak to anyone, setting Genji relax, le seing the two of you together that kept them silent.

"(How did you come across your wounds, Genji-kun?)" You asked, taking a sip from a glass of water.

He heaved a sigh, "(The clan felt I was bringing them dishonor for not wanting to lead them. Not only that, but the morning I awoke to find you gone and Reiko dead, Hanzo and I were supposed to honor you. When I spent the day trying to find you instead of praying to you, Hanzo took it as an insult.)"

You grimaced and urged him to continue.

"(He felt in order to protect not only the honor of the clan, but yours as well, he would have to get rid of me. Never before had I am him so enraged. It was the next night, when I was paying my respects to the shrine, that he attacked me. He wouldn't stop yelling about how I had brought dishonor on the family. When I ignored him, he attacked me. I refused to fight him back, but he still choose to continue.)"

"(And he ended up leaving you to bleed out?)"

"(Yes, he had some servants throw me out onto the street. I was expecting death. I almost think it would have been better than all this metal and false limbs.)"

You placed a hand on his shoulder, comforting him.

"(Don't say that, I'm glad that you're even alive.)"

He sighed, and diverted the conversation.

"(And how did you survive, (Y/N)? Hanzo shoved a blade clean through you and I shot you with a poisoned arrow.)" He grimaced, regretting his words, maybe even his actions too.

You smiled sadly.

"(Doctor Zeigler and Commander Morrison were in the area investigating reports of a rogue omnic. They found me hours from death and rushed me to their camp and dealt with stone of my injuries while waiting for a jet to bring me here to perform surgery. The poison acted like a hibernation switch. It slowed all my body functions and let me survive longer instead of dying from blood loss.)"

"(It took me a while to recover the ability to speak,)" you continued, "(But soon enough I was able to stand back up on my own feet.)"

His hand roamed to the bandage you'd made for the wound he inflicted on you with his blade only a couple hours ago.

"(I knew it was you when I first saw you in the ramen shop, or atleast I thought it was you. You looked and acted so different that I couldn't be sure. Plus the notion that you were supposed to be dead. You were so cold to me, I realize now that was because you didn't want me to recognize you. When I saw the scars, though...)" Genji's voice trailed off as his hand found itself directly above your scar, separated by the fabric of your uniform that reached up your neck.

You pulled yourself away, speaking softly, "(We should probably keep this conversation a secret. Only Commander Morrison, Commander Reyes, Doctor Zeigler, and the computer, Athena, know about my past. I've created a new life here.)"

You paused, thinking for a moment, "(You should probably start referring to me as (Y/N) (L/N) now, too. The Tanukyo family has been dead for a while now.)"

"(Alright, I'll keep that in mind.)"

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now