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You awoke to find yourself in the Gibraltar medical wing. Slowly, you regained enough sense to remember how you got there. The memories of the day before trickled into your mind, revealing the moment when you  were shot. It was a curious notion. Of all the times you've been out on missions, you'd never once been shot. Reflecting on what could have made the last one any different, you realized that maybe it was the Shimadas who brought you such bad luck. After all, it was in service to them when you were struck by a kunai, they themselves had struck you down once, and when Genji reappeared in Blackwatch, the headquarters had been bombed.

You paused to consider the idea, but then easily dismissed it.

A handful of "Get Well" cards and small chocolates littered the table beside your cot, giving you a feeling of appreciation. The light was a natural warm hue, leading you to believe it was still light outside. You looked back to see a window with opened blinds. That would explain the natural lighting. Lifting your head, you became aware of the weight draped across your torso. Genji,  his head rested across your stomach, had fallen asleep on you. He must've been watching for your recovery.

"If memory serves me correctly, this is the second time you've cheated death. Third if you count the bomb at Overwatch's last base."

The voice startled you, but only in the sense that you thought the two of you were alone. Turning your head, you saw your old pal McCree.

"Jesse," you treated warmly, though it came with great difficulty. You voice had a wheezing sound to it, and it pained you to form the name.

"Now, now," he chuckled, "No need to hurt yourself on my behalf." His eyes moved to the figure draped over you. "You know you caused him a great deal of worry. Haven't seen him so distressed since Blackwatch."

You turned your gaze back toward the person in question. Indeed, his face looked anguished even in sleep. You traced a thumb across his cheek and watched as it relaxed under your touch. You missed his green hair, you realized. It reminded you of how lovely he was. Now, looking down at his cybernetic body, you sighed.

"Jesse," you voiced, although with great difficulty, turning to him again, "I think I've found myself in a situation that I can't handle."

Before the cowboy could reply, your gaze was drawn by a shift in the blankets covering you.

"(Y/N)?" Hazel eyes looked up at you, relaxing when they realized you were safe.

"Hey," you replied softly, for that was all you could manage. He grabbed your hand in his and held it tightly.

"I'll leave the two of you alone," McCree spoke up, walking out the door and leaving the two of you in silence.

"The mission?" You asked.

"We held our defenses and managed to break through theirs. Reinhardt was upset when he saw me carrying you to Mercy."

You chuckled, then winced at the pain of it all. His face visibly fell at seeing your pain, and he broke eye contact.

"I should have been the one to take that bullet."

Quickly, you tried to rebuke the claim, but your wounded lungs reverted you to a coughing mess, plunging you into a deeper sort of pain than actually getting shot. You wheezed and looked upwards in an attempt to get more air, clinging onto Genji's hand with such force that you were sure it would've broken had it not been forged of metal. He held onto you, watching over you as your breathing slowly returned to normal.

"No." You whispered firmly. The glare you fixated him with was enough to send shivers down his neck. You loosened your grip on him and layed your head back down. "It was my risk to take, you merely tagged along."

The room was filled with the sound of your staggered breathing and Genji's much less noticeable shifting. A comfortable reprieve settled over the both of you. While you might not see eye to eye, you were both willing to let it go for the moment.

A knock on the door startled you, causing you to lift your head. It was Angela, clipboard in hand. Dismissing Genji, she approached you and briefly informed you of your condition, what it would take to get better, how long the treatment would be.

At the end of it all you looked back up at the ceiling, noticing how dark it was. With nothing better to do, you succumbed to the drug induced sleep you were struggling against ever since Mercy changed your pain relievers.

Hopefully, you would bounce back quickly enough.


°^° so sad. Anyways, on a much more happier note, midterms are over and I've submitted my college application, so hopefully I should be able to update more. Also, I'm opening a RedBubble again, with all new designs  and prints. If you'd like to support me on there and buy some of my merch let me know, it would be a great way to help me fund my college tuition, and I will love you and recognize you for all your help. And if you guys want to buy some Overwatch designs comment below and come up with an idea together. If enough people will buy it, I'll make it come to life. Wish me luck, hopefully I'll get accepted.

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