Welcome Home

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The jet was a luxury you definitely missed over the years. The auto pilot and the comfortable seating area. Outside the sky was blue, the clouds strewn around and reflecting a golden orange from above. It made you somewhat nostalgic, remembering all those missions you used to go on.

You contemplated wether or not you should wear your uniform. It was old and didn't really make sense anymore, but it still reminded you of them. Deciding better of it, you simply changed into the outfit you had created as a Renegade. You were still known as the Silencer, a nickname from the old days, but instead of the black bodysuit, you now in combat gear, preferring Urban camo.

You got up from your seat and walked up to the pilot seats, looking out the vast window.

"Reaching destination Gilbraltar in five minutes," chirped a robotic voice.

You definitely missed the gang. Jesse and his stupid hat. Angela and her scientific rambling. Winston and his inventions. Heck, you even missed Lena. One thing you knew for certain, however, was that you couldn't wait to see Genji again. You could still remember when he had joined Blackwatch, the organization you used to be a part of. You had spent at least a month avoiding him and everyone else before finally speaking to him.

You chuckled at the memory and shook your head at your foolishness.

"Arriving at destination Gibraltar."

You snagged your gear off the seats and stepped off the jet with a smirk.

"It's good to be back."


"(Y/N)? Is that really you, love? Winston's gonna be so happy! Mercy too!" Ah, the ever familiar chatter of the famous British agent, Lena Oxton. Aka, Tracer. You enveloped your old friend in a hug, crushing her like she used to do to you.

"How has life been? I like the new outfit," you commented, eyeing her up and down. It was odd to see her outside the old grey and orange Overwatch uniform. Now she was dressed in an aviator jacket with... Orange tights? It fit her personality so well you laughed out loud.

"No time for that, love. Come say hello to the rest of the crew! We even have some new faces!"

She led you inside rather quickly, eager to show you.

In front of you stood many new faces. When Tracer had told you, you were expecting one or two. No, instead the was already a cluster of newbies watching the veterans with respect.

"Ah, I know those two," you whispered to Tracer, "The girl with the mech is D.Va, a superstar in the virtual world. The boy standing next to her with the dreads is Lucio, a popstar."

She pulled you up in front of all of them.

"Hiya, recruits. This here is (Y/N) (L/N), or the Silencer if you've been keeping up with the news," Lena introduced with a giggle. The first to approach was a tall woman in blue, a mechanical left arm.

"My name is Satya Vaswani, though you may call me Symmetra."

"Name's Junkrat, and this here is me pal Roadhog," the thick Susie accent came from a peglegged man, his hair ablaze as he motioned to the large brute behind him. This man wore a gas mask and had the oddest tattoo of a pig over his belly.

"My name is Lúcio Correia dos Santos, but Lúcio is just fine."

"And I'm Hanna Song, but I prefer D.Va."

You nodded your head at each of the introductions. You raised a brow as the burly Russian woman stepped forward, sharply contrasting her pink hair.

"You may call me Zarya."

Laughing, you conversed with the group a while before you were pulled away. Genji stood in front of you with a floating omnic.

"Greetings, (Y/N). I'd like to introduce you to my teacher, Zenyatta."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the friend Genji speak so often about."

You bowed to the omnic in respect before yet again you were pulled away. You felt your bones being crushed as Reinhardt enveloped you in a bear hug. The surviving veterans of Overwatch surrounded you with welcomes, but you weren't done meeting everyone yet. In a group slightly off from the rest stood two men, a young woman, and an omnic.

You could easily remember his model. He was a Bastion, a model you commonly fought during the crisis. Sitting atop him was a yellow bird, seeming content to follow him anywhere.

You narrowed your eyes in suspicion at the man in a blue and red jacket, a visor covering his face as he held his pulserifle tightly.

"Do I know you?"

"Unlikely," replied the older man, seeming to scrutinize you from behind his visor, "Name's Soldier 76." You scowled at his coldness before looking towards the woman beside him.

"Fareeha!" You welcomed, moving to embrace the girl, "It's been ages, how have you been holding up?

"Ah, it's great to see you again," the girl returned, "but i go by Pharah now. Life has been the same as it always has. How about you? What have you been getting into (Y/N)?"

"Mercenary, vigilante work, same kind of stuff you see McCree getting into."

You turned at the hand on your shoulder, your features twisting with shock at the man before you.


"(Y/N)? Genji told me you were alive, but I never believed..."

You smirked.

"I always did manage to surprise you."

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