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The world was aflame, gunfire and ash raining from the skies. Dark clouds snuffed out any daylight, throwing the battlefield bellow into a darkness that seemed to claw at the hearts of soldiers.

"Lena!" Someone screamed though you couldn't tell who had called. For you,  the world had submerged itself under water, everything sounding muffled except for a sharp ring coming from your right. Ensuring that there were no more explosives heading your way, you moved forward. Throwing yourself over the meridian, you fired at the opposition. There, taking cover behind an abandoned vehicle, was Tracer. 

"Lena, are you alright?" you yelled over the clamor.  You crouched down beside her, checking over the hood of the car for enemies.

"I'm alright love, just took a beating from that last one," she replied, following your actions and shooting at the opposition.  Rain began to fall, sudden like earthquake, its force throwing the awnings of many shops into a flurry of fluttering fabric. You tried not to slip in the puddle forming beneath you.

"I'll alert Mercy of your location, hang tight," you commanded before sprinting out into the rain. Gunfire flew upon you, forcing you to move faster in order to preserve your life. The distinct sound of a sniper rifle rang through your ears and you prayed that it was not aimed at you. 

"Angela," you screamed over the noise, one hand on your ear piece and the other pistol whipping an enemy foolish enough to run into you, "Tracer needs some help over on the left flank, do you think you can help?"

"I'll be watching over her, try not to get yourself hurt in my absence," came the reply. Tearing your attention away from the communication, you shot at another foe, this time narrowly avoiding a bullet yourself.

"Not even a minute without her and already closer to death," you murmured to yourself, taking cover in an alleyway. The rain still bombarded you in freezing sheets, meanwhile thunder bloomed, drowning out all else in an instant before it all returned.

"Need a hand?"

You spun around, gun ready and finger at the trigger. A smile of relief graced your features.

"Genji, you gave me quite the start."

The green cyborg nodded and guesture towards the apartment building you had your back against. Above your head, by a couple stories at least, sat an open window. Taking a step back, you judged the height. You gave your comrade a grin, holding out a hand to him.

"It seems I do. Just like training?" His only reply was a soft chuckle and his hand in yours. With a tight grip, you swung him over your head. The world seemed to focus as your body found the familiar practice. A tug on your hand initiated your own flight, his feet having already planted on the wall as he used what was left of his momentum to throw you up to the window. Grabbing onto the ledge, you pulled Genji up as well.

"I haven't used that in a long time," you chuckled, out of breath.

"Really? It used to be one of your favorites," he joked, moving away from the window with his blade drawn. Shaking your head, you followed suit, raising your gun should it be needed.

Here, inside the building, the storm was a lot less fierce, gunfire was reduced to half the volume it was in the open air, and the opposition seemed a lot less prominent. The air was filled with the smell of wood and fire, yet what was more concerning was the distinct sound of rifle fire above your heads. Your gaze turned cold and cautious. You had heard of the infamous Widowmaker, a sniper with deadly accuracy, and an almost flawless hit count. She was the one who had killed one of your old comrades, Captain Amari. The ceiling creaked above you. Someone was moving.

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now