Oni!Genji x Imp!Reader

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Dedicated to the lovely MamaShimada for the awesomeness.

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The world was anything but perfect at this moment, you decided. You lifted a hand and noted how soft it had become, how luminescent. You shifted at a dull thrum that ran along your back. Wings. A heaviness upon your skull reminded you of the horns that had appeared. It was All Hallows Eve and such transformations were expected from an imp such as yourself.  

You gave a sigh and set down your papers, deciding you should probably create a glamour before one of your teammates walked in on you.  You lifted a vail of blue liquid and measured its quantities. While you could use magic as a more practical method, any other demons would sense the aura, but using an aromic glamour was a lot less noticeable. Tilting a few drops of a purple vial into the blue one, you gave the concoction a shake and let it settle.  Perfume, made from mythical components you always kept on hand in case of an emergency such as this.

You nearly dropped the perfume at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you. You turned around, raising a smile to your face. 

"Ah, Genji, is that you?" You chuckled lightly at the man in front of you, he sported a red oni mask and was cloaked in black cloth. He nodded to you in respect.

"[Y/N]," he greeted, "That is quite the impressive costume."

Costume? Ah, that would work well, instead of fussing over this glamour.

"You think so? I worked quite hard on it," you played, "I'm glad it turned out so well."

Genji chuckled once more, "Will you be joining us for the party then? I hear everyone is excited to see Symmetra's costume, and there will be a contest for who has the best."

You slipped to your feet in one graceful, fluid motion.

"I suppose my papers can wait," you smiled.


Reinhardt slammed his glass of punch onto the coffee table and leaned back once more, laughing at the story being told by Lena. Smiling softly from your perch on the back of the couch, you sipped daintily.

"Oooh come now," you scoffed, "that's hardly a chilling story."

"Oooh come on, you tell a better one then," Tracer challenged. You gave her a sly smirk.

"Maybe I will, but first I'm going to get a refill."

You had never felt so relaxed in your true form. Normally, you'd be experiencing a severe headache from your glamour to cover your 'accessories'. Now, you could almost float you were feeling so elated. Yet, you knew such a phenomenon would not be so easily explained.

Pouring more punch into your cup, you were surprised to turn and come face to face with a familiar Oni mask.

"Genji," you laughed, calming yourself, "I'll admit you startled me."

"Gomenasai, (Y/N). May I have a word with you?"

Amused, you followed the ninja out into the night air, the party no more than a jumbled mix of muffled sounds behind you.

"What is it you wished to talk to me about?"

The silence between the two of you stretched on long enough for you to pick up his nervousness.

"(Y/N), I believe I'm in love with you." Genji has removed his mask, looking at you with such sincerity that it startled you. You were locked in his gaze and it took a while for you smile.

"Are you sure you want to take this road? Falling in love with me can be very dangerous, Genji," you teased. You stood straighter, glowing ever slightly brighter.

"I care not how dangerous it might be, as long as I can fight by your side," he responded, still as serious as ever.

You giggled lightly, your feet coming off the soil and leaving you hovering.

"My poor Genji," you cooed, caressing his scarred cheek with a delicate hand, "You do realize you've fallen in love with a demon? An important one at that?" Your tail gave a twist and became fluid, moving almost like another limb as opposed to its previous stillness.

The eyes of the cyborg grew hard as he struggled to take in this news. Really, you were excited to see his reaction. If he were to pose a threat to your identity, you could easily erase his memory in the blink of an eye, eliminating all risk.

"I-" he croaked, clearing his throat, "I feel the same regardless."

Thoroughly amused by this mortal, you leaned down from your elevated position and gently placed your lips against his, savoring the taste of awe and wonder that wound through the air.

"I've had my eyes on you quite a while, Genji, I look forward to seeing how you play this game."



Genji sat with his hand entwined in yours, watching the sunrise. You had returned to your normal appearance, but now that he knew about your identity, he could still see the glow you emitted.

"So," he began, testing the waters, "When you and Mercy are on the field, how much of your healing is Science and how much is your magic?"

You laughed, unsurprised by the question.

"Angela uses Science strictly, she is incapable of magic. Me, on the other hand, when it comes to a large fight I use Science, but if I can get away with it I usually use a bit of magic to regenerate your wounds."

"And when you perform your revivals?"

You laughed once more, "I don't know how Angela has achieved it, but that is purely Science as well. The formulas she's made haven't been used since the time of the Mayans."

"And you?"

You have him a sly smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Let's just say you owe me quite the life debt."

I thoroughly enjoyed making this.

Now, for those of you who submitted a theory: first of all, you're all terrible at following directions, and second, I can't tell you who for certain is the winner.

Most everyone shared theories that were similar in some fashion, and that just won't do to tell someone their the winner when another had a nearly identical idea.

Therefore I will publish the most accurate theory request 1 day before the fourth arc update spike.

Are you all excited yet?

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