°Kōkyō no Ikari to Atarashī Hakken°

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-•Public Outrage and New Discoveries•-

It saddened you when Genji left for Nepal. He still wrote to you, but after regaining your old friend it was understandably hard to see him go again. You were confiding such feelings to Mercy when you broke off the conversation, turning your head sharply towards the door. Mercy followed your gaze in confusion, about to ask what the problem was before the door burst open.

In stormed a furious Commander Morrison, his face red from yelling and his fists clenched tightly.

"I've had it with him, Angela! He's out of control and won't listen to orders. He sent Jesse out there against the hundred men and told him to figure it out. The kid came back with a bullet through his shoulder and another through his hip. Gabriel's going to get him killed! Not to mention with all of this being done in the shadows the public is going crazy and claiming that Blackwatch is dangerous and should be shut down. But does listen when I tell him to lay off the missions? No!" The outraged soldier turned his gaze upon you.

"And you! You follow his every command like some lost mutt, but you won't listen to anyone else! Anna told me you missed three training sessions because Gabriel sent you on some spontaneous assassination mission. As good as you think you are your going to get yourself killed!"

Angela stepped in, trying to meditate the situation, "Jack, calm down. Gabriel knows his agents and trained them himself. He wouldn't send them in there if he didn't think they would make it out. As for the public, they're just stressed because of the war."

Your meager respect for this soldier was dwindling faster than ever. Your clenched fist had already crumpled the letter from Genji out of fury. He was targetting you? For following orders? After he just complained Gabriel didn't follow his orders?

"Jack, I think you need to leave, cool down," Angela ordered. As quickly as he had came in, Jack left. Angela turned to you with a sigh. A silence was shared between you before she brought up a new conversation.

"Come with me, I have something interesting to show you."


You sat at eye level with a plant, your mind a jumble of confusion, awe, and wonder. You had just witnessed what was before a dead plant turn into a flourishing green.

"That's amazing, Doctor, how did you manage?" You asked excitedly, turning towards her.

She smiled brightly. "With a chemical injection, the cells in the plant that have previously decayed are reenergized, effectively reviving the plant." She led you towards a blue suit with what seemed to be plated wings of some sort and a staff. "I was able to effectively engineer this into this staff and extend the reach of its curative properties. I've even managed to set it up for a larger scale. The staff can only heal wounds, but if this suit has enough of a charge I can revive our teammates. Imagine the applications if we could begin to distribute this technology to our recruits. We wouldn't have to be worried about anyone getting hurt while out on a mission, we could saves the lives of thousands of children."

You smiled, imagining it, but your smile soon faded.

"I've even managed to create a divorce than enhances the body's natural capabilities," she continued, but you weren't listening any longer, your mind was elsewhere​.

What if someone were to use this technology to revive Reiko? Even after death, he still managed to haunt you.

"That's wonderful news, Doctor."


You walked into Gabriel's office a cup of coffee in each hand. Your mind was still reeling from Angela's experiment, but you were hoping a chat with your commander would take your mind off of it.

"yo te trajo de café," you alerted him. He looked up from his work with what others would call a scowl, but you could see the smile he was trying to suppress.

"Your accent is sloppy, you sound more Portuguese than Mexican," he scolded, accepting the coffee from you.

You smiled, "Of course, I'll practice some more." You sat in the chair in front of his desk, sipping your own coffee. As much as you denied it, Gabriel had become just as much a father, if not more, than Master Shimada had. You respected him deeply, he always had a plan and always looked at the bigger picture.

"Any news from Genji?" He asked, looking up from his files.

You smiled softly, "He's still irritated at being stuck there, but he seems to be relaxing a bit." You chuckled upon remembering the letter he had written to you. "He doesn't like being away from the action though."

Gabriel smirked, relaxing around you, "He's always eager to take out his anger on something. Has Mercy spoken to you about your new assignment yet?"

You nodded, "I'm supposed to be in charge of the medical clinic while she helps out with the omnics in Kings Row." You took another sip of coffee.

He nodded in agreement, "She'll be gone after, as well. She'll be returning to Gibraltar to train the new medical recruits. So you'll be off duty for quite a while."

You shrugged, "I guess after spending my entire life fixing my own wounds, she decided I would have the coolest head in an emergency."

He smirked, "She's right in that sense, you never seem to panic. Still, it'll be hard to make up for the weight you were pulling while you're gone, it'll just be Mr.Cowboy running the show now."

"I'll be back," you teased.

He chuckled, "I know."

Oh my goodness, I have returned from the grave with an update in hand!!!!

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