Awkward Reunion?

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You brought the Shimada into a hug, locking him into an embrace even Tracer had struggles getting out of. Taking a step back, you looked him over from head to toe. He had a bow strung across his back, a quiver of arrows you'd never seen before, and bore his twin dragon tattoo more openly. He seemed to tense under your gaze, like he still felt guilty over what had happened ages ago, like he hadn't fully reconciled.

Yet, you couldn't fully comprehend how it was Hanzo standing in front of you. Wasn't it that Genji had set out for revenge? Last you'd heard of Hanzo, he had tried to kill his younger brother to protect the honor of his clan. To see him here, working to fight crime instead of organizing it, and so close to his brother, was shocking, to say the least. You turned back to the cyborg, confusion now plainly written across your face. He caught your expression and seemed to look for a way to explain.

"When I went to Nepal, I found a peace I'd long given up on. Zenyatta taught me how to forgive Hanzo and how to forgive myself. It took me a while, but I finally realized I needed to share this peace with Hanzo. He too had abandoned the wrong doings of the clan and honoured our believed deaths."

You pivoted, returning your gaze to Hanzo. Your smile was bigger than ever.

"Welcome to our family."


After the briefing, you walked with Genji down to the living quarters.

"So, you're not the ninja set on revenge I left behind at Blackwatch."  

Genji chuckled as he kept pace with you, "I've learned that revenge is never a good response. And you? How have you been since Reyes?"

You grinned, "I've been alright, I was mostly worried about getting anyone else hurt. Hopefully now I can worry about stopping the criminals creating the pain."

Slowly, Genji pulled you to a stop, seeming to search your eyes from behind his visor.

You smiled sadly, "I was worried about you, if you'd  be alright after the incident." A silence stretched between you before you felt yourself being enveloped in his arms.

Genji rested his head upon yours with a small sigh,  "You worry about others too much, you should take care of yourself."

You were about to reply when a cough interrupted you. You jumped away at the sight of Hanzo watching uncomfortably, making you feel awkward and clumsy. You rubbed the back of your neck and waved.

"I think I'm gonna head to the training area, I'll leave you two to talk," you murmured, slipping away and down the corridor.

Of course Hanzo would want to speak with him, where else would he go? You tried to drown the warmness you felt at the memory of the three of you together, and instead focused on the present. Taking a turn, you walked into Gibraltar's Training Area, an spacious place. Granted, it wasn't as good as the base in Switzerland, but it was still decent.

Snagging a few weapons off the wall, you set your eyes on one of the targets. I was a ways off, enough distance to prove a challenge for most weapons, and enough not to be too easy for long range. You weighed the kunai in your hand and debated whether this would be a good weapon to practice with. The world was more modern than this weaponry, choosing to use guns and missiles, but sometimes a good blade could work just as well. You threw it with ease, the practice coming easily from your time as a child.  

To your surprise, it did not hit the head of the training bot, but the wall behind it. No, the training bot was slumped on the floor, an arrow jutting from it's head and emitting sparks. You looked to the side, yet again surprised to see Hanzo relaxing his arms and setting down his bow.

With a smile, you climbed down to meet him.

"Was that just to get my attention or was it another one of your demonstrations to show how much better you are than me?" You teased him, unaware of how uneasy he felt standing before you.

"I've come to say I'm sorry."

This made you go quiet, unsure of how to react.

"I should've fought harder to keep you safe, I should have killed Reiko the moment you showed me, I should've spoken to father and tried to convince him of your innocence. Instead, I left you to die, I let Reiko play his cards, I fell right into his trap." During his tangent, he had stepped closer to you, gripping your arms and he bowed his head. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken in weeks. You slowly placed you hands on his, trying to ease the his pain. 

"I forgive you," you whispered, fighting to put on a smile for him,  "I've already forgiven you, you do not have to hurt because of something you've done in the past. Reiko's gone, I'm free, we've all managed to find each other again. Smile for me, Hanzo." You pulled his face up so that he was looking at you, enabling you to see the deep sorrow in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Hanzo," you whispered, "I'm sorry you've suffered through this guilt."

The world froze as his lips crashed into yours.

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now