°Kare no Sairensā°

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-•His Silencer•-

You were out on another mission, and this one was no different than any of the ones you'd performed previously.The world around you was engulfed in fire and metal. Screams could be heard as the omnics pushed forward, guns firing and raining bullets against the citizens of this small town. The apartment building you were in was still filled with people as they tried to hide their loved ones. You brushed past a weeping woman and her two kids when they finally reached your floor. Bullets began riddling the walls as they made sure to leave no survivors.

Protecting the people was not your operative.

You slipped into one of the rooms and activated your liveGear, a sort of electrical field that encompassed you and made you invisible to technology. There were plenty of times where it had saved you against omnics or some punk's aimbot. They paid you no mind as you slipped past them.

There it was, the Omega-6, one of the bigger models of omnics. This one was the one sending out the commands. Pulling your handgun free, you loaded it with the pulse dart meant to fry the omnic and aimed you sights at its back.

"Sorry, my friend, but I need you dead and your plans with me."

The gun made only the slightest of sounds as it fired, followed by the sizzling sound of circuits frying.

This was why he called you his silencer.


Sitting at your commanders desk, you made a bored glance between him and the blond standing over it. Gabriel and Jack were having another argument, only this time it was about how you should handle your missions.

"Look, Jack, she can either waste time trying to save a family or she can get the plans for the next attack and save an entire village."

"If she has an opportunity to save civilians that should always be her first priority!"

It had returned to this point at least three times now through out the entire argument. Ultimately, Morrison had no say on how you were supposed to operate, it was all Reyes' decision. Of course, you weren't going to say that though.

"Don't tell me how to run my soldiers, Jack. I have my ways, you have yours. Now if you don't mind, I have a mission debriefing to get to." Your commanding officer glared his vintage down until he final left the room with the slam of the door.

"God damn it," he seethed. Be made a glance at you.  Seemed to see the growing  in you towards Commander Morrison, but didn't say about it.You pulled a microchip free from the compartment on your wrist and handed it to him.

"These are the contents for the next attack on Vivant, looks like it will be a big one. It's supposed to arrive in about two months."

He looked at you with pride, "And the attack on location?"

"Without the commands from the Omega, they were soon dealt with by military back up. I'd say about 60% of residents survived."

"Good job, I've arranged for your jet to Hanamura, consider it a reward for a job well done."

"Thank you, do I have a mission?"

"You can do whatever the hell you like, just make sure you make it back to me in a week."

You nodded your head and waited for your dismissal before returning to your room.


Hanamura was just as you remembered it. People bustled through the streets, 8-Bit Hero was filled to the brim with children. And the ramen shop was still ever popular.  
You were dressed more casual, leaving your uniform in your suitcase.

Checking into the hotel you had booked, you made it to your room and set your suitcase by your bed and sat down. You had no plans of what to do after this point. Sure you could go straight to the estate, but you weren't sure you were ready to face that yet.

You decided you'd visit the ramen shop first, get something to eat for dinner before doing anything. Stepping into the shop, you were caught by a wave of nostalgia. Smiling, you took your seat and ordered your favourite type.  There was plenty of conversation going around, a group of girls were giggling, and an elderly couple chatted softly to eachother, oblivious to the noise. What surprised you most of all was how easily you fell into the language. You'd think that after spending months isolated from the dialect you would have troubles picking it back up again. One thing you knew for sure after ordering your meal, was that you had a foreign accent.

Upon receiving your ramen, you got only pay way through before someone walked up to you.

"Can I help you," you asked without looking up.

"Mind if I sit down?"

You looked past your bowl, watching the group of girl point towards the stranger and giggling.

"It seems like your fan club might appreciate it more if you sat with them."

"They need a bit of time to cool off. May I?"

You suppressed a sigh and motioned with your chopsticks to the spot opposite you. As he sat down you nearly chocked.

"Are you alright?" His voice was smooth and held mild concern.

You cleared your throat, "Ahem, yes, sorry. Just a bit shocked was all."

He smirked, "By?"

"You just remind me a bit of a childhood friend. Though he never had bright green hair."

Genji chuckled before ordering himself a bowl. Out of courtesy, you waited to for his order.

"So, what's your name?" He asked. Of course he wouldn't recognize you, you'd gone through quite a few changes, not to mention your supposed death.

You quirked an eyebrow before responding, "Common courtesy dictates the male would introduce himself first."

He laughed again before leveling his eyes on you, "You must not be from around here. I'm Shimada Genji."

"No, I'm not," you replied, "Koizumi Misaki." Your false introduction was short and to the point, normally sending men off before the would continue much conversation.

"Where are you from?"

"America, I'm here on vacation."

"Your Japanese is excellent."

"Thank you."

His bowl arrived and you continued to eat in silence for a while. He never seemed to take his eyes off you while he ate.

"Were you always popular with the girls?" You finally asked, breaking the silence between you.

"Mostly. Some manage to elude me."

You couldn't tell if that was a reference to you or another girl, but you finished your bowl and got up to leave.

"Well it was nice chatting with you, but I'll be on my way."

"You said you were on vacation right? Why don't I show you around, Hanamura has plenty of great views."

This time you didn't hold back your sigh. You waited for him as he stood and paid for both your meals.

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