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Raegan's POV

"I swear these teachers hate me," I exhaled loudly.

"Hate is a strong word Rae," Michael said through his stuffed mouth.

"Ty, you know I love writing and to have that woman red mark my paper made my blood boil," I pouted.

"Rae it was one f-cking paper! The world will not end because she put one red mark on your paper," Michael huffed.

At that point, I knew he wanted me to drop the subject. He never used that tone with me unless he was annoyed. Michael and I grew up together and we have been insuperable. He's been through everything with me, which has always made wonder why he's always stayed. I guess that's a question to ask him instead of myself.

"Rae," Michael whispered loudly.

"Huh," I glanced upon his face that was flushed with concern.

"You okay," he asked rubbing my arm.

I nodded in response as I continued to gather my breath. My heaving pants began to subside as Michael held my hand. It always took me a while to recover from a seizure. I began to drink bottled water as Michael whispered his occasional "Relax."

"I should get going," I croaked.

"I don't want you to drive Raegan," Michael pleaded, "Stay with me tonight."

"Michael," I said lowly.

His eyes shifted back and forth within my soul trying to find a reason to make me stay with him. He sighed to himself and stood up slowly.

'I'll walk you to your car," he replied. I guess he couldn't find anything within my nonexistent soul.

I stood up from the schoolyard bench and began to travel towards my car.

"Raegan," someone called.

I kept walking as if no one called my name.

"Raegan Shaw," I turned to be face to face with my creative writing teacher.

"What," I hissed.

"Whoa, I need to talk to you without the attitude," she barked.

I shifted on my feet and stared into her eyes.

"There is a convention coming up in Miami. I would like to send you there," she smiled.

I nodded slowly, soaking in her offer.

"Isn't that a partner convention," I questioned.

"Yes, I have someone in mind, but I have to ask him in the morning," she exclaimed.

I nodded lightly and flashed a fake smile.

"I will have your airline pass in the morning; be sure to come by my office."

I nodded and proceeded to my car. The entire drive home, I began to wonder who the other person could be...

Chris' POV

*The next morning*

I rubbed my face with frustration and huffed as the creative writing teacher went on about her husband's love for cheese. I slipped my headphones in and began to pour my thoughts onto my paper. You came into my dream last night as if you never left me in the world alone. Sometimes I despise you for this, but I have no choice but to blame myself. I put my hood on and stared deeply at my paper that now clearly showed your face. I sighed deeply and looked at my beaten shoes and slid my palm into my lap. I slowly began to chew my lip to hold back what you were causing. I cleared my throat and glanced up away from the paper, realizing the room was empty. I saw my teacher from afar and she smiled to me.

"I thought you needed a moment so I left you alone," she said walking towards me.

I stood up and began to gather my things.

"Wait, Christopher, there is convention coming up in Miami and I want you to attend it," she paused.

"You are an amazing writer, Chris. Your creativity is at the utmost standard and it is time you embrace it. I know you are capable of creating a masterpiece; I want you to show it off to the country, sweetheart."

I looked down upon her figure and bit my lip.

"Christopher, are you listening," she questioned.

"Yes ma'am," I responded barely above a whisper.

"Will you go for me Christopher," I could feel her eyes burning into my chest as if the Devil himself were setting a fire.

I looked up at the ceiling and gathered my thoughts. "I thought that was a two person event, you know, like a partnership," I peeped.

"Yes, it is. Raegan Shaw will be attending it with you," she beamed with a smile.

"No," I attempted to bark. Raegan is the most popular girl in the school. She would always try to take you away from me with all the shopping sprees and parties. I want nothing to do with her. She can find someone else to go with her because I refuse to go.

"Christopher," my teacher whispered.

"Yes ma'am," I answered.

"I will give you a gift, if you go. You are the only other student capable of doing this," she pleaded.

I scoffed in my shoes and chewed my lip slowly.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Thank you so much Christopher! This will be an amazing opportunity for you to interact with another student," she touched my hand.

I quickly jumped back and began to clench my fist.

"I'm sorry Christopher. I didn't mean to scare you. Listen, here is your airline pass. Meet Raegan by the gate Sunday morning. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

I took the pass from her hand and found my way into the busy hallways of the high school.

*That night*

I stood in the hallway waiting for my turn in the bathroom. Two more children have been admitted in here. I sighed deeply before walking into the back shower stall. I turned on the water and began to do my hygiene routine. Once I was finished, I dressed and walked out into the hallway.

"Good night Christopher," the hallway attendant smiled.

I nodded and began to walk away before she called my name. I turned on the balls of my feet to meet her warm embrace. I stood in shock as she soon pulled away from the hug.

"You looked like you needed a hug," she whispered in my ear.

I gulped down the frustration building in my throat. She patted my arm and wished me the best of dreams before I took off toward my cabin. I sat back on my bed when my roommate began to cry. I sat up and glanced upon his figure before he answered my curiosity.

"My mom didn't come to the meeting today. She promised she would get me out of here. Why won't she come back for me," he sobbed.

I stared off into space once he stopped crying. I lied down on my bed and began to process the convention problem I was facing. I opened the airline ticket and discovered a note inside.


I know about your situation and I am going to help you. Your gift will come as soon as you return. I promise it will be worth your wild.


Mrs. Kinnery

I looked over the note multiple times before putting the airline ticket under my pillow. I turned over to face the wall and shut my eyes. I prayed lowly that this convention was not a huge mistake.

I stared at the blank wall until sleep slowly crept its way through my body.

I took a red and a blue pill, now I can't decide what's make-believe or real. Am I awake or am I still asleep?

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