Riker imagine for sunshiner5lover2002

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Your POV:

this day couldn't get anymore worse. every single day i would get something said about how your different. normally i would forget about those nasty comments but when my best friend ditched me to hang out with her new best friend i couldn't just bottle it up.

when I got home I ran to my run and looked in the mirror. what they say hurt. everything about me is nothing acceptable in society. Looking around my room and all I see is pink and sparkly things. I feel safe and welcoming here. I wish Riker was here but he had a gig tonight so he had to go. When ever im upset he would hug me and tell me that im perfect the way i am. i miss him when times gets rough

Riker's POV:

the gig was soo much fun. The band killed it and as usual i wished it never ended. when we finally got in the car to go home, i sent a message to my beautiful girlfriend, scarlet. Ahh everytime i hear her name it just makes me happy. weirdly enough she didn't reply to me. So i decided to call her. She wouldn't pick up and i started to get worried. Rydel said " hey what's wrong? normally your all hyper and happy after a gig." I just sighed. she automatically knew the reason. " she won't answer im getting worried did i do something wrong?" she shook her head and suddenly they drop me off at Scarlett's house. I knocked and her parents let me in and told me she's in her room.

your POV:

i was crying really bad untill there was a knock on my door. " go away i wanna be alone!" i said loud enough to hear. they kept knocking, so I wen to the door and was about to shout. that was until I noticed it was my boyfriend , Riker. i ran to his arms and cried and cried. as if by magic i was on his lap while he was whispering sweet things in my ear. he the asked " why you crying baby?"

Riker's POV:

i asked her and she looked up still with tear drops in her eyes. " everyone's being mean and they say no one loves me!" she then kept crying. i never liked it when she cried because it feels like im not protecting my love. So I decided to sing a song. " your hazel eyes , keep me mesmorised, i love the way she shine bright with all your might, wearing sparkle pink makes its hard for me to think ohh because your you. sh lala lala your mine sh lala lala your my sunlight don't everything your nothing to me cause ohh baby your my shinning star!" when i finally stopped singing she looked at me with her eyes those artist eyes. I said to her " I love you Scarlett"" " i love you too" and from that moment i felt a pair of lips on mine. every single time we kissed i fall in love with her over and over again.


hope you like sunshineR5lover2002 and stay beautiful

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- ally xoxo

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