imagine for loveimagines16

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Rocky's POV:

me and the band decided to hold another contest for the awesome fans since they are so awesome and we basically love them. Riker thought something like pick a fan and spend a day with them but others didn't think that was good enough. Rydel said we should surprise them at bowling. Not up to it though. Then it came to me. I ran to the living room where everyone was. I ran so fast that split my drink all over Ross. oh boy! he's gonna be mad but not for long!

" dude seriously?! coke?!" Ross shouted

" yea sorry bout that" i said taking a sip of my drink

" why did you even run here just to pour drink on him?" rydel asked laughing

" i didn't mean to okay guys" i told them

" then why did you?" riker asked

" i didn't know the thing was there so i-i" i started saying

" no no no i meant why did you come here to talk to us dude" riker interrupted

" oh my bad i have an idea for the contest thing!"

" tell us tell us!" they all begged

so after i laughed and laughed for no reason. i told them and the boys and Rydel was super pumped for it! Exactly what I thought! i ain't just goodlooking you know.

Aiesha's POV:

Me and Rydel was having a phone call about random things. I really had a bad case of giggles because of all the funny stories she told em of the boys. I was wondering what Rocky was doing at that time so it made me zone out slightly. I couldn't help it, he just makes my knees weak with his sexy hair. I guess Rydel's voice brought me back to reality. She laughed at me but don't blame her bet i was muttering some words. She's never gonna live this down now. She told me that the band was holding a contest which I was kind of excited for. But then she told me it was a contest for the boys to teach the lucky fan to play their instrument, i couldn't help feel slightly afraid. Rocky likes girls who can play music and is fun. What if the girls that? he might leave me then.

Rocky's POV:

it was the day for the band to teach the lucky fans to play some music. We picked the girls off twitter and I was teaching this very dedicated girl called Lucy. They walked through the doors and they were pretty and I knew Ross was happy then when he saw them. Dude needs to get a girlfriend. So we all got to know each other and was having a laugh. Then I felt my phone ring. It was my girlfriend wanting to talk. It would have been rude to answer when I was suppose to teach and listen to her so I decided to ignore it. Just hope she understands. So when I was teaching some chords to Lucy she started humming a tune which I thought was super cool so we decided to write a song. Some lyrics here and then came out. She asked me who was the song going to be about. Lucy was singing all these cool romantic lyrics which made me think of someone special. A couple minutes later we finished a song. It was so cool and really sweet making me think of Aiesha. I said it was her song so she could use it someday but she turned around and said it was really special to me and I should sing it to her. Wow this girl knows me alot. Weird. We hugged and said our goodbyes. When I walked through the door, I didn't except to see Aiesha looking all upset.

Aiesha's POV:

I heard Rocky sing with a girl which made me all upset for some reason. It was a good song i just felt like they had something between them. It just never got to me that they were going to be this close. Before I could head out, Rocky came out and saw me. He knows when im upset so hea worried face. He went over to me and gave me a warm hug. Made me feel nice and cared for.

" what you doing here baby?" he asked

" i just nevermind" i started daying

" no tell me what;s wrong?" he questioned me worriedly

" it's just you ignored my call and i was jumping to conclusions again sorry" i said to him

" aww don't worry about her, we just wrote a song together" he reasured me

" that's good" i said to him hugging

" the song about someone" he said making me all worried again

he got his guitar and guided me to a chair. Rocky played his guitar and looked like his really cute self. The way he gets lost in music makes me feel all happy and loved. He started singing the new song and it was something. Magic was just there through his voice and his fingertips. It made me cry happy tears. When he was done I went over to him and we kissed. That moment when our lips touched was perfect. Just like a movie scene.


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- ally xoxo

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