preference: how he describes you to his family/band member

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You were in the kitchen making lunch for the rest of the family. You over heard your boyfriend Riker talking and blocked the sound out but hen he said your name you couldn't help but listen. Ryland said " So what's Y/N like?" you got abit worried then. " Y/N just amazing like beyond amazing. Really smart and is just normal but better if you know what i mean. She's just like my Cali Girl but not from Cali I don't know how to describe her but one thing i know is that I love her!!" When he said that, it made your heart grow. You knew that he loved you and you loved him back.


His brothers were over and you was doing the dishes while they were talking about something. You couldn't really hear them because of the running tap. You heard Riker saying " Dude Mom wants to know what Y/N'S like since she has really known her yet!" That was true you only met his siblings but not his parents formally. Rocky's voice rang into your ears. " Y/N is like the best girlfriend I ever had! She just get's me and loves the fact that im really close to you guys! Like she makes me really happy probably more happy then actually playing a gig! Plus she's really pretty!! I hope Mom likes her!!" When you heard him say that you couldn't help blush. Later on that night you told him you heard everything he said and that it was sweet.


You and Rydel were hanging out by the pool at their house while Ratliff was with the boys in the pool having fun. You were kinda sleepy and decided to just close your eyes. What the boys didn't know was that you could still hear them talking. Ross said something to Ratliff along the lines " Okay hows you and Y/N going seems like you guys are perfect for each other" That got you scared because you didn't know what he would say. Your boyfriend said " Well i think me and Y/N are perfect for each other you know... Im weird, she's weird but good weird if you know what I mean but she just get's me like noone else! God I actually think she's the one!!" All that was in your head was you going aww!! Then you here Rocky say " Really can't believe you found someone who is just weird as you!! good job!!" That made you laugh!


Ratliff and him were talking while they were getting to preform and you was surprising him. You overheard them talking about someone and got curious. Ratliff then mentioned your name. " what's not to love Y/N? she's just a extraordinary girl and like she makes me smile alot! like i would miss her all the time. seriously she's the perfect girl for me, funny , smart , childish like me, understanding and did i mention beautiful!!" that made you form tears of joy in your eyes. You ran up to him and placed a kiss on him and he just got caught off guard but he recognised it was you and kissed back. Let's just say ratliff walked away with a smirk on his face.


he was talking to Riker on the phone like usual. He would laugh at parts and tell stories that you were involving you. Right before you went inside the room you heard him talking about a girl. " She's just perfect! Like she treats me like im important member of the team! i don't even know why i ever spend time with the other girkls, she's perfect!!" that worried you abit! was he talking about another girl? He saw you in the door way and told Riker that he had to go. Ryland came closer to you and hugged you. He told you that he was talking about his one and only. Which was you.


hoped you liked it!

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i probably smiled alot when writing this!!

question 1:

if your favorite member said one of these which one would you want him to say?

question 2:

If you have seen the teasers for I can't forget about you which one is your favorite one?

stay lovely!!

- ally xoxo

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