preference: your mentioned in an interview

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The band was yet again been interviewed by ClevverTV. Every time they get interviewed they always get the same questions like ' describe your music' and ' life on tour bus '. This interview was different cause one question that made you smile bigger than yo have ever have is " how would you describe your romance life?" they all toook turns some real answers and some was just plain funny. When your boyfriend answered it, your heart couldn't get anymore bigger.

he said: " Me and Y/N's relationship is like a movie. those cliche ones with the lovers being totally mad for each other. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend!"


The interview was for your local radio station and you were invited to listen to them live. You were super excited because every interview someone would always try embarrass another person. The interviewer asked the question " are you guys single for the girls or taken by special someone?" The ones who were single just shouted that they are but then right after the boys all looked a Rocky. " Why is everyone looking at Rocky??" she asked. Rydel told her that Rocky was actually going out with someone in this room. The boys being immature started teasing Rocky and he just smiled at you.

" yeah my girlfriend's here and she's the girl with the red converse!" he said pointing at you

" OMG she's well pretty... will you like tell us her name or keep it a mystery from us?" she ask

" Her name is Y/N and I agree she is well pretty!!" he said smiling at you


this interview was slightly different because the fans can send in questions and their comments. He was asked about who he was going out with, lots of comments came up saying ' rydellington' or ' kellington'. You were slightly upset with that because they actually knew that you and him were a couple. But the way he answered the question, your feelings were unreal.

" I go out with Rydel's best friend and she is the one who made me and Y/N together. She's really funny and she just get's me like the rest of band but abit more. I couldn't ask for anything better than Y/N!" he said smiling and the boys pretending to get emotional


you was at home while the band were being interviewed It was unreal with the fact that they were being with the funniest interviewer on tv on Ellen! The interview was so funny from Riker and Rydel getting scared to Rocky and ratliff dancing with Ellen. None stopping laughing from the audience. What the funniest thing to the boys was when your boyfriend got asked about his love life.

" ohh Ross you must have loads of girls falling for you don't ya?" ellen said

" well... what can I say they fall for the lynches and a ratliff!!" he said laughing

" You work with many people like Laura and Maia... so who is it?

" They're both pretty and fun to work with but I don't go out with either of them." he said proudly

" Ross you must have a girl.. don't deny anything your brothers told me!" she said smirking at him while the the band was laughing badly

" I do I have the most beautiful girl as my girlfriend!"

" ooo does your lady friend have a name?"

" yeah it's Y/N and she probably is watching this... She loves the show soo much but not as much as I love her!!" he said making your heart melt


He was with the band and they invited you to actually be in the interview. Lots of fun and questions were created. They were asked who was the biggest flirt out of the boys. Suddenly all everyone in the interview pointed at your boyfriend which made everyone laugh apart from him.

" I admit I used to be but that was before I met this girl called Y/N!" He said making a point

" awww that's sweet she's a lucky girl!" the interviewer said

" she's all he talks about Y/N this , Y/N that he never stops!" Ross said which makes everyone agree. by the interview Ryland was red


hope you like this preference which ones your favorite

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question ----> what would you do with your favorite member on NYE!!

- ally xoxo

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