Imagine for jordan

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jordan's POV:

i was at the dance studio with my friends practicing for our big show. not alot of people know this but the dance studio i go to is The Rage where in fact Rydel Mary Lynch went before she and her band went on tour and became beyond huge. Me and my friends Stacy was just doing our part when we heard alot of screaming from the group of girls. Turns out someone blonde and very talented just entered the room. Riker Lynch. Yeah maybe he and I are together which is kinda surprising since I never thought a guy like him would fall for me. I know every single girl says that when they meet that one guy but it was true about me and him. He gets me like noone else at all. That's basically one of the reasons why I love him.

Riker's POV:

I walk in trying so hard not to make a sound to watch my girlfriend dance. I love it when she dances it's like the prettiest thing i see apart from you know like the sexiest thing but it's true. She was dancing out her pants or more like shorts. hehe. when me and her first met was when Rydel came to teach a dance for a week since everyone missed her and ever since then we fell for each other and loved ever minute of it. She didn't noticed me but a couple of the other girls did. they're reaction involved screaming and giggling. That caused Jordan and her friend to stop dancing. She smiled and I smiled and shrugged back. They all came up to me asking questions and asking for pictures. Jordan came up to me and i gave her a kiss on the cheek. Jordan said she was going to get change and just get her things for us to go and have dinner. 

Jordan's POV:

After Riker kissed me on the cheek, I went to the other room and got my things and decided to get out of the dance outfit into something more casual and more flirty.  Decided to wear skirt  and a white blouse top. As me and my friends were leaving the room we were laughing and telling each other how good the other person was dancing. I saw Riker doing something he shouldn't be. my fist was clenching but my eyes were starting to water. How could he do this to me?

Riker's POV:

I was talking to some of Jordan's friends and one of them was very nice and caring. She was like Jordan. There was something in her eye. So i moved her lose strand of hair away from her face and leaned into her blowing air into her eyes. I heard someone start crying and I turned around and it was Jordan. She had tears in her eyes and was shaking her head. Oh no! she must have thought I was flirting with that girl but i was just being friendly. Jordan ran out of the room and immediately i ran too. Trying to catch her I was shouting begging her to listen to me. Finally she stopped but still was in tears.

" I can explain!" i said to her

" go on..." she said 

" there was something in her eye so i blew it out that's all that happened! 

" you sure?" she asked quietly

" I promise you there was nothing more nothing less!" i told her holding her hand

" okay i believe you just please don't ever make me think like that ever again!" she said hugging me

"i won't baby" i said to her making her look up 

and with that I gave her a kiss. It was that one of a kind of kiss that assures you that everything will be better and perfect cause that's just what I believe. Only me and Jordan together.


hope you like this Jordan

sorry it took like forever to write.

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request are still CLOSE! sorry:( 

stay incredible 

- ally xoxo

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