preference: you have a disability

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he wanted to take you to the beach but when your on a wheelchair it's hard to have fun. you told him that sand and wheelchair don't mix. him being the caring boyfriend said to you " we don't have to go in the sand, just along the boardwalk if you want" that is what you guys did. watching the sunset and just having the time of your lives. all your worries was gone and it felt like you was accepted for once. The last thing on your mind was getting carried to the water by Riker but he did. he kissed you while you were in his arms, bridal style.


you have Adhd, its when you have trouble focusing on something for a long time. some people thought you was being dramatic but your entire family and boyfriend understood. he would try occupy you with different things all the time. one minute you would be drawing funny pictures and the next you would be playing the guitar with him. it was fun and you were happy that he would be so understanding but one thing always runs through your mind. " rocky, why did you stay with me?" you asked. " what do you mean?" he answered back concerned. " when you found i have Adhd, why did you stay with me?" you looked down. he held your hand and looked directly into your eyes and said " i stayed with you because i love you! all the other girls are boring and just want to do one thing. i love the fact that you have me always stood up and doing something fun. it shows that you want to live your life to the fullest and im there along with you." he said sweetly and you had tears in your eyes.


the disorder you have is turberculosis. you never liked it because you would always run out of breathe and can never be active in many things. ellington knew this and he was the one who helped you learn that its okay to be different from others. he took you to your doctor check ups and he made sure he was safe from it himself. You never was left alone without him because he wanted you to be safe with him. When you guys are going somewhere he would always make sure you have all the medication that is needed. you ask yourself why hasn't he run off like the rest of the world has from you. He told you " i never met a girl quite like you and i like the fact that i can be the guy who saves you. you mean alot to me and i never want any other girl." he made you smile and that was all that matters.


you have dwarfism and that made you insecure about everything. it felt like the world was against you most of the time and people would always say something about you. hey didn't know how much it hurt. Ross loved the fact that you was small but he knew you have so much more to offer. he took you everywhere and kept you safe. Every concert you went, you would be in a special place where no one can hurt you or stumble on you. he loved greeting you with a big hug and he would twirl you and round and kiss you. it was a sweet knew he liked tall and older girls and that worried you so you asked him why is he still with you. " the first time i laid my eyes on you i knew you was different in a good way. when i got to know you, you captured my heart and made me want to be with you even more. i don't care about your height or anything like that because i know you are the most sweetest and inspiring person i know!" he said that to you and made you smile so big it was unbelievable.


all your life you have had been dyslexic and never fell happy about yourself with it. everyday in school you would be afraid to go up in front of people and read something because you had the fear of mixing the words up. you have been bullied for being not the smartest person in your grade and they always wondered why you was not as smart as people in your family. The day Ryland found out about your disorder you was scared he would leave you. shockingly he didn't instead he hugged you and told you he still love you to matter what. he tried his best to help you when it comes o school work. he would help you say words that was too long for you to understand. or even help you with reading out loud to people. everyday you got stronger and that was all thanks to him and is support.


hope you liked this preference

i was inspired by one of my friends christina!!

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thank you for all your lovely preference ideas love-hearts!

question - what would you want them to say to you if you have a disorder or disabilty?

stay amazing!

- ally xoxo

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