For Future Discussion

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  The two of us reached the streets so Tony pressed a button in his armor to send his metal suit off of his body and back towards home. I stood beside my uncle as he signaled for a taxi - since he didn't have his car at the school and I had rode with my friend that morning so I too didn't have a vehicle. The two of us kept quiet as we slid into the taxi that approached us first. Finally, my body decided it was done shaking from the earlier scare so I took a deep breath to calm myself more.
  Tony requested the cab driver to our address as he looked down at his watch.
  The cab driver glanced up into the rearview mirror and peered at the billionaire sitting in his car. The man's face showed shock that Tony Stark was sitting right behind him. However, the man did as Tony asked and started driving. 
  "You could've stopped him yourself," Stark harshly broke the silence.
  Which made me turn my head to look at him, "I didn't want to use the suit."
  "Why? I made it specifically for you to use it so you don't get yourself hurt," Tony pointed out, which sounded like the beginning of a lecture. Every since I moved in with Tony and Pepper into one of their fancy homes still in New York city, Stark became more like a... parent toward me.
  So, I let out a sigh of irritation, "Nothing's changed. I don't want everyone to know that I have the suit."
  However, Tony pursed his lips, "What happened to being Titanium?"
  The question made me cross my arms, "I will when I need to be." 
  "The guy had a gun pointed at your head, Sam," Tony argued, but his voice was soft. 
  "I know, I was there," I snapped, not wanting to bring it up. 
  There was a moment of silence then Tony continued, "I just want to keep you safe." 
  Now I felt guilty about having a harsh tone so I glanced over at his direction, "I know, Tony..." 
  "Then do you want to tell me what the guy wanted?" Stark pressed. 
  This immediately seemed to stop my heart but my mind was racing. I didn't want to tell Tony that the strange man barged in screaming for me. For one, it would bring up too many questions, and two, Tony would get even more protective than he already was. If the guy was locked up and away now, then that meant he shouldn't be a problem for me anymore so why would I want to worry Tony? Everything would be fine.
  Realizing that I hadn't answered yet, I replied, "Nothing. He was just some random psycho that broke into a school and waved a gun around." 
  "But why would-," Tony started to ask another question.
  Luckily, the cab driver interrupted, "Sir, we arrived." 
  "Can we not talk about this?" I demanded, then slipped out of the vehicle.
  Stark sighed as he watched me walk away but he still had to pay so he slipped his wallet out and handed the man some cash, "Keep the change." Then Tony jogged after me as I walked into the building.
  This building was much smaller than Stark's Tower but it was still three stories high - not including the basement. So we took the elevator up to the second floor - which was more of the living quarters - until the machine let out a ding and the doors opened to reveal the familiar room. I kept walking into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of water. The kitchen had a darker vibe with its expensive, dark mahogany wooden cabinets and the dark tile flooring. Even the lights were dim in the kitchen but the windows that surrounded the room allowed a lot of natural light to pour in. After taking a swig of the water, I went to set the bottle down on the counter but something caught my eye.
  Out of curiosity, I picked a packet up off the counter and stared at it, "What is this?" I barked, turning my glare to Tony.
  The man glanced up to see what I was talking about but he still seemed confused, "What do you mean?"
  "A college pamphlet?" I growled. "This better not be for me."
  Tony pouted, "What's wrong with that one?"
  So I crossed my arms, "For the hundredth time, Tony, I don't want to go to college!"
  "But why? That's how you get your life started! And besides, I know you're smart enough for it," he made the case.
  Although, I rolled my eyes, "That's not the point. I'm not going."
  "What's wrong with college?" Tony challenged.
  "Besides the fact that almost half the people who enroll in college drop out?" I pointed out.
  "And do you know why that is?" Tony tested as if he was going to make some great point.
  However, I answered, "Because college is not for all people. Including me."
  There were footsteps behind us so Tony turned his head, "Can you explain to her that college is important?"
  Pepper gazed over at us and the argument, "Tony, this is your problem. I, personally, think she can do what she wants."
  The kindness of her words caused me to smile at Pepper's comment and give Tony a firmly sassy look.
  Tony let out a huff, "Alright, we can talk about it later. But if we're not talking about college then can we talk about what happened earlier?"
  Except I threw the pamphlet back on the counter and shook my head, then I turned toward the hallway, "I'm going to my bedroom."
  When I slipped into my room, I shut the door behind me and jumped on top of my bed. I pulled my futuristic phone out and noticed the light blinking ever so often. So, I pressed the on-button and observed the text message box was on my front screen. I slid the lock page to unlock and opened the glass phone, then I clicked into my messages.
  Cassie: Hey, you heard the alarms go off, right??
  A sigh slipped from my mouth as I read the text, then my fingers busily started typing a response.

  Me: yeah.
  Cassie:well do you know what happened?!
  Me: some nut job with a gun
  Cassie: ... Crazy. Did he shoot any1?
  Me: no. That iron man guy came to the school.
  Cassie: again? What is up with him? Why is he attracted to ths school?
  Me: well its kinda his job so...
  Cassie: does it seem like he protects this school more though?
  Me: no Cassie, just let it go.
  Cassie: alright, alright
  Me: oh, random note, they talked about college again
  Cassie: oh those random people that you won't tell me about?
  Me: I told you they are my aunt and uncle. You wouldn't believe me if I told you their name anyway
  Cassie: yeaah, yeah whatevr. Just tell them that college is only 4 people with a life ;)
  Me: oh haha, very funny Cassie...
  Cassie: but seriously, Sam, you haven't been the same since Ian
  Me: how many times do I have to tell you? I don't want to talk about it
  Cassie: avoidance is a bad way to fix ur problems
  Me: its not a problem If I forget about it
  Cassie: I mean have you even looked for anyone else?
  Me: just because you have someone, Cassie, doesn't mean I need someone. Besides, you were single when I was with Ian, so now i'll be single while youre with Derek. 
  Cassie: okay I see your point. You still don't want to talk about it? 
  Me: No. 
  Cassie: ugh, but i don't even know what happened!
  Me: and it shall stay like that! Now, I'm going to bed. See u monday 
  Cassie: Goodnight beautiful!
  Me: lol, night

  The conversation ended so I put my phone on the charger but glanced to the right of my bed where my nearby window came into view. It was definitely not nighttime, however, Cassie knew that was my usual way of ending things if I wanted to avoid more conversations. I glanced around my bedroom to look for something else to do to pass the time and to get my mind off things. Catching my attention, I started to reach for my computer, but a voice stopped me.
  "Sam! Dinner is ready!" Pepper's voice slipped into my bedroom.

(Oh look, we were blessed by the chapter gods... Enjoy!) 

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