Dream a Little Dream of Me

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  After I crawled off my bed, I slid into the hallway. Eventually, I made my way into the kitchen where the smell of food hit my nose, making my stomach roar. When I entered the room, I sat down at the table then soon Tony did so as well. Pepper came to the table holding plates so she set them down in front of me and Tony, then grabbed one for herself.
  "Thank you, Pepper," I smiled at the generous woman, then I glanced down at the food under me. It was expensive-looking fish with steamed vegetables on the side.
  The table was pretty quiet as everyone started eating what was on their plate. I picked up my fork then jabbed at a piece of broccoli, picking it up and staring at it.
  "So, how was your Friday, Sam?" Pepper interrupted the silence.
  "Great," I answered. While I stared at the vegetable, I wondered if my voice sounded sarcastic or not.
  There was an awkward pause but Tony stepped in, "The school called. They said they're trying to strengthen the security."
  A sigh escaped from my mouth, "I bet they are."
  Pepper must've seen how stressed I looked because then she commented, "I'm off work tomorrow. How about we go shopping? Just you and me?"
  After taking a deep breath, I nodded, "Alright."
  Pepper smiled at me then she turned her head toward Tony to talk with him. I tuned out their conversation while I ate.

  Later in the day, the night was rolling around quickly. The lights above my head were bright compared to the darkness rolling around outside. I had stayed in my bedroom for most of the day but I finally left and walked into the living room. Pepper was on the couch, watching tv but I didn't see Tony. Guessing he was in his office on the top floor, I slipped into the elevator quietly, then I pressed the third-floor button.
  Finally, the elevator sounded as the doors swung open. It slid out of my view to reveal glass doors into another section of the workspace. There was a lock pad to secure the area from the office so I quietly typed in the numbers and slid into the room. I noticed Tony working on a small little device which meant he was so mesmerized with his work that he didn't see me. So, I slipped up behind him and sat on the steel table.
  Eventually, Tony twisted in his chair to grab a tool but his eyes lifted to find me sitting there. He jumped back a little then narrowed his eyebrows, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
  As a reply, I smiled wryly, "Sorry..."
  Stark turned around to where his back was facing me but he questioned, "Did you need something?" while he continued to work.
  I pursed my lips to think about it but replied, "Just- uh... thank you."
  "For?" Tony hinted, keeping his eyes down and head low.
  "Um..." I shrugged, "Everything, I guess... You've been a big help whether I act grateful or not."
  This seemed to make Tony pause then he slowly turned around to reveal a soft smile, "You're welcome. But even if you were never grateful, I would still help you."
  With a smile, I glanced away for a brief moment, "Thanks, Tony, I really appreciate it."
  "Anytime, kid," Stark smirked then he started turning back in his chair toward his work, "You feeling better now?"
  However, I paused and turned my gaze to the floor, "Yeah. It's just the events that happened today didn't really help with my dream."
  "Dream?" Tony asked, still looking at some chunk of technology.
  "I had a dream yesterday..." I confirmed.
  "About?" Stark pressed, sensing that I was wanting to get it off my chest.
  Hesitating for a moment, I bit my lip but explained, "Um... that you and Pepper were... I don't know, second-guessing yourselves, I guess."
  Finally, Stark stopped his work and completely turned to face me again, his eyebrows narrowed as he showed interest, "About what? Adopting you?"
  Now feeling bashful and idiotic, I ran my fingers through my hair, awkwardly, but nodded.
  "Gee, Sam. I'm sorry you think that. But you know it's not true," Tony pointed out.
  In response, I nodded slowly, "I know..." Then a sorrowful look spread across my face.
  "Hey, what's the matter?" Tony pressed.
  "I-...I'm scared I'm going to get you hurt..." I stuttered over my words, not knowing how to exactly word it.
  Tony rolled closer to me in his seat, his eyes filled with concern, "What do you mean?"
  Honestly, the current event really had my mind in a twist. It couldn't have been a coincidence that the guy broke in and called for me specifically. It was the second time that I put my school in danger and it was most likely because of my relationship with Stark. However, I couldn't tell that to Tony because I wasn't even sure if they were after him, I was probably just paranoid, right? The guy was gone so I didn't need to worry.
  Deciding to avoid the answer, I replied, "I just-... want you to be careful, ya know? The job's dangerous." The air got quiet and stuff so I added, "I guess today is really getting to me."
  Stark paused again but suggested, "Well, since it's going to be a you-and-Pepper day tomorrow, how about you and me go do something Sunday?"
  "You aren't going to be busy?" I wondered with my curious blue eyes.
  Tony shook his head, "Nah, I can skip whatever I have going on that day."
  A soft grin smeared onto my face, "Thanks, Tony."
  "You don't have to thank me. All you have to do is think of something we could do... Nothing girly, please," Tony flinched at the thought.
  So I giggled but nodded, "Okay, as long as you get some sleep. It's getting late."
  "No promises," Tony winked then glanced toward a clock in the work office. "Oh, yeah... Well, as your guardian, I am permitted to say that you have to go to bed too."
  Which made me roll my eyes, "Night, Tony."
  "Night, Sam. No more bad dreams!" Stark ordered, teasingly. So, I turned around and headed out of the workplace then skipped to the elevator.
  As the metal container went up, I could feel my body become heavier with sleep. Although my shoulders felt lighter now that I was relaxed that I spoke with Tony. It was always a mystery to me on how he always made me feel better no matter what was going through my head. Eventually, there was a ding so I left the elevator and stepped forward but accidentally ran into Pepper.
  "Oh. There you are. I was just about to come find you," Pepper smiled, kindly. "Well, it's time to head to bed."
  After giving a curt nod, I jogged toward my bedroom. I changed into my nightclothes and slipped into the bed. The thoughts of the previous day were hard to get out of my mind but it soon passed until I was thinking about the weekend. It was going to be good for me to take my mind off things and to hang out with Pepper and Tony. Everything was going to go perfectly.

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