You Had Me Monologuing

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  The van lurched to a halt and within seconds the man beside me opened the door beside him. Before I even had time to react, the man beside me yanked me out of the van by my cuffs. I gasped as I tumbled out of the vehicle but I, luckily, caught my balance and stayed on my feet. While the muscular men started getting out of the van as well, I took in my surroundings. I realized that I was inside some dark garage area.
  Before I could take everything in, or even process that there was a plane in front of us, there was a small pinch in my neck. It was hard to tell what it was but I knew that they injected me with something. However, it didn't take long for my body to turn into lead. I could no longer hold up my own multiplying weight so I drowsily fell toward the concrete. The only good thing that came from the whole experience is that the large kidnappers didn't allow me to hit the hard ground beneath me so I fell into their thick arms. Although, no matter how hard I tried to fight it, my eyelids kept getting heavier by the millisecond so my vision turned to black. 

  When I came to, my vision was blurry, my stomach was in knots, and my head felt like it was filled with the insides of a pillow. Also, it felt like my head had rocks tumbling around but I forced myself to move. There were still cuffs on my wrists so I couldn't move much, especially since my body was trying to wake up. Whatever they drugged me with was trying to wear off with some difficulty. The blurry figures in front of me realized that I was awake so they figured that I was ready to go anywhere. Someone yanked at my cuffs and almost caused me to fall from some short flight of stairs. Luckily, they caught me as they dragged me into another garage-looking area. 
  The guy that had been manhandling me the whole time started tugging on my cuffs, yet again. However, this meant I needed to follow him so I, unwillingly, shuffled after him - my feet still trying to wake up. We walked through a door and into a hallway. The lights were harsh against my adjusting eyes but I was, fortunately, starting to wake up more. Then the man turned left and I noticed the few cell-looking rooms. The metal doors seemed heavy and hard to open and the only way of looking inside the room was through the small metal bars of the door. One of the guys behind me stepped forward with a metal key and slid it into one of the metal doors. Then he twisted it and the door opened to reveal a small, caged in space. There was a flat platform that replicated a bed but other than that, there was not a lot to the room.
  At first, I thought I was going into the cage but then the man that still had his hand clenched onto my handcuffs turned me around. There was another man behind me but this guy looked more professional and intelligent looking.
  "Ah, Sam. I'm glad you could join us," the well-put-together guy smiled at me. 
  I narrowed my eyebrows, still frustratingly confused, "What did you do to me?"
  "Sorry about that. We had to make sure that you weren't going to be a hassle," the man explained vaguely. However, his voice sounded oddly familiar.
  My head was still pounding as I wondered, "Who are you?... Do I know you?"
  "You might know me as Lesser," the man hinted. After a brief pause, he continued, "However, as you might've guessed, that's not my actual name."
  "You're the guy that challenged the Avengers," I recollected, then mocked, "Great fight. Oh, that's right, you didn't show up."
  Except Lesser seemed to dismiss the thought, "That was simply a distraction. My work had been on some peoples' radars for a while so I got a tip that the Avengers would be called in soon. So, I decided to distract them with some other task as I worked on my project."
  Now I was starting to get confused, "So 'Lesser' was just a distraction name? Means nothing to you?"
  "Quite. I'm actually known by most people as Professor Terrain," the man explained.
  Although, I paused as my mind tried to keep up, "So, wait. You almost killed hundreds of teenagers for a distraction?" Trust me, I would've been more frustrated at the man but I was too groggy and perplexed that I didn't think I had it in me to shout. 
  Professor Terrain clasped his hands together, "Hm, let's not dwell on the past. Instead, let's focus on the now. The fun details. Well, as you know, Tony is most certainly going to find you. The thought has come up, right?"
  Actually, yes. When I was in the van, I remembered my bracelet had a tracker on it. Maybe Tony wasn't being paranoid, maybe it was a genius idea. It wouldn't be hard for Tony, at all, to track the bracelet's position then come and save the day. However, why was Lesser bringing it up? Did he already plan on Tony coming and destroyed the bracelet?
  After the pause of silence, Terrain continued, as if he read my mind, "Yes, I know the bracelet has tracking technology in it. That's one reason I picked you."
  The statement threw me off guard, "Picked me?"
  This got Professor Terrain smiling, "While I was working on my project, I came across a small hurdle that I couldn't get past. The only thing to do was to get another genius to help me... That's where Tony comes in. Alas, he wouldn't just decide to join the team willingly, so I needed some... persuasion."
  "So, you kidnapped me to get to Tony?" I recapped.
  Terrain nodded to confirm, "Yes," then he glanced down at his watch, "It should only be a few more hours until people start noticing you're gone if they haven't already."
  The statement made me clench my fist and tighten my jaw as I hissed, "It's a bad idea to mess with Tony."
  "Maybe. Good thing I have you," Professor Terrain smirked then glanced back at the man behind me, giving him a slight nod.
  So, the guy grabbed my cuffs and shoved me into the open cell. The force was too hard and sudden to catch my balance so I fell on my side. The heavy door behind me slammed shut so I was by myself in this caged space. I winced at the pain in my side but crawled back onto my feet. Luckily, there was a light above my head so I could see around the cell. I huffed and sat down on the hard bed. Then I glanced down at my wrists and stared at the handcuffs.
  Escaping this one was going to be a challenge. Was it even possible? I was in handcuffs, in a locked cell, surrounded by buff men with guns, and a genius who was five steps ahead of me. Also, what would happen when Tony does get here? Maybe it was possible for him to find me then just take them all out with his suit. Either way, we had to find a way out.

(Merry almost Christmas everyone! I will be posting a special bonus chapter tomorrow as a gift to my lovely readers! I hope everyone has a great holiday and gets to hang out with family and friends! Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you all love the chapters <3
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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