"Stark's Secret Daughter?"

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  Dinner was great and I managed to keep my mind on the present. I felt more comfortable than I had in a long time. After Pepper took our dishes for us, Tony decided to lecture me about how to take care of my healing wounds. Even though it felt like torture hearing him trying to care for me, I decided to listen to him going through the procedures because I knew that it would make him happy. 
  After closing the door behind me, I leaped onto my bed and felt my exhausted body start to slowly give out. However, before I could pass out into sleep, I slipped my phone off of my nightstand when I remembered that it had been forever since I checked it. I turned it on then noticed all of the calls from Cassie; six in total. She called me three times Monday - last week -, once on Tuesday, then twice on Wednesday. After that, it seemed like she had just given up. I figured she was probably worried sick about me considering I had missed a full week of school without any communication with her. So, I typed her number in and listened to it ring.
  It didn't take long until there was a click and she answered, "Sam?"
  A smile spread on my face, "Hey, Cas'."
  However, her tone turned to poison, "Don't 'hey, Cas' me!"
  "What?" I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.
  "Just because you skip school for a full week doesn't mean you can hide from me!" my friend hollered, obviously angered about something.
  I sighed and leaned back in the bed, "What are you talking about?"
  "Don't play dumb! I found out! I can't believe I didn't see it before. It makes perfect sense! It was so obvious! Why couldn't you have just told me instead of keeping it a secret?!" Cassie was still ranting.
  "Cassie, you lost me... What secret?" I pressed, genuinely curious about what she found out. "Why do you think I missed school this week?"
  "It's all over the news! Did you think I wouldn't see it?" she argued.
  Still confused, I ordered, "Cassie, what thing on the news? Tell me!"
  Cassie scoffed like she couldn't believe that I was still playing dumb on a subject that was unknown to me, "Look on the news. I'm pretty sure it's on the front page."
  Luckily, her voice was calmer so I pulled my computer up to my lap and opened it. I clicked into the internet then scrolled to the news. She was right, it was on the front page. The article was just a few days old and the picture taken was even older. It was a picture of Tony's and my hand connecting as he led me through a crowd with a headline that read 'Stark's Secret Daughter?'. The picture was familiar as I remembered it being when Tony and I went out ice skating that day and people crowded around us.
  I swallowed a lump in my throat since it looked bad that I hid this from Cassie, "I can explain," I started.
  Cassie scoffed, "Really? You know what? Never mind. I should've seen it. No wonder Iron Man was always the first to come to our school when there's a problem! He's got a freaking daughter in the school!"
  However, I corrected her, "I told you, they're just my aunt and uncle."
  "Didn't they adopt you? Do you live with them?" my friend interrogated.
  "Well, yes... But-" I started.
  Alas, Cassie interrupted me, "I can't believe my friend is related to a superhero..."
  "Well, technically is a superhero," I claimed, not trying to sound boastful about it.
  There was a long pause, "YOU'RE Titanium?!"
  Which made me scratch the back of my neck while I bit my lip, "Uh... it's complicated...?"
  "Why did you keep this from me?" Cassie snapped.
  "Safety reasons... Cassie, I don't have enough strength to explain this. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but it was for good reasons. I'll call you, tomorrow," I cut the conversation quick.
  Although, she gave a huff, "No disappearing for a week again!"
  I knew that she wasn't aware of what actually happened during the week that I was gone so I was patient as I replied, "Alright."
  Then the two of us ended the conversation. I took in a deep breath and realized that the argument really took a lot more out of me than what I had. It was already a long day and now there was going to be a lot of me explaining myself to Cassie. Even though she figured most of it out, I knew there were still things I couldn't tell her. It wouldn't be safe.
  My thoughts were consuming me until a knock at the door ripped me from my reverie. I called to come in then I noted Tony's curious gaze on me.
  "Hey, what's wrong?" Stark questioned.
  Although I rubbed my forehead to try and relax as I lied, "Nothing." Everything was getting complicated so fast, even when I thought I could relax.
  "I heard arguing," Tony admitted.
  Then I felt it pointless to keep any more secrets so I rotated my computer to show him the article. Tony stepped forward and read the words that were displayed on the screen. I watched his eyes to figure out what he was thinking but they just filled with interest. It took a long while of Tony staring at the screen before he said anything which only left me in more anticipation.
  "There's been an order for a press conference tomorrow. It's supposed to be for the Avengers but they're a little shy and I figured that I was the one with the most experience with the press so I would do it. If you want, you can come," Tony offered. "You can explain what you want."
  My eyes lifted up to his, "I've never been in a press conference before."
  He nodded then reassured me, "I'll be right beside you."
  So, I bowed my head slowly, "If you think it'll help."
  After Tony lowered his head in a nod he stated, "It's getting late and the conference is in the morning. Better get some sleep."
  I forced a smile as my eyes connected with his, "Thanks."
  Stark beamed and stepped closer to my bed then he bent down and wrapped his arms around me. I squeezed him tight and buried my face in his shoulder.
  "I love you, Tony," I mumbled into his shoulder, holding onto him tight. It was true, Tony became like a father figure toward me and the recent events have definitely shaken me up. I needed him to know that I cared about him.
  He froze so I began to fear his reaction then he shifted to hug me tighter, "I love you too, Sam." Tony pulled back only to place his lips on my forehead, warm-heartedly, then he slipped away and headed toward the door. He took a step out of my room but - before he left - he turned around and smiled, "Night, kid."
  "Goodnight," I repeated then watched as he turned my bedroom light off. Tony closed the door and was out of view so - after I put my laptop up - I snuggled deeper into the bed. It was so warm and comfortable against my sore body that I melted into it. It had been so long since I slept on something that wasn't a chunk of concrete and metal. With a quick yawn, my vision slowly turned black as I faded into unconsciousness. 

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