The milk was cold against my teeth as I crunched down on the sweet cereal. My mind was racing with locations that we could go but planning out the day was looking to be a pretty difficult task. My hair was still slightly damp from the shower that I took this morning; fortunately, the sun that was sneaking through the windows beat down on my hair. I slowly stirred the spoon through the milk to watch the specks of food dance in the white liquid.
There were footsteps behind me but I didn't bother checking who it was as the strong scent of cologne wafted into my nose. The chair squeaked and I could see Tony sit down at the table out of the corner of my eye. He was staring down at one of his tablets so my brain went back to my thoughts.
At first, I figured Tony was doing something related to work on his piece of tech but he dismissed the thought when he broke the silence, "Hey, NYIT is doing tours today."
The name was familiar as I realized that Tony had brought up the private university before. The thought made me quickly roll my eyes, "Nope."
"Technical Ca-," Tony began listing another college.
However, I briskly stopped him, "Something fun. Not involving school."
There was a long pause and I couldn't tell if Tony was still stuck on the college topic or if he was actually looking into something. Nothing came to mind when I tried to think of something cool that I could do with my uncle.
"Hey, we could go to that Sea, Air, & Space Museum," Tony suggested.
It was a relief to find out that he wasn't looking at any more universities to visit, but the idea made me narrow my eyebrows, "I thought you would hate anything related to space after the-... uh," I decided not to continue the sentence of the touchy subject of Loki's invasion attempt.
Although, Tony shook his head, "I hate aliens more than space." I wondered if that included Thor. Then, he swiped his finger up so the hologram turned on and projected above the tablet where I could see. Images of the Intrepid Museum displayed in the air.
Alas, I scrunched up my nose, "It looks too... intimidating..."
Stark smirked as he kept his gaze on his tech device. The hologram disappeared and I noticed Tony swiping at his tablet to show he was looking at other options. While he looked at other choices, I stood up with my bowl in my hands and walked to the sink. I rinsed the bowl out then placed it in the nearby dishwasher.
As I walked back towards my seat, I wondered, "Can't we just practice with our suits or something? I don't want to be out of practice if something were to happen."
Tony chuckled, "Oh, how relaxing that sounds!" his voice was obviously filled with sarcasm.
I sighed and rolled my eyes but couldn't hide the grin that formed on my face, "Then what's another suggestion?"
So, Stark shifted his gaze towards a nearby clock to notice that it was almost noon. "Come on. I have an idea I think you'll enjoy."
My eyes sparkled with curiosity but I didn't wait any longer as I followed behind Tony. He led me toward the elevator so the space between us became quiet as the doors opened. We stepped inside the metal box then watched as the door closed and buttons lit up to signal that we were going down.
"This isn't some 'rich people' thing, is it?" I questioned, cautiously.
Tony responded by smirking, "Uh, no. I'm pretty sure it's a 'poor people' thing. But how would I know, right?"
The sarcastic comment caused me to glare at the man and slug him on his arm. Then we continued out of the elevator when the doors opened. My eyes traveled across all of the cars that were lined up and I almost couldn't even point out my own vehicle from all of the other cars that Tony had. Stark paced toward the casual car that he normally takes when I'm around; his gray, luxury car. However, as he got closer he then passed the car completely.
In confusion, I narrowed my eyebrows curiously but stayed at Stark's heels. When he stopped, my eyes widened. It was one of Tony's sports cars that I was always scared to even look at. I paused, wondering if Tony was going to keep walking but he pulled the door and slipped into the sports car with the top down.
He must've noticed my hesitation because then he smirked and wondered, "Are you coming?"
Beaming with excitement, I declared, "Awesome!" before - totally ignoring the door handle - jumping over the car door and into the sports car. My grin never left my expression as I buckled up and watched as he started the vehicle. The engine roared to life and I could feel it turn through the seats. My heart was thumping in my chest with excitement as Tony shifted the car into drive. Although, my mind was spinning with thoughts and questions of where we were going.
It didn't matter now as we drove down the street. Tony got us out of the city pretty quickly and into emptier roads. So, when there were no cars, I watched as the speedometer shot up while Tony pressed harder on the gas. Since the roof was down, the wind filled the car and pulled my hair in every direction.
I raised my arms in glee and shouted, "Woo-hoo!" over the wind. The rocketing air muffled my voice but I didn't much care as I felt it brushing against my face and racing through my hair. The massive wind was - luckily - drying my damp hair but it was also an amazing feeling. Being in the car with the wind rushing around me resembled a lot of flying; well, of course, except for the heights. Either way, it was obvious on my face that I was enjoying the ride.
Alas, Tony had to slow the car down as we got back into the city. More cars surrounded us so we had to actually go the speed limit. Even though we were going slower, the wind was still sloshing around in the car which was still making my hair go everywhere.
Eventually, the car came to a stop once we found a parking space and I peeked my head out to look at a nearby sign that read Chelsea Piers. "Oh cool!" I shouted and slipped out of the car. I jogged across the street and up to the building. Tony was soon behind me so we both went through the clear, double doors. A wave of chills hit my body at the cool temperature of the building. However, the goosebumps on my skin were totally out of mind as Tony lead the way through rooms.
It didn't take long at all and it wasn't hard to navigate to a certain room. As soon as Tony stopped near an entrance, my curious gaze lifted to a sign that read 'laser tag'. My mouth dropped in shock as I stared at the words and read them over and over.
Although, Tony paused and tried to read my expression, "Yes? No?"
My eyes shifted back to him and I raised an eyebrow, "Uh... Yes!"
With a slight grin, Tony turned his attention to the guy near the entrance. The employee offered the cost of admission - which wasn't expensive at all - so Tony started to take his wallet out.
"There's already a couple of people waiting in there. After you two, we could start the game," the kid explained, although there was a slight hint of a voice crack. It was hard to tell the employee's age but it seemed like he might've been in his late teens and had red splotches of acne on his face.
After giving the kid a brief nod, Tony took the lead into the dark area that began the laser tag room. Like the employee had pointed out, there were already a few people lined up against the black wall with their fake weapons clutched in their hands. There were a few adults with a few kids on each team so it seemed pretty even.
There was another employee that greeted us as we walked in, "Would you guys like to be on the same team?"
We didn't even have to look at each other to simultaneously answer, "No."
So, the employee, that seemed broader and not a twig like the other employee, handed the two of us the plastic laser guns. Tony and I gave each other a quick playful glare as we separated to different walls into our teams.
"So, here's how the game is going to be played," the broader, older employee began the statement. He explained the rules, which were pretty basic, and elucidated that it was going to be a normal - team vs. team - game of laser tag.
After the short, five-minute lecture, the teams nodded to show that they were ready then the guy started the game. So, we all hustled into the giant room. Even though it was dark, the room was full of neon colors and dull lights that almost made navigating confusing. There were pillars, walls with firing holes in them, and other good places to hide behind or shoot from.
The whole team decided to split up as we stalked through the maze and hid behind a wall before proceeding further. The two teams were completely divided so it took some time until we saw any danger. As soon as the opposite color - blue - popped into our view, our laser guns started firing up. That's when it really began as red - my team - and blue clashed against the battle of bright lights.
Knowing there were a few enemies on the other end, I hid behind a thick, glowing pillar. When it got too quiet, I peeked my head out to scope the place. Seeing a bluely lit vest, I began to fire away. All modesty aside, I was pretty good at this laser tag game. It was pretty easy to stay patient and wait for the prey to be attacked by the hunter. As a bonus, it was pretty fun too.
However, I hadn't seen Tony yet which was eery as I found myself purposefully searching for my uncle. My feet stepped carefully and stealthy as I moved through the dark. My eyes scanned the area until a blue light caught my eye. I pointed my weapon and shot but it turned out to just be a little boy that ran away as soon as I shot him and his vest went off. With a small sigh, I felt my shoulders slouch in disappointment and curiosity.
Before I could even wonder if I was ever going to find Tony, another blue vest came into view as soon as I stepped into a clearing. I pointed my plastic gun to face the foe. I couldn't hold back the smirk that formed on my face; Tony. He stepped from behind a wall and stalked into the clearing as well. The two of us had our weapons fearlessly pointed at each other but we didn't shoot yet. We circled each other in the opening as if wondering who was the hunter and who was the prey.
Suddenly, Tony's voice broke through the low music that was playing in the background, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die," he hissed with an obviously teasing tone.
Alas, the quote made me stop the movement of my stalking and begin to laugh as I lowered my weapon for a brief moment, "Alright, I'll admit, that was a good one."
Stark raised his eyebrows with a smirk, "Does that mean you're not going to shoot me?"
"Hm, you wish," I grinned then suddenly lifted my weapon toward Tony which made him take a sharp step backward. The startled reaction caused me to let out a little giggle as he locked eyes with my movement.
"Come on, we can talk about this," Tony acted like he was now negotiating for his life.
Which made me raise my eyebrow to show how - jokingly - intrigued I was as I started, "Is it really-."
However, before I could finish my question, my suit went off to symbolize that I had been shot. I knew it wasn't Tony because he didn't even have his finger on the trigger. So, I watched as a woman ran off from behind a wall.
It was obvious that she was the culprit that shot me so I huffed in agitation that I couldn't finish my conversation with Tony, "Are you serious?" I muttered while crossing my arms.
Stark's chin lifted as he clenched his weapon, "Don't worry Sam. I will avenge you!" With that announcement, he ran after the culprit.
Except that wasn't such a smart idea as I facepalmed and pointed out as he ran past me, "That's your team! You idiot! You're gonna shoot-," although I stopped since he ran out of eyesight. "Ah, forget it," I muttered then sighed and jogged back to base to reset my vest and to 'revive' me.
Now back in the game, I - yet again - stalked through the room and got a couple of shots in. Then, it abruptly became oddly quiet. I couldn't find a single bad guy. After searching for a while, I realized that I couldn't even find anyone on my team. Where'd everyone go?
I pressed further into the room but there was still no one there, "Hello?" I called which felt like a last resort but it was dangerously quiet. "Tony?" I demanded again. My stomach churning and my heart was pounding in my ears in the anxiety of what was happening.
Once I stepped into the clearing, I glanced around. There was no one. Until I blinked then everyone popped out from behind a corner and began firing at me. Everyone's aim was only directed at me. Even my own teammates! My jaw dropped as my vest went off like crazy and I watched everyone continue to shoot even though I was clearly dead at this point. I was so confused until the culprit loomed out of the shadows like a hunter with a cocky smirk.
"Tony?" I narrowed my eyebrows in bewilderment, although it honestly shouldn't be shocking at this point.
"Mm-hmm. Looks like you're D.E.A.D," he chuckled with enjoyment.
So I crossed my arms, "That was sooo unfair!"
Which made his smile brighten, "Oh come on. That was hilarious. You got your ass handed to you."
Although, I was still puzzled as I pondered out loud, "But how-?"
Knowing my question before it left my lips, Tony shrugged shamelessly and explained, "I told everyone I'd paid them twenty bucks."
"Each?" I pressed. Actually amused that he would do that just for his enjoyment and my annoyance. However, I gave in with a quick roll of my eyes, "Alright, fine. You win for now. But I will get you."
The group of people dispersed as everyone ran from each other, still trying to get some shots against each other. After reviving myself at the red team's base, I went back out into the hunt. Still - purposefully - searching for Tony. That was the second time that I was killed because of him so I wasn't letting him get away with it.
As luck would have, Tony and I almost literally bumped into each other as we turned a corner. Fortunately, I reacted quicker and pulled my trigger first. Tony's blue vest flashed and buzzed to symbolize that he was down for the count.
At first, he was surprised and slightly startled. Although, he snapped out of it almost instantly. Of course, he had to make a big scene about it as he fell to his knees and held his chest.
"Oh, I've been shot!" Tony exclaimed. The words were either drowning in sarcasm or he was a terrible actor because he was obviously trying to make a cliche death scene. "Tell my family-!" he began.
Except I cut him off short, "Oh, don't be a drama queen."
"You're supposed to let me finish my death scene. I was going to tell you that you're not allowed to sell my underwear on eBay," Stark joked.
Which made a laugh slip from my mouth before I could stop it as I wrinkled my nose, "Oh, gross."
Alas, Tony wasn't finished, "Now, may I continue?"
As an answer, the lights in the room flicked on - almost blinding me - and our vests began to vibrate. Which was a clear indication that the game was over. My gaze - that was still adjusting to the new lighting - flickered to Tony who shrugged and stood back onto his feet. Luckily he didn't finish his speech as the two of us navigated to the exit. When we stepped into a different room, everyone was already pulling off their equipment so we joined in.
"Don't forget you have to pay everyone," I muttered to Stark as I slipped my vest off.
A few of the people heard my comment which meant Tony couldn't avoid it now. So, he let out a quick sigh and started handing out twenties to everyone that was leaving the laser tag area.
"Good game, guys," Tony exclaimed in a motivational way. Then, he handed a little boy a twenty and pointed, "Hey, you can now say that you beat Iron Man at laser tag."
After a few more good-job-for-shooting-an-innocent-girl speeches, Tony and I trekked away from the room. It was so fun that I actually felt myself feeling upset that it was over.
Hoping that disappointment didn't carry over to my voice, I wondered, "So, is that it? Is the day over?"
Tony scoffed and firmly shook his head, "Oh hell no. The day isn't over yet. You up for some ice skating?"
A smirk chiseled itself onto my expression before I could stop or stifle it. My heart started beating in my chest since I was so giddy and excited. I didn't want the day with Tony to end because - even though he was a pain most of the time - he was fun and I never felt any stress when I hung out with him. He was like a child at heart. So I was more than happy to continue this day with Tony Stark.

Sam: Imprisoned (Book 3)
FanfictionWith Lesser still in the wind, it's up to Sam and the Avengers to figure out what his ulterior motives are while Sam tries to keep her identity as Titanium a secret. Can they stop Lesser without getting anyone hurt in the process? (Began writing i...