Far From Home

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  The day was long, especially because I didn't have anything to do. The worst part was that I didn't know what time it was. Finally, it was a clear sign when there was a clank and a hatch opened in the door.
  A gruff voice pierced the silence, "Here's dinner. It's all you're getting for the rest of the day."
  So, a plate with food slid through the hatch and clanked against the concrete floor. It was leftover sandwiches. Luckily, the food didn't slide off of the plate as it bounced around before settling back down with a thud.
  "Wait! What time is it?" I questioned quickly.
  Alas, the man at the door shut the latch with a slam without speaking another word.
  An agitated sigh slipped from my mouth as I added, "Can you at least turn the lights off when it's night?"
  Yet again, I was answered with silence and I soon figured that the guard just left. So, I slipped off of the bed and leaned my back against the concrete walls. My gaze lowered to look at the sandwich but my stomach was still churning which didn't make the thought of food appetizing so I rested my chin against my hand.
  My thoughts drifted back home. I started wondering what Pepper was doing and if she was worried. What kind of question was that? Of course she's worried! I ran my hand through my hair, stressfully then took a deep breath. Were they still looking for us? How could they? It felt like we were untraceable. Then, my mind wandered to deeper questions. Such as, how long were we actually going to stay here? Just the thought of staying here for another day made my heart drop to my stomach. 
  Eventually, I decided to eat the food on the hard, plastic plate and forced the food down my throat. I ignored the churning feeling in my stomach and finished up the dinner.
  The next couple of long hours were spent staring at the wall and letting my mind take over. I was mostly amusing myself by thinking of escape routes. Like, hey, maybe if I punch this wall hard enough like the Kool-Aid man then it will break and we can leave! Or, if I change my name to Willy does that mean I'll instantly be freed? Even with these amusing ideas, I was still bored and fearing I might go insane. Until, finally, I stood up from the floor.
  Then I walked to the metal door and called, "Hey! Butler!" when no one answered, I slammed my hand against the metal. "Hey!" I screamed louder.
  Finally, the metal latch in the door slammed open, "What is it?!" an unfamiliar guard snarled.
  I crossed my arms defiantly and explained, "I want the lights turned off so I can sleep."
  However, the guard barked the reply, "No."
  Which made me clench my fist in a ball as the man closed the latch so I slammed my hand against the metal again and shouted, "You better turn it off now! You DON'T want to see me angry and tired!"
  There was a gruff growl but they sighed, "Fine."
  So I waited patiently by the door until the light in my cell was turned off. A satisfied grin spread across my face as I carefully stumbled to my hard bed. It was rough on my back but I hid my body under the cheap covers and closed my eyes. This night was much easier falling asleep since I was so exhausted but, unfortunately, it didn't last long.

  It felt like I just blinked when terrifying thoughts and images filled my head. The nightmares were jarring so I jolted awake with my heart beating faster than a hummingbird. I was still jumpy as I tried to roll away from the imaginary threat which caused me to roll off the bed. It was so unexpected that I didn't have enough time to catch myself so I screamed in shock of me falling and slammed into the concrete under me. With a gasp, I launched away from my resting spot until my back smashed into the hard wall behind me. My heart was speeding, my head was throbbing, and my body was sore and sweating but most of all an aching demand for sleep crashed into me. Alas, I was too shaken up to even try and close my eyes. The worst part was the dark and it felt like I couldn't see two inches in front of me.
  "Hey!" the voice yanked me from my thoughts. My body jumped as I turned my head toward the door. The latch opened and a sliver of light jumped into the room. "What's going on in there?!"
  The voice was unfamiliar so it reminded me of where I was at. A sigh quietly slipped from my mouth but I didn't answer the man. My head was still trying to wrap around what just happened.
  "If you don't answer then I'm coming in there and you'll be on the ground!" the guard threatened.
  "Alright! It was just a nightmare!" I snapped.
  The latch slammed with sass and the room filled with darkness and silence. My heart dropped to my stomach as it started beating with fear again.
  "Wait!" I called, my voice breaking pleadingly.
  When I thought the man wouldn't answer, the guard proved me wrong as he opened the latch. However, there was still silence between us as he waited for what I was going to say.
  My eyes were stinging but I ignored it as I begged, "Can you please tell me what time it is?" my voice sounding like that of a small child.
  However, the man's voice was still gruff, "No."
  My heart tightened but I took a deep breath to stay calm. Not giving up, I requested, "Can you-," however my voice broke under the emotions that were racing through me, "Can you turn the light back on?"
  The latch slammed shut again and I leaned back in defeat. I was left, yet again, in complete darkness. However, I was proven wrong again as the lights flickered on. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the new light. The bed was to the right of me, the metal door was in front of me, and I was sinking in a corner to hide. The blankets were bundled on the floor so I took a deep breath and stood up. I grabbed the covers and slipped back on the bed. After covering my legs up, I leaned my back against the wall that my bed was near. I wasn't tired anymore so I had to keep my mind busy with other thoughts as the night floated past me.

(I just want to add that this chapter was titled Far From Home before the Spider-Man movie came out so don't give me too much crap! lol 
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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