Press Conference

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  The night was calm and restful, and the morning was just as peaceful. I woke up early enough to take a quick shower and have enough time to get ready. Not only physically with wearing a good outfit but mentally. Today was a big and nerve-racking day that I didn't know if I was ready yet. However, I ignored my thoughts while I slipped into a white, laced shirt with long, black dress pants and some flats. After tying my hair up into a ponytail, I left my room and trekked into the kitchen. 
  Pepper turned her head and noticed me first as she gasped, "Don't you look nice?" 
  The compliment made me smile and feel a little bit more at ease, "Thanks, Pepper." 
  Tony stepped out of the master bedroom and into the kitchen. He was wearing a full black suit with a black tie to match. Pepper suggested we eat before we go so we sat down at the dining table to eat a quick breakfast. The room was only buzzing slightly with conversation but - for the most part - it was quiet between all of us. 
  Eventually, the time came as we stepped to the front door since someone was supposed to pick us up. Apparently, we couldn't drive ourselves. It was a long, black limo that we slipped into then shifted to get comfortable. My heart was about to beat out of my chest because the thought of standing in front of a bunch of people and talking made me nervous. Especially since it was about Tony. 
  Alas, the vehicle stopped and I peered through the window to see the line of reporters surrounding a nearby building. It felt like my heart stopped beating but Tony and Pepper slipped out of the car and I knew I had to follow. I swallowed my fear and kept my head up as the reporters swarmed us and snapped photos, but the pressure was still strong so I kept my gaze low. The escorts guided us down the path into a building that lead to a desk. We turned down a hallway and into a larger room. There was a podium on one side and in the middle was a crowd of reporters. 
  Camera lights started flashing as people took pictures of the three of us that walked in. Pepper slid to the side so I followed her as Tony stepped up to the podium. 
  Tony cleared his throat as he got closer to the microphone, "Alright, I'm hoping to make this quick so I'll just get into it. The incident of my absence will be addressed and taken care of. There will be no further information given out for safety purposes."   
  When he took a moment to pause, the reporters chimed up with questions and theories about the abduction. It was understandable for Stark wanting to keep most of the information out of the press but that just made them hungrier for more. Of course, I would've been overwhelmed by the outburst of noise and insistency but Tony seemed very nonchalant about the whole thing. He hardly even reacted to the crowd.  
  "There is, however, another topic I would like to discuss with y'all," Tony continued. I was surprised at how formal he was being but I assumed it was because he hoped it would move the conference quicker. "It's a whole story; Pepper has a niece that I've taken in. If everyone wants to meet her and get her side of the story-," instead of Tony continuing with his sentence, he turned to me. 
  With a deep breath, I figured this would be where I come in. Instead of overthinking what I should say, I decided to wing it. So, I stepped out onto the platform where Tony was and watched as the lights on the reporters' cameras flashed while they took pictures. Of course I was nervous, but I was going to fake it to make it. It helped that Stark was there to encourage me. 
  Once I reached the podium, I took a deep breath and started, "Instead of taking questions, I'd like to get straight to the point. To start, I'd like to apologize to anyone that may believe I lied to them. That was never my intention, and I tend to keep my family a secret for safety purposes. However, I'm here now so I'd like to clear some things up. Pepper and Tony took me in when I had no one, and they've been wonderful. As for the future, I will follow my own path. If that's beside Tony then so be it but I'm not trying to be anyone other than myself." I took a break to look over the crowd who was silent as they listened. Finally, I cleared my throat and added, "If anyone has any questions, you can ask Tony. Thank you for listening to me today."  
  To end the speech, I raised my hand in a wave then smiled at Tony before turning and walking off of the stage. When I was out of view from the crowd, I took a deep breath to stop my hands from shaking. Having all of those eyes on me was scary but I was still happy that I got to say what I needed to. Hopefully, people would be content enough with the speech. Still, I could hear the reporters asking Tony questions but Stark sounded chill as he spoke to them. 
  "Aw, Sam! I'm so proud of you!" the familiar voice chimed up. So, I turned my head to see Pepper smiling at me before she wrapped her arms around me. I embraced her back and was happy to know that she had liked what I said.  
  "Thank you, Pepper. And I mean it, you guys are my family now," I beamed back at her to show my sincerity.  
  "Well, we're both happy to have you," it was clear that Pepper meant what she said. Then she touched my shoulder in another loving gesture before she had to walk away to handle something else backstage.  
  So, I took the time to myself to collect my thoughts. I had hoped my speech would be enough for people and I wouldn't have to defend myself or have them wonder if I was supposed to fill Tony's shoes. I wasn't trying to be something I wasn't, I just wanted to be Pepper and Tony's family.  
  Another - deeper - voice turned me from my thoughts as I noticed Steve was also backstage, "I'm impressed. You handle the press better than I ever could." 
  Which got a smile from as I replied, "Thanks, Steve. What are you doing back here?" 
  With a shrug of his broad shoulders, Rogers answered, "Fury wanted me here in case we needed to talk about anything Avengers-related but I let Tony handle this side of it."  
  "So this is definitely an Avenger's level threat?" I wondered while trying to keep my excitement to a minimum. I hated that Terrain was still out there but seeing the Avengers in action was always so cool.  
  This made Steve chuckle before he explained, "Sort of. Fury already sent Barton and Romanoff on something else but we intend to stop him and whatever his plans are. Although, I think Fury is letting Tony take the lead on finding him." 
  "Well, don't let me being kidnapped or threatened the only reason you come see him," I teased the super-soldier. "We should get a coffee sometime - if you want something normal - or do some training together. That would be so much fun," I offered. Steve might've been from a different time but we still connected as a family should. I wanted him to know that he always had me to talk to if he needed someone. 
  "Thank you, Sam. I'll have to take you up on that sometime," Steve assured me with that handsome side-smile of his. Before the conversation could continue, Rogers looked behind me to make eye contact with someone else, "Hey, Tony. Nice speech out there." 
  "Well, someone has to take the initiative," Tony bragged, obviously trying to irk the Captain. Although, it wasn't so easy to get under Steve's skin and Stark was all talk. Especially, when Tony acted like he was the leader of the Avengers and not Steve.  
  Instead of letting them bicker, I chimed up, "Alright, Mr. Initiative. Let's get you home before you two get into any trouble."  
  Fortunately, the two of them smirked which showed that there were no hard feelings. So I waved bye to Steve while following Tony back to our ride. On our way, Stark praised me for how I handled the press - while also bragging that I had learned from the best - but I was just glad that he approved the speech. Then we met up with Pepper in the van and began to make our way back home. The two adults conversed with each other, but I zoned them out to keep my mind on other things. There was still so much that had to be done for this to be over. 

(Sorry for the wait! I'm hoping to post the rest of the story by the end of the week so everyone can read it! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Hopefully, I can get some more chapters out before you know it and we find out what happens to Sam and the rest of the gang
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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